Chapter 22

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Sam woke with a start, waking Dean and (y/n) with a shake of deans arm.
"Dean. Dean! Wake up! We gotta go!" Sam said and started throwing stuff in his bag.

"What's happening right now?" Dean sat up on his elbows and asked.
(Y/n) rolled over and looked at Sam. He was covered in sweat and panicking. She immediately got up and clapped her hands together. Everything of theirs packed itself up and they were out the door in under 10 minutes. Speeding down the highway, Sam was on the phone with police from god knows where.

Both Dean and (y/n) got worried when Sam's vision turned out to be real.
"How far?" Sam asked.
"Saginaw? Couple hours?" Dean said.
"Drive faster." Sam declared.
Dean put the pedal to the floor and they flew.

When they pulled up to the address Sam had gotten, the police were there and paramedics. On the stretcher, a body bag with Jim miller in it. Dean pulled over to the side of the road, and they all got out. Walking over to the crowd, Dean asked a lady what happened.
"Suicide. I can't believe it." She said looking between the boys and back to the house.
"Did you know him?" Sam asked her.
"Saw him every Sunday at st. Augustine's. He always seems.. seemed.. so normal. Guess you never know what's going on behind closed doors." She sounded sad.
"Guess not." Dean said, pulling (y/n) closer to his side. She wrapped an arm around his waist and leaned into him.
"How are they saying it happened?" Sam asked.
" heard they found him in the garage doors locked with the engine running." She sighed.
"Do you know about what time they found him??" Sam questioned.
"Oh it just happened about an hour or two ago.. that poor family. I can't imagine what they must be going through."
Sam got upset and walked over to the police line and just stared. They both followed him and stood on either side of him. Dean tried to calm Sam down a bit but it wasn't working, so (y/n) just observed the whole scene, coming to a stop when she noticed a boy standing against the house. For having just lost his dad, he didn't look terribly upset. Better make a mental note to be careful around him.
Dean opened the car door when she finally looked away from the boy.
"They're not gonna wanna talk to us, Dean."
"Yeah you're right. I think I know who they will talk to." Dean said.
Sam got confused, "who?"
All Dean could do was smirk at them and climb into the car. Sam and (y/n) looked at each other very thoroughly confused by him before getting into the car themselves.
They checked into another motel for the rest of the night and got up early to let Dean and Sam do some shopping before they headed back to the miller house.
(Y/n) hung back at the motel. There's no way she was going to put on a nuns costume just because Dean thought it would be fun to role play. Nope.
She curled up on the couch with a book while they went to investigate the millers. She just couldn't concentrate though. Sam was having visions, and they seemed to be coming true... what's happening to Sam???
She took to the internet to try find any small piece of information on visions. It was like a dream for Sam, so how was it all happening in real life? First, their home in Lawrence, now this family. Maybe Sam really is psychic??? Everything she could look up just kept leading her to palm readers and what seemed to be Gypsy's. Yeah, like Gypsy's were psychic. That to (y/n) seemed far fetched. So she kept searching. Instead, she started to look up dream premonitions. That was some different information all together. She found stories of people claiming to have premonitions in their sleep, but they could never prove what they saw actually happened. Sam's were different. What he was seeing basically happened in real time and now (y/n) was scared something is going to happen to Sam. Just as she closed out the search, the boys walked back through the door.
"I still can't believe this one was dean's idea." She said with a laugh.
"I know, right? He was the holy high roller down at that house today!" Sam laughed.
"Ok, ok. The house had no readings whatsoever. So we're back to square one. Any ideas of your own?" Dean looked at her.
This had her thinking. She couldn't come up with anything at this point.
"How long have they lived in the house? Maybe it's something to do with the house? Not necessarily the family itself??" She asked.
"Ok now that's a good point." Dean said.
He and Sam continued their conversation while Dean cleaned his guns.
