Chapter 9

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"Gotdamnit! Who the hell is calling me when it's still dark out! Someone better be dying!"
(Y/n) rolled over on the floor a few times before getting up on her hands and knees to find the phone.
"Who's getting smacked, JJ?" She spoke into the phone and tried to lay back down for a bit longer.
"(Y/n) we need your help. Stephanie's freaking out. Personally I think it's wedding day jitters but she is having a panic attack right now and I need some backup. Can you help?"
(Y/n) wiped a hand down her face and yawned. She sat up on her butt and looked at her feet for a minute.
"Yeah I can definitely help. Can you give me 5 minutes then come pick me up?"
"Yep I'm on my way. Thanks so much girl! I owe you one!"
"It's no problem, wedding is the most important thing today and nothing is gonna screw it up! I'll be good in a couple minutes. Do you have my dress and boots?"
"No, I hung it up in your closet last week when I picked it up and put the boots in there too."
"Great, thanks so much. See ya soon."
(Y/n) hung up the phone and put her head between her knees. She took a deep breath and stood up. Almost falling over, she caught herself with the chair and went to the bathroom. Turning on the light was her first mistake. Her pants were in the corner, bloodstained. The shirts and undergarments were all on the shower floor staining the floor red. The almost empty bottle was sitting neatly on the floor next to her jeans. Then she remembered she forgot her bag at the bar.
'Crap I gotta stop and get that quickly'
Turning toward the mirror, she stopped. 'What the hell am I wearing??? Whose clothes are these? Oh god... did someone see me naked??'
She stepped closer and looked at the shirt she was wearing. It looked oddly familiar..
'Where have I seen this shirt?'
*weird shuffling outside the bathroom door*
(Y/n) turned around and opened the door launching herself at the intruder. She got a hold of his neck and threw the both of them onto the bed and flipped them both over the side before crashing him into the door connecting room 50. He tried to push her away but she had a tight grip on him. Soon enough he got an arm between them and shoved her hard enough to throw her back a few feet. He ducked when she came at him again but this time the adjoining door opened and she slammed into another man. She quickly snatched his hair in her hand and slammed his head into the wall. She was angry now.
"Who the hell gave you access to these rooms!" She yelled. She had the man in too tight of a choke hold to answer.
"(Y/N)!!! NO! ITS US!!" Dean yelled.
She was momentarily stunned from the familiar voice before she was ripped off the man and thrown through the door and landed on the front step to the room.
She rolled over, groaning in pain as she tried unsuccessfully to get up.
"Damnit Dean... what the f... DEAN????"
She lifted her head to stare at the man who threw her through the door.
"I'm still drunk... you're not real. What the hell is happening?" She said. She felt her breath getting shallower and she closed her eyes.
"This isn't real. This isn't real."
Dean walked over and grabbed her hands to pull her up. She was on her feet and opened her eyes to look at Dean. Reaching up, she touched his face with her fingertips before immediately slapping him.
"Ouch! What was that for??"
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! How did you find me!! How did you even find this place???"
"Woah calm down (y/n), it's ok! Just chill out! Listen I'm sorry about throwing you, but you were kinda going all spider monkey on poor Sammy over there!" He chuckled a little bit and pointed to the man inside the room.
(Y/n) slowly turned on the light in the room to see Sammy standing there staring at her with a smirk on his face.
"Hey (y/n), I missed you so much!" Sam said with open arms.
"Oh my god.. SAMMY!" She screamed and ran to him throwing her arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug. He hugged her back and felt something wet.
"(Y/n) are you bleeding??" He asked.
"Oh shit.. Dean! Thanks so much!" She shot him a glare.
Knock knock knock knock
"Ummmm... (y/n) are you ok?? What happened to the door?" JJ stepped over the broken door and into the room..
"Oh hey, yeah just a minor mishap with... well, with my brothers.. give me a minute." She said and walked into her room to the bathroom.
"Is she ok?" JJ asked.
