Chapter 2

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3 days later

(Y/n) woke up confused and worried. 'Why is it so bright in here? Where am I? What's happening? WHY CANT I MOVE???' She tried to lift her arms but to no avail. Leather straps bound her wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and stomach to an extremely hard and uncomfortable table. 'This is definitely not my apartment.' She thought. Her legs and arms felt so sore. Why? 'Ouch! What is that pain?'
Suddenly a door in front of her opened to reveal 3 people she's never seen before. She began to freak out a little as they came closer. They each had a scalpel. Soon she realized why she was hurting so badly...
They began to slice small pieces of flesh off random parts of her. Tears sprang to her eyes the more they cut.
'How did I get here?' She thought. She felt disoriented and slightly numb. She didn't know what to do and just wanted to get off this table to find a safe place. Then she remembered.
Heather.. she's gone..
'I'm supposed to be going home. I'm supposed to be mourning my best friend. Is this the universe punishing me for not being there to protect her? Why did I go on vacation? Why did I stay for so long? I should've gone home. I should've never left. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE TO PROTECT HER!!! This is all my fault! This is my punishment!! This is what I deserve! I'm so sorry Heather!'
Every negative thought ran through her head for hours from her friends to her family. Every Decision she's made her entire life began to flood her mind. Her whole friendship with Heather. From the time they met to the day she pushed
(Y/n) out the door to take this ridiculous vacation. '(Y/n) time' is what she called it.
She didn't want to believe her best friend was dead. It hurt too much, but deep down she knew it was true. She could no longer feel for Heathers heartbeat. Hear her innermost thoughts. Feel her emotions. She could feel everyone else's. Some were scared, some were joyful, almost excited.

She began going in and out of consciousness for a while before the door opened again. (Y/n) assumed it must've been more people to run tests on her and remove more of her flesh. They might as well just end her now. Her whole world is crumbling..
Something felt familiar though. She'd felt that particular aura before. Confident, but silent. A slight arrogance to it. This one stood next to the table and (y/n) turned her head.
"Hello (y/n). How are you enjoying our facilities? Are they to your liking?" He said with a look of almost hatred is what it seemed.
"You did this? What's happening? Where am I and what are they doing to me? Get me out of here! Please!" She pleaded with him.
"My apologies to you Ms. Winchester. You're not going anywhere to hurt anyone, ever again. This is one of our testing sites for monsters like yourself. They are taking samples to test exactly what you are, because your abilities are rare and we don't see that very often. You've been on our radar for quite some time now. So until we know, you don't leave the table. My money is on demon though, personally. Which is why I am very surprised your family had not put you down after all this time. That's what your father is currently hunting. Aren't they supposed to be some big bad hunters over in America? And how exactly did you end up here in London again? A vacation? Running from your ex? Which ex again? I should probably pop over and test out your family too, just in case. Or you could just be a good girl and just tell me, because I'd really hate to make that trip right now."
(Y/n) was angry now. Beyond that actually. Blind murderous rage was more like it.
"Stay the hell away from my family, Arthur, or I promise I will kill you if you even make that attempt. Now let me go because I am not a monster!"
"Not a monster? Do you think I'm stupid? I saw what happened to your flat. I KNOW YOURE A MONSTER!"
"I hunt them, yes, but I am not one! Please Arthur! Just let me go and I will walk away, no harm no foul. We can just go our separate ways, never see one another again. Please let me go! Please!" She began begging as nicely as she could so she wouldn't rip him apart.
All she had to do was get out of here and away from him so she could go home. Be with her family. Her friends. Protect them. Would he be nice and let her go willingly? It's not looking very promising.
"I don't think you understand. You are never leaving this facility"
Nope, not promising at all.
"We need record of what you are, what you're capable of, and what can hurt or kill you. We need to know if there are any more like you as well. You are never getting out my darling."
"Don't call me that! And who is we? What the hell do you really do for a living that you won't tell me?" Curiosity got the better of her. At the very least she was going to know who he was in real life now before she hurt him.
"Well DARLING, we are the Men of Letters chapter here in London. You set off many red alerts coming over here. I was sent to keep an eye on you. It has been one of my most challenging assignments to date and I'm just glad it's over now." Arthur said with a sigh of relief.
"You're glad it's over? You've been lying to me for months and you're glad it's over? Now you're threatening me and making accusations against me but you're GLAD ITS OVER???"

(Y/n's) eyes flashed a dangerous glare over to Arthur. She knew what she was about to do. She promised Bobby she would never reveal too much of her abilities to outsiders. She tried to be nice. Tried to reason. He made a mistake though. He's trying to threaten her family. No one makes a single move against her family. She will take them straight to hell with her.
'I am gonna owe Bobby one hell of an apology after this.'
He tried to warn her not to get too close to anyone. Don't reveal your powers. Stay quiet. Take the high road. Avoid confrontation. She messed up. Now she's gotta face him. But first, she's gotta get outta here.
"I asked nicely, Arthur. Now I'm not being nice anymore. You threatened my family, and now you're gonna see what happens."

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