Chapter 13

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2:00 AM
(Y/n) woke up to a faint beeping. She looked over to a monitor on the wall and seen Heathers seat lit up next to hers. She got a little confused. They only used the bench for emergencies most of the time.
When they all first got here, (y/n) set up a bench at the other end of the parking lot that gave them a perfect view of the sunset every night and the sunrise every morning. It was the perfect spot for them all to go. There were 16 spaces. Each space had an initial on it for each girl, and when they sat down on the space, it lit up in each girls room. They would know one of the girls is having a problem and would go sit with them. Talk it out. Or just sit quietly if that was what they wanted.
(Y/n) tried to get up but was stuck at the moment. She turned around and noticed Dean asleep with his arm curled around her.  She placed a kiss to his forehead and squeezed out from under his grip before putting clothes on. As soon as she stepped out onto the front step, she looked to her left and right and saw every other girl standing outside their doors staring at the bench.
It was dark, but still just light enough to see the small head sticking up. (Y/n) walked over, with everyone else behind her to see what was happening. It was Hallie. She was sitting in her mothers spot, with tears in her eyes. (Y/n) climbed over the top of the bench, and one by one the others did too.
"Hey baby, what's goin on? Why are you up so late?" (Y/n) asked quietly.
"My mommy and daddy said I could sit here if I was ever feeling bad." She whispered back.
"They did, huh? Well of course you can! What are you feeling right now honey?"
She sniffled a little more, " I miss my mommy!" And with that she cried in to (y/n)'s shirt and hugged her tight. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around Hallie and laid her head on top of hers. They cried together and heard crying coming from the other girls all hugging each other as well.
"We all miss your mommy too, baby.. she was the best of all of us, and she loved you so very much." (Y/n) choked out and stifled back a sob.
"Mommy always told me I had wings. She was gonna teach me how to fly... who's gonna teach me now???" Hallie cried harder this time. All the girls looked at each other with tears in their eyes. They were all silent for a while.
"Your mommy was so special, Hal. She saw the good in everything. Turned every bad thing into a beautiful gift for all of us.... Now.. We aren't your mother. But we will always be here to help teach you how to fly.. always. And your daddy is here, and your grandma. And none of us are gonna let you fall. You're never gonna be alone.... But make us a promise ok? If you're ever feeling alone, you find us. Any one of us. Or all of us. And you tell us what's going on. Ok?"
She sniffled, "okay... (y/n)?"
"Yeah, Hal?" She looked down at the little girls face and wiped a tear with her thumb.
"I just wish I could see mommy one more time.."
All the girls heads sank a bit and tears fell. (Y/n) could feel the pain. It was overwhelming. Every one of them was dealing with this loss in their own way, but they all wanted one thing. Everyone just wanted to see Heather one last time.. she looked down at Hallie and smiled a little.
"You wanna see her? What do you want to say if you see her one more time? Really think hard about it.... Everyone. Think about what you would say to her if you see her one last time."
They sat there in silence for a few minutes.
" come here Hal. Sit on my lap quick and close your eyes. Everybody, close your eyes. Picture Heather in your mind. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you."
(Y/n) held onto Hallie and closed her eyes. She could feel the energy from the other girls and used it to project each girl their own version of Heather standing in front of them. She made butterflies floating around them all.
"Open your eyes..."
She heard gasps from everyone around them. A few sobs too.
"Mommy!!" Hallie cried.
"What do you want to say, baby?" (Y/n) asked her.
"Mommy, I miss you so much! I love you to the moon and back! My aunties are gonna teach me how to fly now! Thanks for being my mommy! I love you!" Hallie spoke slowly and made sure Heather heard every word.
"(Y/n) do you wanna say anything to mommy?"
She got tears in her eyes as she thought about the words..
"I love you, and I'm sorry. I should've been here to help you. To protect you! We're gonna make sure Hal can fly. And we're never gonna let her forget you! She's all the best parts of you! I love you so much!" She cried and hugged the child tighter.
A minute went by and she asked, "is everyone ready to say goodbye?"
Everyone nodded and said their goodbyes. (Y/n) used the energy in the air to make the heathers all float up and turn to mist of blues and purples and greens. It all swirled together and sprinkled over them in a warm wave of happiness.
They all stayed there in silence. One by one, falling asleep on the bench next to each other until the sun came up.
"(Y/n). Hey. Time to get up." Shaking her awake.
Her hand snatching his, she looked up to see David standing there chuckling a little.
"Oh shit, David I'm sorry! I know I should've brought Hallie home again last night! She was just feeling sad and so we all came out here to hel." She started spewing but was cut off by David.
"Hey it's alright! Don't freak out! No one is in trouble! I knew she was feeling bad so I sent her out here. I was watching the whole time to make sure nothing happened to any of you.  It's fine! I was just coming out here to tell you I got a phone call from the delivery driver. The last part for
Mr. Johanssons car is here. They left it at your shop an hour ago. They tried to call you but you weren't answering." David said quickly and he laughed at her. Hair everywhere.
'Wild. Just like Heather.' He thought.
"Oh my god really!!! The part is in! Oh yes I can finish the car today!! Oh I have so many things to do now before I leave! I gotta get the car fixed, and washed and oh boy I should give it a good wax too. Do you think it needs a new paint job? Maybe I should have the girls look into that for me quick." She went off on a rambling spree and David couldn't help but laugh at her. When the girls got together it was a nightmare trying to get two words in edgewise. They just talked non stop. And most of the time it was 4 different conversations all at once and they were all in every one of them.
"Hey (y/n)?" He finally got her to stop.
"Why don't you take Hallie with you to the shop today. Ya know, one final project before you head back out on tour with your brothers? I think she would like that. And you look like you could use the distraction." David smiled and looked down at Hallie.