"Huh? Oh umm, yeah she is.." dean started to say when (y/n) yelled.
"Damnit dean! Am I wearing your clothes!!!"
"I should probably go check on her quick. Nice to see you again JJ! You look good!" And he smiled at her as he went to find (y/n).
He got to the bathroom and noticed a piece of the door sticking out of her side. He walked up behind her and pulled it out quickly.
"Ow! Shit that hurts!"
"Heal that quick so it doesn't get worse." Dean told her.
"I wouldn't have to heal it if you didn't throw me into a door..." she said quietly.
"I wouldn't have to do that if you weren't choking Sam." He tilted his head and smirked.
Then she felt bad and leaned against the wall sliding to the floor.
"No no no no, I'm sorry that was mean and you were just defending yourself. I'm sorry (y/n)."
He said as he squatted down and moved the hair from her face.
"Anyway, why's JJ here??" He asked.
"Oh crap, Steph's having a meltdown over her wedding this afternoon.. I gotta go! Geez I'm so late. SHIT! I forgot my bag..."
"Ah nope, Sammy grabbed that last night."
"What? Oh thank god! I need my clothes."
"These?" Dean laughed and pulled out a set of her clothes from the bag.
"Thanks Dean. Now get out." And she pushed him out the door. Then she looked down and didn't have the energy to change clothes anymore so she just brushed her teeth and tossed her hair into a bun on top of her head. Truth be told, she just didn't wanna give deans shirt back yet. She walked out of the bathroom to her closet and slipped on her boots and grabbed her garment bag with her dress in it.
"You're not getting your clothes back now" she said when she looked at Dean who had a funny look in his face.
"Really. Ok then. Well you do wear it better than I do." He said as he got closer and brushed the wispy hair out of her face.
"(Y/n)...." He placed a hand on her cheek and she leaned into it unconsciously and closed her eyes. Then she snapped out of it and looked at him. "Nope. Not happening. You have a girlfriend, and I'm not going to be the reason you two break up,Dean." And she walked away toward sams door.
"I don't have a girlfriend anymore, (y/n).... She broke up with me..." he stated slowly, looking at the ground. Almost upset.
'Oh no...she dumped him.' She thought. Turning around, she set her duffle on the bed and looked at him.
"I'm sorry Dean. Cassie seemed really nice. And she really liked you." (Y/n) said half heartedly.
"Yeah well this job doesn't exactly allow us to have good relationships with people so it's fine."
"Yeah, I suppose you're right about that one." She said with a sad look on her face. Now she's the one who almost looked upset.
Dean tried to step closer but (y/n) sidestepped and then they heard it.
Moaning... what the hell??
(Y/n) leaned backward and peaked through the door to sams room, where he and JJ were laying on the bed having a make out session. (Y/n) smiled at dean who was also checking out the situation and laughed while holding out her hand.
"I believe that's $50 you owe me. Pay up!"
"Seriously? We made that bet years ago! How do you even remember that??" Dean said and grabbed his wallet to pull out the money.
"Because I know when two people are a good fit and you're just mad you lost the bet!" She said before clearing her throat loudly.
The two rolled apart and looked up just as Dean was placing cash in (y/n)'s hand.
"So I see you two met?" She said to the two acting like teenagers on sams bed.
"Uhhh, yeah last night at the bar...." Sam said with a shy smile then looked at the girl next to him who was laughing.
(Y/n) laughed and grabbed her things and JJ's hand, pulling her off the bed.
"Well you can have her back later after the wedding. I'll text you the address.. right now there's a bride in distress and we are the rescue team! See ya later boys! Oh! Go have some complimentary breakfast in the front lobby at 7. It's delicious and you'll love the motel manager. She's fantastic!"  She said as they got into JJ's car and drove away.
"Get some sleep Sammy. Breakfast is at 7!" And with that Dean laid back down for a few more hours.
Sam however, just laid there thinking about JJ for a while before drifting off to sleep again on the couch in (y/n)'s room since his door is now gone.

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