Sam confirmed that nothing supernatural has ever occurred inside or around the house or any deaths of any kind. Definitely back to square one. They weren't sure how to proceed now. Normally there's a few different options, but this one just came to a dead stop. As (y/n) sat with the computer still trying to come up with an answer, Sam and deans conversation came to a halt when Dean ran over to Sam. (Y/n) looked up in time to see Sam slide from the bed to the floor, clutching at his head. She lept up and dove for the bed, putting both hands on Sam's temples, trying to help him take the pain away. Her hands began to glow and suddenly she was immobile as she felt like she was being sucked into a vortex or something. She looked around in a panic before seeing a head lopped off by a window. Then something moved beyond the window inside the building, but she couldn't make out what it was. Just like that she was back in the motel room on Sam's bed. She let go of him and threw herself off his bed and tripped over dean before colliding with the wall.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" She yelled in the boys direction. Breathing became ragged as Dean helped Sam up then checked on her. Eyes wide, she couldn't stop herself from panicking. "Sam what just happened! What did you see! Who was that guy!" She started rapid firing questions at him.
"(Y/n), calm down for a sec. Are you okay? You touched Sam and your eyes lit up like headlights. What was that!" Dean looked like he was slightly afraid. He reached over to (y/n), who pulled away quickly.
"Don't touch me! What just happened!" She moved to the other side of the wall. Dean went back over to Sam with a look of defeat and Sam told him it was happening again.
They looked at her and asked if she was coming with them. She couldn't bring herself to do it.
"No! Keep some distance! I don't know what that was!!" She almost got tears.
"We will be back, sweetheart. Just hold tight." Dean said and they both ran out the door.
(Y/n) rolled to the floor pressing her hands to the sides of her head, squeezing her eyes shut.
'What the hell just happened! That's never happened to me before! Oh god I'm freaking out! I'm.. I think I'm scared!' (Y/n) thought to herself continuously until she felt she was able to open her eyes fully and not have a full blown panic attack.
By the time the boys got back, she had pulled herself to the bathroom and was sitting in a cold shower. Dean came in and turned off the water.  He slowly moved toward her and noticed she inched backward.
"Sweetheart, I'm going to touch you. I'm going to show you that nothing is going to happen, okay?"
She didn't fully trust it, but the look on deans face told her not to be scared. Slowly, she held out her hand for Dean to take. As he touched her hand, she closed her eyes preparing for the vortex. When nothing happened, she looked at him and let out the breath she had been holding. 
"Where's Sammy?" She asked quickly.
"He's in the other room, why?" Dean asked.
She climbed out of the tub and stumbled out the bathroom door. Looking down, she realized she was still wet. She snapped her fingers and her clothes dried instantly. She stood in front of Sam and held out a hand.
Sam gave her an odd look before realizing what she was doing. He leaned his head down to her hand and slowly she touched his temple. She held her breath again, but thankfully nothing happened.
"Are you okay?" She asked him quietly.
"Yeah, I've never had that happen while I'm awake though. What happened to you?" Sam asked.
"I think... I don't know... I think I was pulled into your mind. I saw a man get his head cut off by a window."
"That was my vision. I think you did too. But how?"
"I don't know, Sammy. I have no idea."
All three of them just looked at each other for a bit before continuing their mission.
The boys opted to go back and talk to the son, max. See if they could get any more information out of him. When they came back, they changed clothes and brought (y/n) with them to go check out the old neighborhood. After speaking with the millers former neighbor, (y/n) was pissed. Sam started to get another headache and the neighbor asked if he was okay. Dean led him away and back to the car. In the car, staying on the opposite side of the car from Sam, she couldn't stop being angry about what max has endured in his lifetime. No child deserves to be treated that way.
"How could they do that to max?" She asked.
Sam realized max was the one behind the murders of his father and uncle. He was taking revenge on them for what they did to him growing up. And now the step mother was next.
"He was outside the garage when his dad died. He was inside the apartment when his uncle died. I wasn't connecting to the millers, I was connecting to max! The thing is I don't get why man. Maybe because we're so much alike?" Sam stated.
"What are you talking about? Dudes nothing like you." Dean said.
"Well, we both have psychic abilities, we both—."
