Chapter 11

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The police finally showed up and spoke with (y/n) and Helen. She explained what happened and they hauled Jason away.
Dean assumed they knew her very well because they all hugged her as they left. She and Helen came back inside and everyone just smiled at her. Then a little girl, couldn't be more than 6, ran out to her and (y/n) picked her up placing her on a hip. The little girl hugged her and kissed her cheek.
"Aww Hallie, thank you so much baby. I've really missed these!" (Y/n) said almost crying again.
"I've missed you so much auntie!! Are you hurting?"
"No I'm not hurting anymore baby. I'm all good now!"
Hallie looked a little shy as she asked (y/n),"auntie? Can you fix it? Can you please make yourself all better?" As she touched a bruise on (y/n)'s face.
(Y/n) got a few tears again and hugged Hallie tighter. "Of course I can baby. Can you help me?"
Hallie nodded enthusiastically as she placed both hands on (y/n)'s cheeks and closed her eyes. (Y/n) also closed her own eyes and healed herself. Her wounds and bruises all over her body that no one could see began to glow a bright gold. She could feel everything become whole again and she looked at Hallie who had the biggest smile.
"There auntie. There you are!! I missed you!!"
"I missed you too! Now go play with all your friends and have a good time!" She laughed as she set Hallie down. She ran off to play with her friends as (y/n)'s friends all stared at her going behind the bar. She lined up 6 shot glasses and filled them all. She was about to drink them when Dean came around the side of the bar and stood next to her with half a panicked expression. She looked up at him, almost scared to say anything when he suddenly grabbed her on both sides of her face, and kissed her with such passion she melted into his touch. He kissed her with everything he had, and audible gasps could be heard from all around the room. Until Sam piped up.
"Well it's about freakin time!" And everyone just laughed.
"You ladies wanna see something else amazing?"
Sam asked the girls.
As he walked over to where the music was still playing and he searched for a song on the computer.
It began to play and all the girls ran over to try turning it off.
"No! If we play that song she's going to leave! She doesn't stay when it turns on!!" They all said.
"Just watch.." Sam whispered.
They turned around just as Dean and (y/n) started laughing.
"Would you care to dance?" Dean asked ever so lovingly.
"With you? Every time." She smiled and took his hand as they made their way to the dance floor.
All the girls mouths fell open as they watched the sight before them.
The two were off in their own little world, with their own perfect rythym to a song she only ever danced to with him. It was theirs. And no one could take that from them. They spun around the dance floor smiling and laughing their way through it the whole time. Just looking at each other. By the end of the song Dean leaned down and pulled her in for one more kiss. He didn't want to let her go anymore.
"As kids, there wasn't much to do since we moved around so much. Dean and (y/n) would turn on the music in the motel room and start dancing. Didn't matter if it was fast or slow. They just always danced. Especially when things got super intense. It just kinda stuck with them. She taught me how to dance. She said 'dancing is a language everyone can speak, Sammy.' This is the only song they won't dance to with anyone but each other." Sam spoke softly as they all watched on in amazement. The girls had never seen her dance like that with anyone. She always left when this song came on so no one knew!
(Y/n) heard the song end and decided to make Sammy and the rest of the crowd join them.
She snapped her fingers and a new upbeat song began.
"Come on Sammy!! Time to make a move!" She yelled across the room.
Sam smiled and grabbed JJ's hand. They ran to the dance floor and so did everyone else. They all gathered around the bride and groom who knew the dance better than anyone and just had a hell of a fun night after that.
Hallie came running up a little while later and asked (y/n) to sing the girl's favorite song. There was no way she could deprive the little girl of that.
"Ok fellas! We're playin a little Martina McBride tonight! This one's for the girls! Let's go!" The band laughed and began to play.
(Y/n) sang through the song and all the little girls got out on the dance floor to jump around. She did notice that Hallie seemed to take a liking to Dean and Sam though. Hallie kept checking them out and smiling from the middle of the dance floor. She absolutely loved that little girl. 
The song ended and it was time for all the little kids to be brought home to bed. Helen took Hallie home and the other kids went with their parents.
Soon the end of the night came for everyone else too. (Y/n) hopped on the mic one more time to make the last announcement.
"Alright ladies you know what time it is! In true 'wreckers' fashion, we get the honor of closing the night out by thanking the people we love to hate. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have made it this far, and won this many battles. So let's give them the big shout out they deserve!!" All the girls climbed up on stage and started to sing Garth brooks, 'I've got friends in low places' . They all joined together and made a chorus line out of it just like they always do. The crowd got the biggest kick out of it. Sam and Dean especially. They didn't see (y/n) smile or laugh that hard very often so it was the most amazing sight to see. She looked like she didn't have one care in this world. The boys couldn't help but smile and clap along with everyone else. The girls finished and the bride and groom were about to leave when (y/n) called them back to the dance floor.
"Listen guys, the rest of us, we're gonna leave. But you have one last song to dance to before you can go home. Take this last few minutes by yourselves for the night to really let the day soak in. Congratulations! We all love you so much!!"
The rest of the people dispersed, and left the couple to dance their last song in peace.

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