You and Me

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Dream didn't answer nor said anything to that.

George couldn't figure out what he could be thinking right now.

He just stayed completely silent.

Now it was night already and Drista had left two hours ago.

Dream hasn't said much in their conversation before afterwards, which weirded out George a little.

It wasn't a common behaviour of his fiancée to George at all, but he shouldn't worry too much about it.

Maybe Dream was overwhelmed or just tired.

Or he didn't believe his sister at all and still believed that George did cheat on him.

It could be literally anything.

He entered the bedroom a few minutes after Dream, who was laying in his bed already.

The blonde one wasn't on his phone before going to sleep, like usual after George had died.

He didn't know what he had been doing on his phone, but if also didn't interest George that much to investigate.

The blonde one was just laying there in the almost pitch black dark, probably trying to get some sleep while being fully curled up under his blanket.

George's side was as empty as always, which didn't surprise him at all.

Patches never wanted to sleep on the bed and no one else besides Drista has visited Dream today.

Because sitting on the floor got boring and kind of uncomfortable, George decided to give Dream some company and lay right next to him.

The bed would be more comfortable than the floor and why should he continue sitting on the floor anyways, if he could stay in the bed?

It was as fluffy as always, the only thing that annoyed George a little was the fact that the blankets were kind of cold.

George quickly got fully under the blanket, like Dream was, and cuddled himself into it.

He looked into the direction of Dream and was happy to be next to him like that again.

It felt nostalgic, comfortable and made him happy.

George remembered something  as soon as he cuddled even more into the blanket.

The pair was sitting on a small bench on a bridge.

Under them was a little river, which made this place even more pretty.

Just George and Dream were here currently, so they were basically alone.

Barely someone visited this place, only Dream and George and maybe a few other persons.

"You're so stupid", George kissed the blonde one on the cheek, "but I love you for that", he added shortly after.

"How can you be so mean and sweet at the same time?" Dream giggled loudly, causing George to laugh right after.

"Well, talent" he answered the question fastly with his eyes closed.

"Mhm, that was a fast answer", Dream raised his right eyebrow and looked at his boyfriend, who was very proud of himself currently.

"I always answer fast on everything" the smaller one exclaimed proudly of himself.

"Well, if you can answer everything that fast..." Dream made a short break and George mumbled an "Mhmm" in the meanwhile.

"You surely can answer my next question that fast as well", he grinned all over his face, which caused George to giggle.

"I bet I can", the brunette answered in a playful tone, challenging his boyfriend.

They loved to tease each other.

"Then, George..." Dream suddenly stood up, which confused George a little, causing him to tilt his head slightly.

The brunette couldn't tell what he wanted to do next.

Suddenly, the dirty-blonde boy knelt down in front of the smaller one, who was still confused about the actions of the other.

George still was smiling, but his eyes were looking at Dream nervously.

His heart was racing more than it ever did.

'What is he going to-' George's breath almost stopped, as Dream ended his sentence before he could even finish his thought.

"...will you marry me?" Dream smiled softly at him, holding an opened small box, with a beautiful silver ring in it, in his hands.

It looked beautiful and had a light-blue shiny stone in the middle of it.

"Wha-" George couldn't process what was going on at first and was screaming inside as he finally did.

He couldn't believe it at first.

After a few moments of disbelief, George teared up and held his hands over his mouth.

"Really?" he asked and his voice was shaking out of emotions, his tears were unstoppable.

Dream nodded fastly and his face filled with emotions too.

He was blushing all over his face and you could even see a bit of nervousness shining in his green eyes.

"Oh my- Of course! Yes yes yes" tears streamed down George's face and he smiled brightly, pulling the bigger one into a tight hug.

"I love you so much" the brunette one couldn't have been happier ever.

He wanted to never end that hug at all.

George knew, that he would always remember that special day.

The day he and Dream became fiancées.

Or in other words: One of the best days in his whole life.

George smiled, because of that cute little memory.

It almost felt like yesterday.

He can still remember every single detail of it.

How much would he give to get taken back to that time.

Everything was perfect.

They were perfect.

Why did it have to change?

George looked at the dirty-blonde boy again, who turned around as soon as the brunette had moved slightly.

His mouth was a bit opened and one of his hands was placed right next to his face.

Single strands of his blonde hair were hanging in front of his face.

They didn't seem to bother him at all though.

He looked so peaceful.

"Aww" George whispered softly, beging touched by that scene.

"He's so cute, even when he sleeps", the brunette one smiled and forgot all of his pain for a little while...

~1014 words

Short fluff chapter! The next chapter will be mean. Actually, the next chapters are going to be mean. So stay tuned!

Also, thank you so much for reading this story, it means so much to me.

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