"Both what? Sam, max is a monster. He's already killed two people and he gunning for a third!"
Sam and Dean argued over killing max. Personally (y/n) didn't think max deserved to die. He endured too much. His life was complete hell because of his family. (Y/n) understood his pain completely.
"Dean, max isn't going to be put down." She said and gave him a pointed look. He understoood.
"Ok, fine. But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else." Dean popped open the glove compartment and pulled out his gun. They bailed out of the car and ran to the house. Dean broke the door open and they all stood in the front room.
"Fathers?" Mrs. Miller questioned.
"What are you doing here? Who is she?" Max asked.
(Y/n) noticed his subtle but quick movement to shield the knife on the counter.
"Hi max. I'm Jenny. These two are friends of mine that thought I might be able to talk to you for a bit? Would you be willing to step outside with me and chat on the front porch?"
"About what?" Max asked. He was visibly upset.
"Well, I've been through the same situation as you. I know what you're feeling right now, because I've been there. Let's go outside, it'll be quick. I promise!" She said, trying to coax him into leaving the premises. She could tell he was hesitant. She gave the softest smile she could without looking overly nervous.
"Okay." Max said quietly.
"Great!" Sam replied with a smile.
(Y/n) stood to one side and let max pass her and sam. She was about to pull Dean out of the way when he moved to open the door. With a bang, the door handle slipped from his fingers and slammed shut. All the blinds one the windows closed, so she mentally prepared for a fight with this boy who couldn't be more than 120 pounds, soaking wet.
"You're not priests!" Max said, as Dean pulled out his gun tucked inside his waistband. The gun got pulled from deans hands by max' telekinesis and hit max' feet. When he picked it up, Sam moved closer to Dean who tried to pull (y/n) behind him, but she side stepped to block both boys from max.
"Max put the gun down." She said quickly.
"Max, what's happening?" His mother asked.
"Shut up!" He yelled.
"What are you doing!" She moved closer to him.
Mrs. Miller then got thrown into the countertop, cutting her head open.
"I said shut up!!" Max yelled.
"Max, calm down!" Sam said.
"Who are you!"
"We just wanna talk to you."
"Yeah right! That's why you brought this!"
"That was a mistake, alright! So was lying about who we were, but no more lying max! Please just hear me out!"
"About what!"
"I saw you do it, I saw you kill your dad and your uncle before you did it. I'm having visions max. About you!" Sam said to him.
"You're crazy!" Max replied.
"So you weren't going launch a knife at your stepmom?" Sam pointed to his eye and continued.
"Right here? Is it that hard to believe max? Look what you can do. Max I was drawn here alright? I think I'm here to help you."
Max started to breathe heavier, "no one can help me!"
"Let me try, we'll just talk. Me and you. We'll get dean and Jenny and Alice out of here." Sam said.
"What? No way." Dean said. He moved closer to Sam and (y/n) backed up into the two with her hands raised in case she needed to use her powers. The house began to shake.
"No one leaves this house!"
"And no one has to, max! We'll just go upstairs." (Y/n) said quickly.
"I'm not leaving Sam alone with him." Dean said quietly.
"Yes you are. Look, max, you're in charge here. Everybody knows that. No ones gonna do anything that you don't want them to do, but I'm talkin 5 minutes here, man." Sam said.
"Sam!" Dean said.
"5 minutes! Go!" Max yelled.
"Dean, get Alice, now.." (y/n) said, not looking away from max, hands still at the ready. Dean slowly walked over to Alice and helped her off the floor. He made it past everyone to the stairs so (y/n) started to back away slowly toward Dean. Once she was close enough, Dean reached out to touch her shoulder.
"Sam? Are you sure?" She looked at him cautiously.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Go take care of Alice." Sam said not looking away from max.
All three of them made it to the bedroom at the end of the hall. Dean sat Alice down on the bed and examined the cut on her head. (Y/n) pulled dean's handkerchief from his back pocket and cleaned around the cut before pressing the cloth down onto it.
"Dean, we need to get Alice out of here. Max is going to kill her if we don't." (Y/n) whispered in his ear so Alice wouldn't freak out. She could already feel Alice's anxiety spiking.
