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"What do y-", he couldn't finish the sentence, because George cut him off.

"She was the reason I died, Dream", he pressed his lips together right after.

George was looking to his right now, not wanting to look at Dream anymore.

He heard a few noises, probably because Dream turned around to face George.

"Really...?", he asked under his breath, but George still had his head turned.

He just nodded as an answer.

"I didn't kn-", Dream furrowed his eybrows and got cut off by the brunette once again.

"That doesn't matter", the smaller one finally turned back to face the other one again, "you lied to me."

He was more than hurt and felt betrayed.

Dream lied to him... He never did that before Fiona was there.

"You hurt me with that, Dream. And I won't forgive you again. I won't trust you again", his eyes filled with tears.

"I wanted us to be together again. I was so happy. We even planned to revive me again, but apparently everything was fake. Congratulations, Dream. You really had me thinking you were telling me the truth", he smiled out of his pain and a warm tear rolled down his face.

George took a few steps back to the door and decided to go away again, but he wanted to add something before he will dissapear out of Dream's life again.

"I couldn't even believe, that you trusted Fiona that I cheated on you", he turned his back to Dream, but he suddenly heard the blonde one raise his voice too.

"I never believed that!", he screamed outloud.

His voice was breaking too, but it wasn't as noticeable as in George's voice.

"Okay, and?", the brunette one turned around again, "What's going to change, because of that?", he sarcastically added.

"Nothing! Nothing will change, because of that, but I'm not stupid. And you should know that I trusted you too. I knew you would never cheat on me and I would have given my life for that", his voice was filled with anger and his hand was moving along with every word he screamed back at George.

"Sure", the brunette one laughed sarcastically.

"I'm not going to believe you ever again. And I won't believe that either. You tried to play with me, but no thanks", he sighed outloud and was trying to not scream everything out of his lungs.

"I never said you have to believe me!? It's just really sweet that you call me a liar and don't believe me, even though I trusted you with my life", he laughed too, but it was a mix between angry and broken.

"Tch. Maybe it is and has been better for you, that I am dead", he turned around and left Dream speechless, as he walked out the door and left it open, so he could see him leave for the last time.

This fight was the worst one they ever had.

This moment, George didn't knew that it would play a big part in his ghost-future.

As he stormed further he mumbled things under his breath.

"Thank you, for destroying my life", his jealous and angry gaze fell on Fiona, who was standing in front of a table, holding something in her hand.

He didn't pass her yet, and got slower, looking behind him.

Dream was out of sight.

That means he has still time to pass her slowly.

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