Chapter 8

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Dean opened the door to (y/n)'s room and was hit with a sweet scent. He recognized it as her favorite. He could hear her music playing from the bathroom. It was her 'sadness mix' as she called it when they were younger. He's heard it so many times he knows exactly which song will play next. He put the bag on the bed and slowly pushed the bathroom door open with one finger. He usually knew what to expect when it came to (y/n) but this time it felt different. It felt off. Like something truly horrible really had happened to her this time. She was just sitting in the shower with the whiskey bottle almost gone, no pants on but she still had her shirts and undergarments.
She looked over at him when he opened the door wider.
"Oh look, it's my nightly torture session with dean. What fresh hell would you like to put me through tonight oh wise giver of bullshit?" She was slurring her way through it all with her eyes half closed.
"Hey there we got Sammy boy too! Gosh I always love a good two for one special. Let's see if it's the same as all the other nights.."
she looked away and rested her head against the wall again.
"Dean what's happening??" Sam whispered to his brother.
"When she allows herself to feel the effects of alcohol, she kinda goes overboard and starts hallucinating. But she only ever sees the same few people. She never wants you to see her like this Sammy. She doesn't want you to see her darker sides. There are things about her, things that have happened to her that she's never wanted me to tell you about. Right now she thinks she's hallucinating. So don't bring this up in the morning. Okay?" Dean said as lowly as possible.
Sam nodded and sat down on the counter. Dean took off his jacket, boots, and socks and sat down on the shower floor next to (y/n) under the cascading water.
"Wanna talk (y/n)? How was your vacation?" Dean asked quietly.
"You know how my vacation went, Dean.. it went straight to hell and I lost myself."
"Why did it go to hell?"
"We're not talking about this again. I've talked to you more in the last few weeks than I've talked to the real dean in the last 2 years. This is absolute torture and I'm done. Go away."
The slurring continued as she tried to take the last few drinks of the bottle before dean took it away.
"Hey! That's mine! Give it back!" She went to reach for it before remembering something.
"Ah shit! I forgot my bag down at the bar! You were supposed to remind me dean!!!" She said as she tried to smack his arm, but fell over into him instead.
"Woah woah woah ok alright (y/n), we will make sure you get your bag. It's ok just relax. Sam? Will you run down to the bar and get her things? Big green army bag has dads name on it. While you're at it, can you check with the girls there about what happened?" Dean quietly asked the last part since (y/n) seemed to be falling asleep on his shoulder.
"Yeah I'll be back soon." Sam said and left to find the bar.
Dean shifted and grabbed the washcloth and soap. He's been through this a few times so he knew the drill. He started with her hair, scrubbing all the blood out with the shampoo and conditioner. He moved down with the soap and washcloth to her face arms and legs. Helen was right. She's got bruises everywhere. It looks like there were small chunks taken out of her all over! What is going on! He was careful around the wounds, and washed everywhere the best he could before wrapping her in a towel and drying her hair a bit. Since her bag wasn't here yet he just put her in a pair of his clean boxers and a tshirt that was too big on her. She could wear anything of his and make it look good though.
Dean picked her up and carried her to the bed. Once under the covers, she rolled in toward the middle with her arm outstretched to the other side.
Dean was a little taken aback by that. She still reached for him. She began to move around a bit when he finally realized she was having a nightmare. He quickly changed his clothes and cleaned himself up before climbing in next to her and pulling her into him .
Dean began to whisper things to her sleeping form to try calming her mind.
"(Y/n) it's ok. I'm here. I'm not going to let anything or anyone hurt you anymore. I don't know what happened, but it won't happen again I can tell you that much. Just don't give in to those demons in there. Please don't let them win. I need you (y/n). I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I hurt you."
Tears sprang to his eyes and he hugged her a little tighter. He kissed the top of her head and he could feel her begin to relax. Sniffling, just rocked back and forth for a while.

2 hours later

Sam came back in the door and saw the sight before him. Deans head resting on (y/n)'s. Her arm wrapped around his middle lightly snoring. Sam smiled a little as Dean opened his eyes. Sam made a gesture to Dean to go outside. He nodded and slowly moved (y/n) over to the pillow next to them before making his way outside.
"What took you so long? Isn't the bar a few blocks from here?"
Sam sighed, "yeah, this girl, JJ, she filled me in on everything. It took a little convincing but she finally showed me the security tapes. There were 15 vampires. They're all dead, Dean. Well, 14 of them were. The last one she hog tied and brought out to a truck in the parking lot before driving off. They don't know where she took her, but when she got back, she told them there were 19 more dead and the problem was taken care of. I watched her walk in, say something to everyone, grab the bottle, and walk out again probably 2 hours after she left the first time so I'm assuming she came here right after."
Dean ran his hands through his hair and paced the sidewalk for a while. He looked through the window at the woman passed out in the bed. She was absolutely amazing to him. He could see she had been through some rough times in the last couple years though. He got angry at himself for letting her go. How could he do that to her? Let her leave and just not call her? Not find her? Why did he do that?
"Thanks Sammy. Did you grab her bag?"
"Yeah I did. Geez she's got her entire life in here."
And he pulled out all the pictures she kept around her apartment back in London.
"She used to do this with all our stuff when we were younger. She didn't want us to forget anything so she always triple checked everything wherever we went." Dean said with a smile as he got to a picture of her and him. It was them laying in the dirt at Bobby's house. He remembered that day. They wanted to camp out there but Bobby warned them that it was too cold for them that night. They were determined to prove him wrong. So Bobby saw them out there and took a picture before yelling at them to get back in the house.
Dean laughed at it and tucked them all back inside the bag then hauled it into the room. Sam took the adjoining room #50. He laid back down next to (y/n) and ran his fingers through her hair for a while before falling asleep.

(Y/n) rolled over and landed on the floor next to the bed still sleeping. Dean was so tired he didn't notice she was gone from the bed.

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