Dean was about to say something when they heard a loud banging from downstairs. (Y/n) grabbed deans hand and put it on top of the handkerchief to hold it on the wound while she went to investigate. She was almost to the door when it flew open to reveal max. (Y/n) stood in his path, blocking his view of Alice.
"Max, put the gun down, please!" She held up her hands as if to surrender but always ready to lunge if need be.
"No." Max said. He was shaking and crying. He'd been through so much in his life that (y/n) couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
The gun floated toward them and pointed at Alice. (Y/n) tried to move toward max but the gun changed direction to point at her instead.
"Don't! This isn't about you." Max said.
"If you wanna kill her, you're gonna have to go through us first, max." (Y/n) said slowly.
"Okay." He said.
Just as the gun was about to fire, Sam busted the door down.
"No don't! Don't! Please! Please, max! Max we can help you. Alright, but this, what you're doing, it's not the solution. It's not gonna fix anything!" Sam gave max a pleading look.
Max hesitated. (Y/n) thought he was going to put the gun down, maybe sam got through to him!
Momentarily, max stared at Sam, mouth and jaw twitching, tears flowing down his face as he said, "you're right."
(Y/n)'s heart sank to her stomach as she realized his intentions. She was about to grab the gun when it too quickly turned on max and he shot himself in the head.
"No!" Sam yelled. (Y/n) sat down on the floor just staring at the life that was once max miller.
Tears flowed down her cheeks. She felt deans hands on her shoulders. Alice sat down in the bed, breathing heavily.
"How could you?" (Y/n) said.
"What?" Dean asked.
(Y/n) turned her head to look at Alice. She stayed calm as she climbed to her feet.
"He was just a boy. A child. He needed your help and you just checked out. His life could have been so much different. Better. He deserved to have someone notice him. Someone to fight for him and love him the way he deserved. He was just a child, Alice." (Y/n) spoke her peace and walked out of the room and teleported back to the hotel room.
She sent the boys a text that she went back to the hotel. She began to pack up their stuff. The case was solved... and soul crushing with one bullet. An innocent life ruined and dehumanized by the people meant to love him and take care of him as a child. Not force him to take the abuse of grown men. She let herself cry and be vulnerable for a minute.
All she could think about was if her child were able to be born, she would never in a million years think it's okay to treat it like that. Max went through hell. She would be damned if she ever let her own go through that torture. It made her realize she wanted to go back home to Rhode Island until this was over.
It had taken her years to admit she would be thrilled to have a child. And it hurt worse everytime she lost one. It was almost too much to bear for one person, but she couldn't do it with Dean knowing again. Her hands settled on her lower abdomen and she just cried.
'Why am I the one to go through this?' She thought.
For a few minutes she laid on the bed with her arms wrapped around her stomach. She cried and apologized to her unborn child, wishing it could be born. Grow up in a beautiful home, with two loving parents. With uncles who would love it beyond measure. So many aunties to spoil it. Cousins. Grandparents. A normal apple pie lifestyle they never got growing up. So many emotions came and went in that few minutes she laid there.
She finally forced herself to stop crying and wiped her tears. She needed to stay focused. She packed the rest of their stuff and the boys got back an hour later.
"(Y/n), let's talk about this. What happened back there?" Dean asked.
"Nothing. Max is dead because his father couldn't bear to love him the way he should have. His life could've meant something more than what it was. One person could've changed that whole situation, and she just said fuck it! There's nothing left to talk about, Dean. I want to go home. I want to go see Bobby. Please take me to see him."
Dean tilted his head and gave her a look before looking over at Sam. Sam nodded his head.
"Okay. Let's go see Bobby." Dean said.
They loaded up the car and started for South Dakota. Sam may have had other plans.  They were going to pass through a town called Hibbing Minnesota.
Searching the local news, Sam stumbled on a case of a missing person by the name of Jenkins that went missing there a few days ago. So he convinced the others to check it out with him. Just one more case before they see Bobby. So they all went and talked to the boy who called it in. He seemed shaken. Then his mother ratted him out about watching Godzilla vs. mothra. He did explain what he heard though. That peaked deans interest a little.
