Her visit

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And so he went in front of the door and opened it carefully, trying not to make a single sound.

Meanwhile he did that, Dream was nowhere to be found.

He lookes across the room while opening the door further.

It was great that he had been able to open doors easily since a few days after he had spoken with Dream again.

There was no one to be seen at all.

He decided to walk out of the bedroom as soon as the door was opened wide enough and looked again.

George remembered where he heard the footsteps and walked into the same direction.

Was it Dream who has walked around?

Everything was quiet and George just heard his own breath.

He decided to head somewhere further and right as he was about to go away from where he had been standing, he heard footsteps again.

"Hello?", George asked curious, hoping to get an answer from Dream.

But he waited and there was no answer coming back.

'Okay?', the brunette was confused and walked away from the spot.

"George?", someone whispered behind him again and he instantly turned around to look into the face of his fiancée.

"Dream, why are we whispering again?", George asked more than confused and got pulled back by the strong arms of the blonde one.

"I don't know, did you find the hoodie?", Dream asked back fastly and tried to push him into the bedroom again.

George tried to stay on his spot, but lost due to being weaker than the blonde boy.

"What? Yeah, why?", there was a big questionmark in George's face and he had no clue what was going on.

"Okay, where is it?", the bigger one asked and suceeded to bring the other one into the bedroom again right after.

"Uh, there", George pointed at the hoodie laying on the bed, "is something wrong?".

He was more than confused.

Why is Dream acting so strange, all of a sudden?

"No, nothing's wrong!", Dream smiled, but George knew that something about his smile was off.

"Tell me", the brown eyed insisted, after the blonde one kissed him shortly.

"What do you mean?", he giggled almost nervously and went through his soft dark blonde hair.

"You know exactly what I mean. Why do we whisper, why do you push me back here again and what do you hide from me?", George asked straight out of his mouth, but wasn't mad or anything like that at all.

He just wanted to know what's going on and why Dream was acting like that.

Dream sighed and closed the door before starting to speak.

"It's nothing", he looked into George's direction and connected with the others eyes, switching between them.

"Nothing would look different, Dream", George said back plain and didn't get why Dream wouldn't tell him what's up.

The dirty blonde one sighed again and wanted to start speaking, but got interrupted by a loud sound, which George couldn't identify at all.

George looked at the door next to Dream and as he switched back to the face of the bigger one, he looked right into the widened green eyes, which begged him to not go there and look what it was.

"George", Dream said as George moved a bit forwards.

"What was that, Dream", he asked in disbelief, because now it was obvious that Dream has been hiding something.

"George, please. I beg you, don't go there", the blonde one held the arm of the brunette tighter, his face looking serious.

"Why won't you just tell me?", George pulled his hand back, which caused the bigger one to let go of it.

"Can we talk about this later? I will explain everything to you, I promise", he pleaded, hoping that George would listen.

"Dream, I don't get why you're hiding things from me... Why?", George asked hurt and stepped a few steps back, which caused Dream to look down to the floor.

The brunette one waited a bit and then stepped forward, passing by the blonde one slowly.

Dream wanted to say something, but George interupted him quickly.

"In your position, I would just let me look. Believe me, that's the best you can do now", George said and continued to step forwards.

"Bu-", as soon as Dream started, he ended his sentence again, knowing that he shouldn't say anything to that anymore at all.

And so George went outside the bedroom again, trying to find out what the reason of Dream's weird actions was.

Of course...

George soon met the eyes of a well known person.

Now he knew what Dream has been hiding and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"He didn't lie to me... He didn't lie to me... Did he?", George repeated slowly under his breath, while watching Fiona walk across the living room, looking at some of the things in there.

"Wow... I trusted him...", he was hurt, but he knew something was off.

He turned around to look Dream into the eyes, but there was no one staying behind him.

He never followed George into the living room, but stayed in the bedroom.

The brunette one walked back into the bedroom, closing the door behind him softly, even though his mind was running a marathon right now.

Dream was sitting on the bed.

"I can explain", he just said after a sigh.

"You can explain? You can explain?!", George's voice was loud, but it didn't cause Dream to flinch at all.

"Literally? What's wrong with you. I trusted you and now that girl is showing up here again?", the brunette one laughed in disbelief.

Dream just looked down.

George couldn't tell if he genuinely felt bad or just played it.

He was faking so much things, didn't he...

"You lied to me. You kissed that girl and said that you had a fight with her, so why is she back, huh?", George stood there and didn't move at all, just his lips were getting out the words which were sentenced by his heart.

He paused for a short moment and gathered all his feelings together.

"You know what? It's good that I saw it, because I surely don't want to trust everything I have to someone who's dating the girl that killed my fiancée", George screamed and his voice was breaking at the end, but he tried to stay strong.

Dream's head raised, but he didn't dare looking at George and just stared at the wall in front of him.

"What do y-", he couldn't finish the sentence, because George cut him off.

"She was the reason I died, Dream", he pressed his lips together right after.

~1135 words

Things really took a turn, did they?
Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter.

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