You and her

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Single strands of his blonde hair were hanging in front of his face.

They didn't seem to bother him at all though.

He looked so peaceful.

"Aww" George whispered softly, beging touched by that scene.

"He's so cute, even when he sleeps", the brunette one smiled and forgot all of his pain for a little while...

George actually hadn't kept track on how much time had passed since he became a ghost, but he didn't want to know at all either.

The brunette moved his head to Dream, who was moving a bit now.

He woke up shortly after and rubbed his eyes sleepy.

George giggled, because of his messy blonde hair and stood up right after Dream, following him into the kitchen.

He still seemed to be pretty tired.

"I wish I could hear his morning voice" George smiled, thinking about the blondes deep voice in the morning.

Dream just made himself a cup of coffee and sat to the kitchentable.

Without Patches being in the kitchen, George would have been a bit bored by now, but at least he had someone to play with.

Or he would have just adored Dream the whole time again.

The cat meowed a few times, causing Dream to laugh slightly and call her "silly" and a "stupidhead".

If he would know that George made her do that, he would be probably happy.

While George was having fun with the cute cat, Dream was doing something on his phone.

He sometimes typed something, but George didn't mind, he was focused on the cat after all.

After Dream left to dress himself and get ready for his daily chores, the doorbell rang a few minutes after.

George's head quickly moved into the direction where the sound came from and stood up.

The cat ran somewhere around, but George didn't want to follow her now.

Dream passed George and walked up to the door fastly.

"Drista?" George asked outloud, being surprised that she'd come two following days.

But to his luck, it was someone else...

"Hi Finny" Dream smiled brightly and let the girl enter.

"Hi Dreamy" she giggled and hugged Dream to greet him.

"Why didn't you write me yesterday? I thought something happened" she asked right after she let go and looked at him worried.

"Oh, sorry", the blonde one apologized quickly, "I was just tired already" he added to his apology.

"No worries then", she smiled all over her face and nodded, "at least you got your sleep".

"Yes. Next time I'll inform you though" Dream said, meanwhile George just stood awkwardly behind them with a bit of distance.

He didn't even know what to do or to say and just stood there, not moving at all.

"So, do you have time right now? Before we go out we could go to the zoo" she said full of happiness, almost scaring George with her excitement.

Dream nodded "Sure. Let me just grab my keys."

The blonde one picked up the keys from the table next to the door.

George walked up fastly to Dream and tried to touch him, but it didn't work.

"Oh, come on" he rolled his eyes slightly and didn't know if he should follow them or just stay here.

"I don't wanna go anywhere with her again at all" he decided fastly and chose not to follow them.

He couldn't even do anything about it, so why watching them having their fun?

George felt like he waited ages for Dream to come back.

It was already evening and George was sitting on the comfy bed in the bedroom, while it was getting darker outside and inside the room slowly.

George sighed and decided to try turning the lights on, which sadly didn't work after trying a few times.

His ghost-powers really chose to not work today, did they?

He tried one last time and was relieved as it finally turned on, after almost giving up hope.

The brunette one decided to lay down on the bed afterwards, trying to relax a little or at least feel more comfy.

He still wore the same clothes since day one, but it did not bother George at all.

It was basically a combo of all his favorite clothes, so he didn't mind.

He cuddled himself into his hoodie and waited again, having his eyes shut meanwhile.

As the brunette almost felt like dozing away, he heard a door creak open outside the bedroom.

He opened his eyes quickly and sat up, waiting for something else to happen.

After a bit of time, he saw Dream enter the room.

George didn't know how to feel, as he saw something that he didn't expect at all.

The blonde boy was smiling all over his face and it even looked like he had been blushing a little.

George's mouth was opened a little.

This was... Weird.

After Dream took a shower and got changed, George analyzed his expression again, which still was happy and almost excited.

George just felt a slight pain in his chest and left the room.

He didn't know what to think about that and decided just to not think about it at all yet.

And so the days went on and on.

All of them were mostly the same: Dream was greeted by the "flirty" Fiona, they went outside together and spent time with each other while George was all alone at home.

Afterwards, Dream came back late, at almost night, and was smiling all over his face, being happy about whatever happened.

Fiona obviously had been flirting more and more as she visited Dream.

The blonde one wasn't flirting back directly, but he laughed about most of the flirts and things Fiona said, which was basically equally to flirting back.

At least in George's opinion.

Something that made George think was that one day, as Fiona visited Dream again before going on a "date", the blonde one told her something special.

Both were sitting on the couch that day, spending more time before going out this time.

George didn't want to listen to their conversation at all, but he also wanted to know why they were sitting in the living room today.

"You have to meet my sister Drista, Finny" he smiled and his eyes looked excited.

'What does he mean? How close did they get the past days? What happened between them? Why would he want her to meet Drista?' and many more questions were running through George's head, trying to find an answer to every single one of them.

~1138 words

Hi! I hope the chapter doesn't feel rushed or something like that. Well well. Fiona is back. I bet you missed her :'D

What do you guys think will happen next?

Have a nice day/night/whatever and don't forget to drink enough :)

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