Looking through John's journal, Sam noticed he had it marked out. That seemed odd. While (y/n) was asleep in the back seat, Sam asked Dean to pull over into Hibbing for the night to get some rest. Dean pulled into the bar instead so they could eat.
He noticed quickly that (y/n) wasn't drinking anything but water. There was a strange feeling to him. She never did that unless she was...
'Oh shit.' Dean thought to himself. 'She's pregnant.'
He just stared at her for a while. Sam was rambling on about something or other and all he could do was stare at his pregnant girlfriend. Why didn't he see it before?? Why didn't he realize the signs were there?? All he could think was that she's been hiding it. Why didn't she tell him? She always told him. Why was she quiet this time???
"Well, I think I seen a motel about 5 miles back." Sam said.
"I'm in. Let's go. I'd like a little sleep." (Y/n) said.
She stood up and walked out of the bar.
"Does she seem off to you, Sam?" Dean asked.
"No? She's just the same as she always is."
"Well, I gotta take a leak." Dean said.
"Ok. See you at the car." And Sam walked out of the bar.
In the bathroom, all Dean could think about was why she wasn't telling him about the baby. It's not like he's opposed to kids with her. In all honesty, he would love to just get a normal 9-5 job and live in a small town where nothing ever happens. His pipe dream was that life with her. So why is she hiding this?
When he got out of the bar and made his way to the car, no one was there. He called Sam. Nothing. Trying (y/n)'s phone, it went straight to voicemail. Searching the parking lot, there was no sign of them. That's when he remembered what Sam was saying about a phantom attacker. This place has a higher missing persons rate than normal. Oh no. They stumbled on a case and got sucked right into it all. And all he's thinking about is that apple pie life again.
He checked with everyone leaving the bar if they'd seen these two and no one has. Then Dean noticed a camera along the highway and made a plan.
Sam and (y/n) both managed to get jumped in the parking lot of a bar. How in gods name did that happen??
(Y/n) startled awake.
"Ow.." she rolled onto her side and pulled her arm out from under her. looking to her right, she noticed Sam next to her. He wasn't moving. Crawling over, she started to shake him.
"Sam? Sammy? Sammy wake up!!!" She shook him more violently until he sat up.
"What the hell?" He said. That's when they looked around and noticed the cage. It was dark in there. They noticed another cage next to theirs.
"Oh god, Sam. Is he dead?" (Y/n) whispered.
"I hope not!" He said.
Shaking the cage door, he realized they couldn't get out. He grabbed the top of the cage and began kicking the door. Nothing was happening. After a few minutes, the body in the next cage moaned and rolled over.
"Huh. You're alive? Hey, are you okay?" Sam stopped to look at the man.
"Does it look like I'm doing okay?" Jenkins said.
"Where are we?" Sam asked.
"I don't know. Country I think. Smells like the country." Jenkins replied.
"You're Alvin Jenkins aren't you?" (Y/n) asked.
"Yeah." He said
"Wow. I was looking for you."
"Well no offense, but this is a piss poor rescue." Jenkins said.
"Hey! At least we were trying to look for you! Not that I want to anymore you jerk!" (Y/n) said.
"Well... my brother's out there right now, and he's looking for us too so.." Sam replied.
"So, he's not gonna find us. We're in the middle of nowhere. Waiting for them to come back and do god knows what to us!" Jenkins said.
"What are they? Have you seen them?"
"What are you talkin about?"
"Whatever grabbed us. What do they look like?"
A door began to open so they all smashed themselves against the sides of the cages.
"See for yourselves!" Jenkins said.
They tried to get a good look at them but quickly realized they were just normal human people.
'What is going on??' (Y/n) thought to herself.
They did something and Jenkins' cage opened so they could toss in a plate of food. They did the same thing for Sam and (y/n). They left and (y/n) was thoroughly grossed out by the look of the food. It looked like scraps for a dog. She slid the tray away from Sam who gave her a disgusted look and nodded in agreement. This food is nasty.
