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He smiled at Dream, trying to light him up a little with that action.

The other one weakly smiled back, but the smile soon dissapeared.

"George... I messed up" the dirty blonde boy looked to the side, not daring to look into the others eyes.

"What do you mean?", George asked confused while Dream didn't even move a single bit.

His brows furrowed and he mustered Dream, waiting for an answer.

The blonde one put his head on his hands, leaning forward towards the floor.

"Dream, what did you mess up?" he asked in a caring tone, trying everything to not make him cry again.

'It can't be that bad, right?' he asked himself, not being sure what will happen next.

"I...", the dirty blonde one breathed out loudly and fast, letting himself fall backwards and move his hands to his eyes, laying them on there.

"I just-", Dream spoke fastly and it was almost sounding as if he was in a hurry.

Hopefully he isn't panicking or something similar to that...

"Hey, I'm here. Whatever it is, it's okay", George tried to calm him again and just sat there, not wanting to move in that situation at all.

Dream took a deep breath.

"It's just..." he moved his hands down and got into the position he was before again, sitting in front of George.

He made eye contact shortly, but looked away right after again.

"I'm just sorry... for what I've did, I guess. I can't really find words to explain it, George. I just noticed what you did and-" he wanted to continue, but George interrupted the blonde one.

"What do you mean? What did I do?" the curiosity in this voice could be heard cleary.

There are many things he could refer to.

Maybe he means Fiona's cheating story?

Or maybe even his death?

Dream turned towards him and caught George's eyes, who couldn't let go of the shining green ones.

"I noticed that you were gone after me and Fiona-" and after that, George was frozen.

The words of Dream didn't get through the brunettes thoughts anymore and went completely silent.

'Oh... Yes... I almost forgot', he looked down and didn't know how to react on the words Dream has just said.

Should he even show a reaction to that?

He didn't want to hurt Dream again, but what was he supposed to do now?

Just sit there and be okay with it?

Forgive Dream and just move on, somehow?

The brunette one slowly realized that the bigger one was still speaking to him and heard his voice slowly fading in again, after pushing his thoughts back behind.

"... and then she left", the other one said and shrugged his shoulders, still speaking a bit quicker than usual.

George looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows, giving him an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, my thoughts interrupted me. Can you please say that again? I didn't hear it at all..." the brunette one felt embarrassed, after telling Dream the truth.

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