Chapter 16

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Dean walked out the back door to go find Bobby, but ran right into him on the back steps.
"Careful boy, don't hurt yourself. Again." Bobby said with a laugh.
"I fell off these steps one time and no one is gonna let me forget it." Dean said.
"It was definitely more than once but sure, I'll let it go. How is she?"
"She's sleeping right now. Should be better when she wakes up. Thanks for making her tea."
"I always keep it on hand just for her.... So how bad was it this time? Do I need to get the panic room sorted out for her?"
"No you don't have to do that. It was bad though Bobby. She was afraid to come back here because of the fight you two had last time."
"Fight?? What fight.. ooh. That fight.... I forgot all about that until now. She was so angry with me.." Bobby looked at the ground and kicked a few rocks.
"She said you were right."
Bobby's head snapped up to look at Dean.
"She said what? What happened?" Bobby got very serious all of a sudden.
"Some people found her Bobby. I wish I could show you what she showed me. They tortured her. They cut off chunks of her skin and took blood from her. They did so many things to her. She had to live through her worst nightmare.. and I couldn't stop it, Bobby." Dean sat on the back steps with his head in his hands, pulling on his hair.
Bobby sat next to him. "I tried to protect her too Dean. I hate that I was right. And she's going to hate herself for a long time because of that. Don't let her do that. Do you know who these people are? How much did she show you?" He asked, concerned about the situation.
"She wouldn't show me faces or conversations. She just showed me what happened. I don't know if it was everything but it was definitely enough to cause this."
"Balls!!! That girl has been through too much. How does she keep goin like she does?" Bobby asked with a sad look on his face.
"I don't know. I can tell you one thing though. She hasn't used her powers nearly as much as she used to. It must've been crazy enough to make her rethink what she's doing." Dean said quietly.
"How much is she actually using them?"
"She's really not. I mean, she used them a few times maybe since she's been back. Twice to help out the other girls, and once to show me what happened. Nothing big, no popping in and out of the car, bedrooms, houses, in and out of the bar. Nothing. She's walked everywhere and she's on high alert. It's like she's waiting for something to happen. Like something is following her. She seems almost afraid." Dean looked at Bobby a little worried.
"She is. Something is making her wanna stay off the radar. What can you tell me about what she showed you?" Bobby questioned.
"Not much I guess. Um.. well she was strapped down to a table. Couldn't move. Metal clasps. Maybe iron? Scalpels, syringes. Men in white lab coats... there was something around her neck. Didn't look too pleasant."
"What was around her? Anything important"
Dean closed his eyes and tried to remember what he had seen. "Yeah there were computers and monitors on the wall. One looked Like a world map. Little dots everywhere. I've never seen anything like that. Other than movies I guess."
"They can track her. That's why she's not using her powers. Someone figured out how to track supernatural creatures. Crap."
"So if she just doesn't use her powers she can stay off the radar?"
"I mean, theoretically speaking, yeah maybe. But it sounds like they can already locate her."
"So what do we do?"
"We talk with her about it when she's ready."
"That could be a while."
"Then we talk with her later on when she's awake."
"Well when we got there, Sam went to the bar and watched the security tapes. He said there's a trap door under the dance floor. Once the bloodsuckers fell in with (y/n), he couldn't see anything. Sounds like she's got that whole town protected already." Dean said sounding impressed with her ingenuity.
"I already know all about the town, son. Helen called me yesterday after you three left... She wiped out an entire nest in less than 2 hours once she started. I've never heard of that being done before. Especially by just one person." Bobby said
"Ok now I gotta know, how did you get Helen's number?"
"Me and Helen have been talkin to each other for a few years now. We both knew she was hidin things from us so she looked me up. We met up about an hour from here at a truck stop diner when she was living in Missouri. Figured we needed to keep each other in the loop after that. That girl still thinks she's so sneaky." Bobby laughed at that.
"I like Helen. She's funny. She keeps (y/n) pretty grounded when she's there... they all do." Dean smiled at remembering the last few days with everyone.
"Helen said she could never repay (y/n) enough for what she did for those girls. They've all been through enough.." Bobby sighed.
They sat for a few more minutes then went inside for beers.

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