"I would tell you to eat up, but I don't want you to die Sammy."
"Thanks... I'll be damned.. they're just people!" Sam said.
"Yeah. What'd you expect?"
"How often do they feed you?"
"Once a day. They use that thing over there to open the cage." He pointed to a box on a pole.
"That's the only time you see them?" (Y/n) asked.
"So far, but I'm waitin."
"Waiting for what?" She asked.
"Ned Beatty time, man!"
"I think that's the least of your worries right now."
"Oh yeah? What do you think they want then?"
"Depends on who they are!" Sam said and began pulling on something above the cage.
"They're a bunch of psycho hillbilly rednecks if you ask me! Lookin for love in all the wrong places!"
Sam continued to pull on the coil above the cage.
"What are your names again?" Jenkins asked.
"I'm Jen. This is Sam." (Y/n) said quietly.
"Well give it up Sammy. There's no way out."
"Don't. Call me. Sammy!!" And he pulled the coil apart. Something fell into the cage with them.
"What is it?" Jenkins asked.
"It's a bracket." Sam said.
"Oh, now we got 'em!"
"Ok ya know what! I'm so sick of your-."
Suddenly Jenkins cage popped open. (Y/n) got a bad feeling.
"Must've been a short. Maybe you knocked something loose." Jenkins crawled over to the door.
"Sammy, stop him!" (Y/n) whispered.
"I- I think you should get back in there Jenkins."
"This isn't right." Sam said.
"Don't you wanna get out of here?"
"Yeah. But that was too easy."
"Look I'm gonna get outta here. I'm gonna send help ok? Don't worry!"
Jenkins started heading toward the door.
"No! I'm serious, Jenkins! This might be a trap!"
"Bye Sammy, Jen."
Jenkins was gone...
A little while passed. Then they heard it. A scream. It was painful. Scared. Jenkins was definitely not alive anymore.
"Sammy, Jenkins isn't coming back. His heartbeat is gone." (Y/n) whispered and a tear escaped.
Sam pulled her close and hugged her, wishing this wasn't happening to them. No one came back to see them that night. Sam eventually fell asleep with his head on (y/n)'s legs, running her fingers through his hair so he knew she was still there, protecting him.
Morning came and (y/n) hadn't slept. She was still trying to figure a way out of this thing without alerting the crazy backwoods people. She could hear everything around her. Including when they were 'taking care' of Jenkins. It was horrible and something she never would have thought to be real. People killing people, for sport...
Soon Sam woke up, and they just sat in silence. She held on to Sam's hand. She zapped herself out of the cage once or twice just to see if there was any way to open this cage quietly to set them free. There was nothing she could find, the panel on the pole took a key. There was no key. Anywhere.
"What are we gonna do, (y/n)?" Sam asked.
"I don't know Sam. I've tried to find every way to get you out of this thing and I can't without them hearing. I can't fight them because I can't show my powers to them, and I don't kill humans. I won't."
"I know you won't. I would never ask you to do that. This is so bad. What if Dean doesn't find us?"
"He will. He always does."
"He didn't find you for years, (y/n)."
"That's because I didn't want to be found Sammy.  You should know better than that."
The door flew open and someone came in carrying another body. He dumped it in the empty cage and left again. It looked like a woman. Sam and (y/n) got scared. She wasn't moving.
(Y/n) popped over into her cage and checked her pulse. When she began to move, (y/n) was back in the cage with Sam.
"You alright?" Sam asked her.
She looked over at them and started to put things together.
"Are you Sam Winchester and Jenny singer?" She asked almost surprised to see them.
"Yeah." The said together.
"Your a.. your cousin is looking for you." She said
"Thank god..." Sam said.
"I told you he'd find us Sammy. Don't ever lose faith in him." She squeezed his hand and crawled to the edge of the cage to get a better look at the woman.
"Where is he?" (Y/n) asked her.
"I a— I cuffed him to my car." She said rubbing her head.
