Chapter 7

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"Ok,Dean, listen I am all for going when there is a case, but it sounds to me like you're just looking for a hook up! Why are you so hell bent on meeting this girls mother? If that's what you're really trying to do?"
"Sam this is not a hook up. Heather was an old friend I knew. I wanna say goodbye. Give her mom my condolences. That's all. Why do you keep thinking this is a hook up situation??"
"Because I know you, Dean! I know your tricks!"
"Not this time Sammy. Heather was a friend and I want to know what happened ok? Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go inside and get us a room. Do you have a problem with that too??"
Dean said as he got out of the car in the Nightbird Motel parking lot.
"Yeah fine but we are not staying too long! We still gotta find dad!" Sam yelled out the door at him.
Dean walked up to the front desk, a lady sitting there reading an older novel looked up at him and smiled.
"Uh, hi ma'am, just need one room for the night please." As he pulled out his wallet to pay.
The woman smiled at him and said, "your money is no good here son."
As she was reaching down for the key to give him, he noticed a picture on the wall he hadn't seen in a very long time. Reaching behind him to the gun is his waistband, he slowly asked her, "who are you? Why do you have that photo?"
She looked up at him then to the gun in his hand.
With half a smirk she said, "she gave it to me to hang on our family wall."
"Who gave it to you?"
She pointed at the picture in question, "(y/n) did. She told me this is part of her family and it deserves a place with everyone else, Dean."
"How do you know my name? Who are you? Wait... you know her real name??" Dean looked at her wide-eyed.
The woman began to laugh a little just as Sam walked in, worried about why Dean was holding his gun.
"Oh right you mean that crap lie about 'Jennifer'? Yeah, no we all know her real name. She's a big part of our little town she created for us. I'm Helen. Helen bleecker. I'm the owner of the Nightbird motel here. Would you and Sam like one room or separate ones while you're here?"
"Did you say your name is Helen? Heathers mom, that Helen?" Dean asked.
"Yes I am, Heather was my daughter, hallie is my grand daughter."
"Helen, I'm so sorry for your loss. I knew Heather and just couldn't believe it when I heard she passed... would you mind my asking what happened?" Dean spoke gently.
Helen got tears in her eyes and smiled as he spoke. He is just as sweet as (y/n) described him to be.
"Oh dean, you're so sweet and I appreciate the kind words. It was vampires. But I'm afraid you missed your opportunity to take them down because (y/n) beat you to it."
"She's here? Where is she? Is she ok?" Dean asked quickly.
Helen laughed again. "Yeah she's here. Got back into the states about 6 hours ago. She did a real number on them from what the girls at the bar told me. Wiped out the whole nest."
"I'm sorry ma'am. You know about vampires?" Sam piped up from behind Dean.
"Hello there Sam! Yes I do. We all do. She's trained us for self defense in the very least against monsters." Helen gave him a small wave.
"Where was (y/n)? You said she just got back to the states?"
"Yeah we sent her on vacation over to London for a while. She must've found something there because she decided to stay for 8 months. I called her about heather and it took her almost 2 weeks to get back. She doesn't look very good at the moment. I'm afraid something may have happened to her over there."
"Why do you say that?" Sam asked
"Well because right now I can guarantee she is sitting at the bottom of her shower in her room drinking the last of her 2nd bottle of whiskey for the night. She only does that when someth"
"When something traumatic happens to her." Dean cut her off.
"So you know what I'm talking about then I see." Helen said.
"I've been through it with her more than a few times in the last decade or two. What makes you think something happened over there and it's not just heathers death though?" Dean asked.
"I know she can make herself look healthy but when she showed up here covered in blood a little bit ago, I could see clear bruises and cuts on her that were definitely not from a vampire. They looked older than a few hours."
Dean ran a hand down his face and leaned on the front counter. "Crap. Do you mind if I borrow a few things from you so I can go help her out?" He exhaled and sighed.
"I've got it all right here in a bag ready to go. Along with an extra pillow and blanket just in case you can't get her out of the shower. She doesn't like her regular blanket to get wet if she can help it.she's in room 49. It's connected to rooms 48 and 50 as well per her only request. She said she would need rooms for the both of you if you ever came looking for her." And with that she handed dean the keys to all three rooms with a smirk on her face.
He just gave a half hearted laugh. "So you've seen a few things with her too I see. Other than the bruises and cuts, how did she look? Good?"
"Yeah she looks good, Dean. Maybe you and her should have a nice chat when this is all done. Now go take care of our girl. She needs you right now." She said with a wink and a grin.
The boys turned to go out the door when Helen called them back.
"Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your condolences, and for showing up tonight. And for showing up all those years ago, dean. You boys mean a lot to us around here." She smiled and went back to her novel.
The boys walked out the door.
"What did she mean all those years ago, Dean?"
"It's nothing, Sammy. Let's not talk about this again." Dean said shyly.

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