Chapter 17

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4 AM
(Y/n) rolled over to get out of bed. Just as she was about to stand up, Dean wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back into him, throwing the covers back over the two.
"You get out of this bed before 7am and I will lock you in the basement for a week." Dean said groggily.
"You can't do that to me." (Y/n) said back to him.
"Watch me. You're staying right here and getting more sleep. You haven't gotten a proper nights sleep in god only knows how long. Now hush up and close your eyes." Dean said back to her, snuggling back into place.
(Y/n) sighed deeply and just closed her eyes again drifting back off to sleep for a few more hours.
By the time she woke up it was 8:30am and she could smell bacon from upstairs. Sitting up in bed, she looked beside her to see Dean was already gone. She smirked at the thought of last nights events and pulled on her clothes for the day. Stretching before going down stairs, she felt her back crack.
She descended the stairs and made her way to the kitchen where Dean was cooking the bacon while Sam made pancakes. Bobby was nowhere in sight. She quietly sat at the table waiting for the boys to notice her. They were in the middle of a conversation about her and she just decided to wait patiently for the perfect moment to jump in.
"Ok, but I just don't understand why you won't tell me what happened with (y/n) to start all this in the first place, Dean." Sam said sounding annoyed, and worried???
"Because Sammy, there are just some things about her that she doesn't want you or anyone else to know. When she wants you to know, she'll tell you, trust me." Dean was getting frustrated with the questioning.
"I understand you keep telling me that, but why ca."
"Or you could just ask her about it yourself if you're that worried Sammy." (Y/n) said a little louder making the boys jump and yell.
"Shit! Damnit (y/n) how the hell do you get down those stairs so quietly!" Dean looked at her with shock.
She smirked again, "does Bobby have any tea?"
Dean reached into the cupboard and pulled out her box of tea.
"Kettle just finished a couple minutes ago." Dean smiled and gave her a mug.
"Fine, (y/n) what happened to you?" Sam asked her directly in hopes she would divulge her entire history to him.
"What happened to me, Sam, is John.. what helped me when I needed saving though, that was Dean. I'm not ready to tell you, because it's not something people talk about everyday. It's not a good conversation for me or anyone listening. If you can just be patient with me, and Dean for that matter, I'll tell you about it when I'm ready. But for now, I need you to not bring it up again. It's like continuously getting stabbed over and over again with no hope of making it out alive. Please let it go, Sammy." (Y/n) explained carefully to him.
"..ok.. I'll leave it alone." Sam looked at her with a frown, turning back to finish the last of the pancakes.
"He ya go sweetheart." Dean said sliding her mug full of tea in front of her. He kissed her and went over to grab the bacon just as Bobby came through the back door. He sat down at the table after filling his coffee cup again.
The boys brought the food over and they sat in silence until everyone was finished eating.
"Alright, do we have a case yet?" (Y/n) asked walking into Bobby's office with her tea in hand.
"Yeah we do, pack up little lady. Sammy's got a lead." Dean said coming back down the stairs.
"Awesome! Where we headed?"
Dean sighed as he opened the front door. He looked back at her and Bobby, "home. We're going back home. Let's check out what's haunting Lawrence, Kansas." And Dean walked out the door with his bag.
(Y/n)'s eyebrows scrunched together as she looked back at Bobby. Following Dean out the door quickly she ran up behind him.
"I thought we agreed to never go back there."
"Yeah well sam insisted we need to go back there. There's a family in our old house that he believes is being terrorized." Dean opened the trunk and tossed in his bag.
"What do you mean? Does Sam know the new family?" She asked.
"We will explain everything to you in the car, I promise. We just need to go right now." He walked back to the house with (y/n) in tow.
"Alright, I'll be ready in 5."
Bobby waved them off again from the front porch as they made their trek south to Kansas.

"So let me see if I have the facts straight here. And please correct me if I'm wrong. Sam here, he's channeling his inner Whoopi Goldberg vibes right now, visions popping up everywhere for him. And now he's seeing the old house with a new family and they're in trouble. Deans freakin out a little at the moment as am I, and now we've got some crazy ghosts popping up in the middle of nowhere again after what, 20 years give or take?"
"Yeah that about covers it." Dean said.
"Where the hell is John? Shouldn't he be helping take care of this mess?"
"We can't find him. He's been off the map for a while now. Any chance you can feel him out there somewhere?" Sam asked.
"I can try. I've got some people I can call, but so far I'm not feeling him. He's still alive right?"
"Yeah he is, he's been sending us coordinates to new cases once in a while, but he's just staying out of the light. We don't know why though." Dean said.
"Ok, well, let's check out nightmare number one then." She sat back and retreated into her thoughts for a while until they reached home.
"Wow. It looks exactly the same." She commented on her way up the front steps.
A woman named Jenny answered the door and immediately Dean tried to lie his way in the door before Sam cut him off. Surprisingly he told her who they were and their affiliation to the house.
'Well I wasn't expecting that!' Was all (y/n) could think with a small laugh behind them.
"Well, come on in!" Jenny invited them in.
They later left after getting a tour, some photos, and some surprisingly haunting information from Jenny's daughter. (Y/n) was a bit worried for her.  She sleeps in the room that used to be Sam's.. Where Mary died...
They reached the car when the boys decided on visiting John's old auto shop to speak with his former coworker.
(Y/n) waited by the car for the boys to come back. She started looking up and down the street just out of habit to make sure there's nothing suspicious happening around her. Just a couple kids riding their bikes across the street.
"Ok so he went to a psychic. Let's see how many of those are in town."
It didn't take long for Sam to check the psychic yellow pages for Dean to have a breakthrough.

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