She sighed and looked at Sam who just shook his head.
Then the door opened again, and they all backed away from their cage walls. Dean came walking into the light.
"Sam? Jen?"
"Oh my god it's so good to see you." (Y/n) said and they both smiled at him.
"How'd you get out of the cuffs??" She asked.
"I know a trick or two." Dean said and he smirked at her.
"You can't get out of this?" Dean whispered to (y/n).
"I can, but I can't get Sam out. And now this lady is here. I can't just pop out of here and show her my powers!" She whispered back.
"I get it, so did you get a good look at them?"
"Dude, they're just people."
"And they jumped you? Gettin rusty there kiddo. What do they want?"
"I don't know, they let Jenkins go, but I think that was some sort of trap. It doesn't make any sense to me."
"Well with our usual playmates, there's rules, there's patterns, ya know. But with people, they're just crazy."
"Did you see anything else out there?" (Y/n) asked.
"Ah, yeah I saw about a dozen junk cars hidden out back so I'm assuming when they take the people they take their cars too."
That's when the lady piped up, "did you see a black mustang out there, about 10 years old?"
"Yeah actually I did... your brothers? I'm sorry."Dean said.
They looked at her. (Y/n) could feel the pain and anger and sadness all flowing through her body at this moment. All she wanted to do right now was hug that woman and wipe out whoever did this to her brother and many others.
Dean couldn't find a key anywhere. (Y/n) had looked all over too when she was outside the cage but she couldn't risk leaving Sam by himself to be killed so she stayed there with him and this sheriff.
Dean decided to venture up the stairs. Within 10 minutes, she heard him screaming and could feel her left shoulder blade burning like someone stuck with a hot poker! Soon enough, one of the men came back down the stairs with a gun and opened Sam and (y/n)'s cage. Sam, with his quick thinking, grabbed the bracket and somehow fought this guy off to the point he was knocked out so the shoved him in the cage and locked him in there. While Sam was freeing the sheriff, (y/n) ran up the stairs to find Dean.
What she ran into was so much worse than what she was imagining. These people were truly sick. Turning the corner she found Dean tied up with a little girl ready to stick a knife in his eye.
"Hey kid! Wanna play?" She yelled.
The little girl whipped around and charged at (y/n). Grabbing the little girl by the hair, she slammed her head into the wall just hard enough to knock her unconscious. She locked her in a closet and freed Dean from his bonds.
"What the hell was that all about!" She asked him.
He grabbed her by the face and kissed her hard.
"People are crazy (y/n). I swear to god." He said finally.
That's when they heard a gunshot...
They both bolted for the front door and ran out to the porch almost knocking over Sam on their way out.
"SAMMY! Oh thank god you're ok! Are you hurt?" She yelled.
"I'm fine, how about you guys?"
"Yeah, yeah we're good. Just a little banged up. That's all."
The sheriff came walking over.
"Where's the little girl?"
"Locked her in a closet."
"The dad?" Sam asked.
"He uh, he didn't make it. Tried to escape."
They all understood what she meant. Not another word was spoken about it.
In the end, the sheriff let them leave before the other cops arrived to clean up the scene and take the other two men into custody.
"Dean? Where's baby??" (Y/n) asked as they walked down the side of the road.
"Uhhh, outside the police station I think. Why?"
"Gimme the keys. I'm getting her and we're getting out of here." She said holding out her hand.
Dean sighed and dug the keys out of his pocket.
"Just, don't ride the brakes."
She gave him a shocked look and slapped his arm before popping into town and finding the car.
Soon enough they were back on the road and headed to Bobby's.

They got into the house and Bobby was on the phone helping another hunter. Dean went to the kitchen and grabbed three beers, then he thought about it and decided to make (y/n) some tea instead.
'She's pregnant' Dean thought the entire time he made her tea. Back at Bobby's desk, she was digging through files looking for another case. He set down the tea on top of a pile of papers and took her hand. He pulled her out of the chair and sat down with her in his lap. She kept sifting through the piles but froze completely when Dean ran his hand along her lower abdomen. Slowly, she intertwined her fingers with his and pulled his hand up to her lips, kissing his palm. Setting his hand back down on her leg, she sifted once again.
