Chapter 10

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The building was lively and everyone was thrilled with the wedding. Stephanie and Daniel planned the perfect day. And their honeymoon to south Florida would be just as epic. (Y/n) booked them for 2 weeks in a resort tailored to their liking and made sure breakfast would be served every morning at 9am. She planned them the perfect, most relaxing getaway for the start of their marriage.
Heather was supposed to be the emcee/lead singer for this reception. So (y/n) was good as back up in case she came down with something. Well, it looks like she's the front and center stage now... The couple had the whole set planned with the band so all she had to do was sing and make a few announcements. She was good with that.
Singing the couples song for their first dance together as husband and wife, while everyone stood and watched. What she didn't notice was the look on dean's face as she sang. He stood in the back of the crowd close to the bar so he didn't feel like he was in anyone's way. He missed hearing her sing. She used to sing everything all the time. She would sing in the shower, working on the car, staring at the sky, shopping for groceries. It was calming for him. He was happy to be here just listening to her do her thing. Even if it was a wedding. They didn't attend weddings. Or anything else for that matter. But he was happy to be here for her.
Sam was enjoying hanging out with JJ. He still can't believe he lost that bet.
The song ended and other people joined the couple on the dance floor for a few more songs before (y/n) announced a 5 minute break for herself and the band. They turned on some prerecorded music so people could still dance and mingle while the band got refreshments. Dean started looking around for (y/n), thinking she would come talk to him for a minute. She never came out. He wanted to go backstage to check on her. Would that be appropriate? Should he go check? Or would she push him away like last time. He decided against it and went to get a drink from the bar.
Meanwhile, (y/n) ran into an uninvited visitor backstage. Jason. Her ex boyfriend. She broke up with him before Heather pushed her out for her vacation 8 months before. He was not a friendly person. He was quite awful when it came to women. She just didn't realize it until too late when he began to get angry with her and get physically violent when she did something he didn't approve of. There was a time he got so angry, he ended up beating her so badly she couldn't see out of one eye from the bruising and swelling and she couldn't talk to her friends otherwise they would try to intervene. That was a time when she thought so low of herself that she thought she deserved it. She convinced herself he was the best she could do. So he beat her. Stabbed her more than once, and did unimaginable things to her to make himself feel like a big man. When she finally had the courage to get away from him, she went straight to Heather. Heather put her on a plane for a vacation to get away from everyone and everything. To take care of herself and find who she was. Get back to basics with who (y/n) really is. Heather just didn't know she found someone in London. Someone who saved her from herself. From doing anymore harm to herself. Made her feel love, made her feel happy and secure. Only to betray her in the end and take it all away from her in her hardest hour of all. Heather didn't know. Thank goodness.
Now Jason was here. To bring more suffering. Before she knew it, he had her pinned against a wall in a back closet away from everyone hitting her and cussing her out for trying to get away from him. She got a cut on her cheek and forehead from the blow he just landed to her face. Pretty sure there's another cracked rib. Something is definitely bruised inside. One more hit to her stomach. Head. His hand snaked up to her neck and began to squeeze before she finally remembered herself. She kneed him in the groin and he doubled over letting go of her neck. Gosh that's gonna bruise bad. She ripped open the door and began running down the back hall to get toward the front for help. She looked back to see where he was and he was almost on top of her. She tripped over something and fell down then he slammed her up against a wall. She punched his face and got out of his grip before he kicked her so hard she flew in the air through the side door entrance. She landed on her back before the rest of her body was rolled over top and she was laying on her stomach. She coughed a couple times but it hurt. She could hear people running toward her but then everyone stopped when they heard a click.
"Gonna try to hide her from me again? You thought I wouldn't find out where she is? SHE IS MINE!" Jason roared at the crowd while he waved a gun around wildly at them and (y/n).
"Alright buddy, I don't know what happened, but she ain't yours, and it's time for you to go." Dean said quickly trying to shield everyone else from the gun and get to (y/n).
"Who the hell are you? Her new lover to try getting over me? Is she that much of a whore now ?" Jason started yelling in deans face with the gun.
"You're makin a big mistake pal.." dean said with a smirk.
"Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?"
"Me? Nothin! She might do something though!" Dean smirked and backed up a few steps.
(Y/n) stood behind Jason, eyes glowing the brightest of purples. She was pissed. And Dean knew when to get out of the way. He slowly pushed a few people behind him as Jason turned around to face her. Visibly shocked by the look of her, he sucked in a breath.
"Whore, huh? Is that what I am?" She calmly stated.
She was quick enough that she took both hands and slammed them as hard as she could against both sides of his head then grabbed his hair and slammed his face into her knee.
She kicked his knee and sent him to the floor. Wiped blood away from her own nose and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds.
"I am... who I was raised to be... and so much more..." she spoke lowly. And she kicked the side of his ribs.
She picked up the gun he dropped, took out the clip and removed the bullet from the chamber before snapping it in half. Jason managed to stagger to his feet looking at (y/n) as she downed 2 shots from the bar, slowly backing away toward the door to try get away from her.
She could see him out of the corner of her eye. Looking at the bride and groom she said, " I'm sorry about this.." and charged at Jason. They both crashed through the glass door together and landed outside in the gravel parking lot. (Y/n) got up and dragged him a little ways before she started throwing punches at his face.
"You're the reason I never got to see her again!! She sent me on vacation to get me away from you!!" She screamed and cried as she kept hitting him in the face.
Dean was about to go out and grab her when Helen stepped forward.
"No, Dean, I've got this one." And Helen walked out the door.
He watched her grab (y/n)'s arms and pull her into a hug and let her cry. Then he looked around at all the other girls standing next to him. They were all smiling with a few tears in their eyes.
"What's happening right now?" He whispered to JJ.
"She finally kicked the shit outta that asshole."

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