Chapter 1

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It had been a long day of touring the city again with her friends, and all (y/n) wanted to do was sit down in the pub with a nice pint before going home to relax and unwind. She was about to take another drink when the front door opened to reveal a tall and handsome man who looked like he could sleep where he was standing. His eyes caught hers and a smile suddenly adorned his face. As he made his way over, he called to the bartender for another round for the table.

"Arthur! You made it! How was your day?" (Y/n) asked him excitedly.
"Oh, my day was remarkably uninteresting. I don't know about you, but I could certainly go for a drink, and a little 'us time', if you catch my drift!" He replied with a wink and a smile.
She laughed and kissed him before taking another drink before her phone began to ring.

Helen Bleecker calling...

"Oh sorry guys! I gotta take this! My mama's calling!" (Y/n) stood up to go outside, running her hand along Arthur's shoulder and cheek on her way past.
"Mama Helen! How's it goin! How's home?" She said as soon as she hit the pavement outside the pub.
"My sweet girl, it's so good to hear your voice, it's been so long! How's your vacation honey?" Helen spoke from the other end of the phone, sounding weary from what (y/n) could barely make out to be a lack of sleep.
"Helen, what's going on? Something sounds wrong." She stated, feeling her heart begin to break. Sniffles were the only thing she heard from the other end.
"What happened, mom? Tell me what happened. Are you okay? Is Heather alright? Hallie? Talk to me." She leaned back into the wall, hand resting on top of her head.
"No sweetie, we're not okay here. It's Heather. She's gone sweetheart. She was killed a couple days ago. Bite marks and blood drained from her body. I'm so sorry, I should've called you sooner. I just didn't know how to tell you!" Helen cried.

Complete silence.
Frozen in her place by the wall, tears flowing down her face as she begins to shake uncontrollably.
"(Y/n), honey, I need you to breathe. Slow, deep breaths."
One deep breath in,and back out again. One more time. One more deep breath.
"I'll be home soon, mom. Keep the lights on for me."
"We'll be waiting, hon. We love you."
"I love you all too."
(Y/n) hung up the phone and turned back to the window behind her. Inside, her friends table was joyful and filled with laughter. The tears came once more, faster than before when her eyes landed on Arthur. This man came into her life 8 months ago, when she was at her lowest. She had no idea the impact he would have on her life.

The memories began to flash before her, bringing a smile, and more tears. She spared one more glance to the man she fell in love with. Every emotion, every feeling began to build higher and higher until she couldn't take the pain any longer. Turning back to the street, she made her way to the alley down the block. As soon as she couldn't feel another human presence within her vicinity, (y/n) teleported to the middle of her flat (apartment).
Looking around, there were pictures of the most cherished people in her life. The smiling faces. Turning slowly, she found her favorite photo of herself, and Heather. It was the day Heather gave birth to her daughter, Hallie.
She held the picture to her chest and cried. Letting it all out. The anger began to rise, as well as everything around the room. The telekinesis began to spiral out of control as she started screaming at the top of her lungs with the realization that her best friend, her sister for lack of a better word, is now dead.
And she is an ocean away. Her vision was growing dark and blurry. The last thing (y/n) saw before hitting the floor, unconscious, was Heathers smiling face.

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