Chapter 21

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Dean and Sam flew down the highway in the impala with (y/n) following close behind on her bike. Man it felt good to really get out for a ride. Dean pulled into a gas station to fill up so (y/n) ran to the bathroom to freshen up while Sam checked out the map.
(Y/n) gave herself a once over in the half foggy mirror on the wall, making sure she wasn't missing anything and her makeup was still decent. Walking out of the bathroom, she walked straight into Dean.
"Oh shit, sorry Dean. I didn't see you there."
"No that's ok, sweetheart, plans changed. We're heading to Mississippi. I just gotta hit the head first." Dean said and walked to the restroom.
"Okay???" She questioned and rounded the corner to her bike and Sam sitting in the passenger seat.
"Sammy, what happened? Mississippi??" She asked quietly.
"Dean got a call. Said it was from an old friend down there. Said her father was killed last night." Sam explained.
"Old friend, huh?" She said climbing onto the bike, she started it up and turned around to head toward Mississippi. She knew exactly who Dean was talking about. Once Dean got back from the bathroom, she just looked at him, pulled her helmet on, and took off to the south with the boys right behind her. Every once in a while she would open the throttle up and fly down the highway, leaving the boys behind. She stopped for gas once. The boys were far enough behind her, she was able to fill up and take off again right as they were about to pass by the gas station. She hasn't been back to Mississippi in over 3 years. It was a painful memory for her. Watching Dean walk away and choose Cassie over her when she finally told Dean how she felt, the pain was unbearable. She couldn't blame him though. It was her own fault Dean walked away. If she had just kept her feelings to herself, Dean would have never told her to leave. They wouldn't have had that fight, and she wouldn't have felt the need to find someone to ease her pain. Truth be told, Jason didn't ease her pain. He made it worse. But eventually she started to believe she deserved it. The more she kept thinking about it, the faster she went. It got to the point she was going so fast she almost lost control and would have slid into oncoming traffic. She let off the gas and back tracked to find the boys. Once she found them, she followed behind them until the Mississippi State line. Slowing down a little she lagged behind them.

Sam and Dean headed to the town newspaper while (y/n) checked out the car. It was definitely totaled. It looked like something had rammed this thing continuously! The police report was going to be necessary this time.
"My god. I can't even imagine going out this way. Killed by a monster, sure. Someone running me off the road? No way." She spoke to herself as she walked around the car, looking inside and out for any other evidence the cops might've missed.
Hopping back on her bike, she drove over to the local newspaper. She got there just in time to see Sam and Dean walking down the sidewalk to the car, so she pulled up behind it.
Before Dean got a chance to explain himself to her, Sam jumped in and started talking to (y/n), which she appreciated very much right now.
"How was the car?" Sam asked.
"Oh the car is junk. I mean, it's a brand new car, and everything, but it's totaled. It was one of the latest models too. You know, the ones they claim to be the safest on the road. Looks like it got slammed into by another car from at least the back and passenger side. Whole trunk looks like it's in the backseat now." She said.
"I wonder, do you think this is our kinda thing?" Sam asked.
"I think the police report is gonna tell us more." She said.
Dean was about to say something when Cassie walked out of the building toward them.
"Hey Dean, you guys can follow me to my parents house.. oh hi, I'm sorry, my name is Cassie." She said and held out a hand for (y/n) to shake.
"Oh, hi Cassie, I'm Jennifer, Jenny, you can just call me Jen, it's easiest. Would you mind if I crash the party at your parents house? I'm just here helping the boys with this one." She said smiling at her and the boys.
Cassie got a funny look on her face and replied, "sure, that's fine, jacie. You're more than welcome to join us. Dean can ride with me then and you can both follow!"
Cassie turned and walked away, leaving (y/n) stunned by her boldness.
"Wow, the lady has guts. I'll give her that." She said cleaning off a scuff mark on her helmet before putting it on.
"(Y/n) I don't have to ride with her." Dean started, but she put up a hand and smiled.
"Go, Dean. She's waiting." And he turned to see Cassie unlocking her car. Dean sighed and just looked at (y/n) as he walked over to Cassie's vehicle.
Sam came over to (y/n) and just stared at Dean as he walked away.
"What the heck was that all about?" He asked.
"She's testing the waters, Sam. Girls do that sometimes when they feel their territory being threatened. I don't blame her. She doesn't know me."
"Does she know the real you?"
"Let's not get into that Sammy. She doesn't know who Jenny is and I'd like to keep it that way. Make things easier for Dean. Now go on, I'm right behind you." And she slid the helmet on waiting for Sammy to get in the car. He also sighed and walked away. Shaking off the pain that was beginning to creep in, she started the bike and took off after the two cars.

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