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"You have to meet my sister Drista, Finny" he smiled and his eyes looked excited.

'What does he mean? How close did they get the past days? What happened between them? Why would he want her to meet Drista?' and many more questions were running through George's head, trying to find an answer to every single one of them. 

"You already told me that yesterday", she laughed loudly and shook her head while doing so, "but yeah! I'd love to. She surely will like me", she exclaimed motivated.

"I bet so. Maybe you can teach her some 'girl' things then. She always asked me to do her hair and stuff like that, before I moved out" he giggled softly and was amused by the expression of Fiona afterwards.

"Sure, but I bet you did a great job doing her hair, you're talented in literally everything that you do" she looked him deep in the eyes.

George took a step behind, his mind was empty and all he could do was just watch.

"Noo, she even cried one time I did her hair" he wheezed and denied it quickly.

"Cute, at least you tried" she blushed slightly and George noticed, that she got closer to Dream.

Dream giggled for a long time and the brunette one noticed a small blush showing on his cheeks.

He freezed and his eyes were wide opened.

'No, no. Nothing will happen. Calm yourself down, George' he breathed in and out slowly.

"I love it when you giggle, Dreamy. I love your voice. It's so cute..." she leaned in closer to the blonde one, putting her hand next to herself to support her bodyweight.

The brunette girl looked him deep into his eyes, switching between them fastly, obviously being a bit nervous.

As George shook his head and decided to look at Dream instead, he just saw the green eyed not moving and giggling anymore, just looking back right into her eyes.

"Dream..." she almost whispered and put her other hand on the blonde's cheek.

George suddenly felt like his body was freezing.

'No...', he looked at them in disbelief, 'he won't do that. He'd never...', his body was getting lighter slowly.

Dream didn't move at all, he just looked the girl in front of him right in her eyes.

She leaned in closer with her eyes closed and Dream closed his shortly afterwards too.

That's when George snapped out of  whatever state he had been in.

"I can't do that. I can't see that.", tears formed in his eyes, his heart was beating faster than ever and his feet were getting weak.

He pressed his eyelids together, closing his eyes as tight as he can and decided to run away.

George hasn't been able to go through walls or doors yet, but his emotions were so strong that he had been able to leave without the door being open.

Good for George, because he couldn't have stayed there a second longer.

His heart felt like crashing into two pieces and tears were falling down his cheeks, releasing a bit of the pain that the brunette felt right now.

The boy's weak feet carried him outside, where he ran into a random direction.

His mind was full of messy thoughts and his lips were shaking as much as his arms.

"Why- WHY" he cried out and wiped away his tears, still running away from the scene that broke his heart into pieces.

He stopped suddenly, not because he was out of his breath, but because he just needed a break from everything right now, even from running.

He noticed that he currently was in a park next to a small graveyard.

George never had visited this place before, but he didn't care about that right now.

He quickly sat down on a bench and put his legs on there, hiding his face between them, while his arms held them.

He let out many loud cries and was shaking while doing so.

"I knew that it would happen, but why now, why do I need to see that, why her, why" now even more tears were flooding down his face, which was red from all the emotions that he felt right now.

"WHY" he screamed outloud "WHAT THE HELL, DREAM" George added and shouted even louder.

His pain was mixed with anger now and both of them combined wasn't that good either.

If he would have been able too, George would have destroyed everything he saw right now while breaking down, but he wasn't able to even pick up a leaf right now.

"WHY DIDN'T HE DO SOMETHING AGAINST IT. IT HASN'T BEEN THAT LONG. WHY DID HE FORGET ABOUT ME ALREADY" if he would have been alive, probably the whole city would have heard him scream.

The pain in his chest didn't go away, it just hurt more and more.

The brunette one didn't even know how long he had been sitting there crying.

His eyes were red and his body was weak.

The pain was still there and the thoughts didn't want to go away, even though he just wanted to erase them from his mind, forgetting about them forever.

Everything was aching and George just wished to dissapear at this point.

"Being a ghost is horrible" he whispered to himself in a broken and deep voice.

"Why did I even have to come back again as one" he looked up to the sky full of stars.

There were no clouds today and the sky was prettier than ever.

The ghost just stared at the nightsky and then closed his eyes again, sharing some last small tears.

"Now..." he sighed and leaned back to get some weight off his body "I won't go back there ever again" he decided.

His face didn't seem happy about that desicion, but that was the best thing to do now.

If he would go back there he would just be in more pain and would even get more angrier at Dream.

If he would just see his face, he would be reminded of that scene again and could destroy everything around him.

"Just let them live their life" George said to himself quietly.

"I can't change anything anymore" he added in a lower voice.

He stood up slowly from the bench, his feet were aching from the position he had been sitting in for hours.

"It's over, Dream. We're over. Do what you want now" the brunette one said emotionless and walked away from the bench.

~1140 words

Bet you didn't expect that at all. Or did you?

(The story is not completed yet, don't worry!)

Anyways, I'm sorry for that, haha. I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Leave a comment if you did or a vote :) Or both?

Or nothing, haha. Everything is fine.

Hope you slept well!

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