"Give it up, I don't have any cases yet for you." Bobby said as he came back into the room. Sighing, she leaned back into Dean before grabbing her tea.
"Thank you honey." She said and kissed his cheek. Then she got up and declared she needed a shower when Sam came out of the bathroom. Up the stairs she went.
"Bobby I think I'm gonna go nap for a while. Haven't slept in a couple days." And he climbed the stairs behind her.
Dean went to his room while (y/n) showered. Trying to think of why she wouldn't tell him, he started wondering if it wasn't his. But she wouldn't do that to him. If she was in a relationship with someone, she wouldn't be with him. She wasn't a cheater. She couldn't stand cheaters.
He started to think back to when they were younger. She'd gotten pregnant 4 times before. The first was from a situation she never should have been in. The last few times were with Dean. Every time she had miscarried. But she had told him. Why hide it this time?
She walked out of the bathroom in a towel with one twisted around her hair. She walked past his door to her bedroom and closed the door. He heard the door lock and he rolled over onto his side. A half hour later, Dean was asleep on the bed and (y/n) made her way down the stairs to see Sam.
Sam laid on the couch reading a book. Bobby was at his desk in the other room.
"Sam, we need to talk. Come on." She walked thru the house to the back door.
They sat out on the back steps.
"I need to go back to Rhode Island, Sammy. Tomorrow is the day. Can you distract Dean for a week while I go take care of myself?"
"Yeah, (y/n) that's a no brainer, but why do you want to do this alone so badly? Wouldn't it be better for you to have someone take care of you instead?"
"I can't, Sam. It hurts me too much to have to worry about someone else's feelings at the same time as going through my own personal hell. I'm an emotional wreck the entire week and it's a true nightmare for me. I don't need anyone to see that again.."
Sam put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a small hug before standing up.
"I will do my best to distract Dean, but if you need us, you need to call. Okay?"
"I will call if it's an emergency. Thank you Sam. I'm gonna go back in like 15 minutes. Dean is upstairs sleeping so I'm just gonna say goodbye to Bobby. Just tell Dean I needed to go home and see Hallie. Love you Sammy." And she pulled him down to her for a hug.
"I love you too. Just be safe."
She smiled and walked back into the house to say goodbye to Bobby.
"Hey, Bobby. I'm gonna head out okay? Gotta go check in with Hallie." She said as she walked into his study.
"Oh I love that little girl. You need a car?" Bobby said as he stood from his desk.
"Nah. I'm gonna get there my way. I'm being careful, I promise."
"And you can't be tracked still?"
"No I don't believe anyone can track me anymore. Otherwise they would've come for me by now."
"Good. Bring it in then." And Bobby held his arms out for a hug.
She gave Bobby a hug, and waved them both goodbye. Once she teleported back to Rhode Island, Bobby rounded on Sam.
"What's wrong boy?" Bobby asked.
"Nothing! Why would anything be wrong?"
"You just got here and she's running away, so I'm gonna ask you again, what's wrong." Bobby said more forcefully.
"(Y/n)'s pregnant." Dean said from the top of the stairs.
Bobby and Sam went to the stairs.
"You know?" Sam said.
"Of course I know. It just didn't dawn on me until it was too late and you both got abducted by some hillbilly crazy people. Where is she Sam." Dean said.
"She doesn't want you there, Dean. She doesn't want you catering to her. she said she wants to be alone." Sam said.
Dean came down the stairs so fast, intending to go after Sam, but Bobby caught Dean around the collar.
"Boy, calm down. We know what's happening now. Sam is only doing what he promised her he would do I assume. So let's just talk about this."
Bobby said while holding Dean against him.
"Sam, she needs help. I know what's about to happen, and I know you're trying to do what she asked, but I'm telling you, it doesn't get better. She's going to hurt herself if I don't get to her, now where is she!!!"
"She went back to Rhode Island, Dean."
"Load up the car, Sam. We gotta go."

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