"Are you sure, David? I understand if you want to keep her close for a while. I don't want to impose on your plans today." She said quietly.
David laughed wholeheartedly.
"I really hope you're joking! When do you NOT impose! You wouldn't be my favorite sister in law if it weren't for half the stuff you do (y/n). Now, will you please take your niece and give her another auto shop lesson before you go on tour again?" He smiled and woke up Hallie.
Hallie sat up, eyes half closed and smiled at David.
"Hi daddy!"
"Hi baby, you feeling better today?"
"Yeah, auntie (y/n) helped me."
"That's good,Hal! Well, it's time for another car lesson if you wanna run on down to the shop with her for a while!"
"Really! Oh this is gonna be so much fun!"
"Yes it is baby. Now you two take your fresh breakfast burritos and get going!" David held out two burritos on a paper plate.
"Oh boy, Hal! Grandma sure spoiled us this morning didn't she!!" (Y/n) squealed excitedly.
Hallie grabbed the burritos and yelled a bye to her dad.  The two girls took off running to the shop and by the time they got there, a few other girls were just showing up too for work.
"Hey Lizzie! How's the car doing?" She asked and followed Liz into the office.
"Oh it's doin good still. Just waiting to get the last part put in by you! Hey Hal! Feeling good today?"
Liz said and squatted down to Hallies face with a Twinkie to give her.
"Good now!! Thanks auntie Liz! Love you!" Hallie quickly ran out of the room so (y/n) didn't see.
"That girls got a thing for twinkies. And we are all nothing but enablers!" (Y/n) laughed as she watched Hallie go sit on one of the chairs at the table.
"Yeah we are! So, the parts already in the shop. The rest of the car has been cleaned this morning and shined up ready to go for Mr. Johansson. He's gonna freak out so much when he sees the wheels alone!" Lizzie was like a kid in a candy store when it came to the shop. It's one of the few things she valued very much besides the other girls here.
(Y/n) laughed. The expression Liz gets on her face when she's excited always makes her smile.
"Great, thank you so much for taking care of it for me. I'll get that fixed and out of the shop today so we can get new ones in again!"
(Y/n) walked out to the shop and noticed the radiator on the cart ready to go.
"Ready Hal? Time to work! Let's do this!" She said loudly as the little girl looked up excitedly.
"Yes! Radiator day! I'm so happy!!" Hallie yelled proudly to everyone in the building. She skipped happily over to Mr. Johanssons 1958 Ford Fairlane.
"Alright baby, we got just a little bit more work to do on Edith here, then we get to make the final phone call!! Grab your stool and meet me in bay 3!" (Y/n) said laughing at the giddy child.
"You want some help there, sweetheart?"
(Y/n) turned and Hallie stopped dead in her tracks looking over at Dean in the doorway.
"Hey, Dean, how'd you know I was here?" She spoke quietly, feeling a little shy this morning.
Hallie was blushing a bright red and she stumbled a little into Dean who was standing next to her stool.
"Oh careful sweetie, you okay?" He squatted down to her level.
She smiled a little and ran back to (y/n) with the stool.
"Sorry, David sent me down this way when I ran into him. You want some help?"
"Sure, me and Hal could always use a little help! Come on over to bay 3 and check her out. She's gorgeous. Just gotta get the radiator in and she's ready for the road!" She smiled happily and walked away, Hallie hot on her tail.
'My god I've missed this woman so much!' Dean thought to himself.
Dean followed the girls over to bay 3 and couldn't believe the car he was looking at. It was beautiful. Pristine. Almost like it just rolled right out of the factory.
"What's the plan for this beauty?" Dean asked with a look of awe on his face.
"This here is Edith. She belongs to Mr. Johansson. We are putting the radiator in and finishing her up for good today! Isn't that right Hal?"
"Yep! It's radiator day!!" Hallie yelled again.
"Okay! Just point me in the right direction and we can finish this up!" Dean exclaimed with a smile on his face.
(Y/n) smiled widely and they all got to work. Dean helped out very well with Hallies radiator lesson. (Y/n) couldn't help but smile and laugh a little when she realized Hallie had a small crush on Dean.
It didn't take nearly at long as she was expecting, but by 12pm, she set down the tools and filled the car with the necessary fluids to get it started again. Lizzie called Mr. Johansson to come pick up the car. By the time he got there, all the girls had it parked in the parking lot, covered with a sheet and a bow.
He walked over to the girls with his cane, and gave each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Good afternoon ladies! Lizzie tells me the car is finished!" He said sounding a little hopeful.
"Yep it's ready for you to take her for a drive down the coast Eddie! She's begging for some attention! Hallie was a big help too!" She said cheerfully.
"Oh was she now! Well I always knew that girl was smart. Tell me little miss, did you do your very best on her?" He smiled and held out his hand for her to take.
"Oh yes I did, Mr. Eddie!! Working on Edith was hard work!" Hallie spoke very matter of factly.
"I'm sure she was! My Edith was hard work too when she was alive!" He said with a laugh.
"Well who's this young man right here?" He asked as he jerked a thumb at Dean.
"That's Dean. I've told you about him and Sam, remember?" (Y/n) said with a smile.
"Oh yeah? This is him, huh? Well son let me tell you something. You lose this one again, you'll get my cane in your a"
"Ok Ed! Thank you for the chivalry moment! You know I love those from you. Lets go see Edith now." (Y/n) cut him off and led him to the car.
"Oh he knows I'm joking, sweetie! But I've never gotten to do that before, 'threatening a boyfriend' is something I've always wanted to do!"
Dean had a shocked and slightly panicked look on his face now.
"Well then I'll let you continue your threats later. Right now Edith deserves all the attention. Ready everyone?" (Y/n) said and everyone gathered around.
She nodded to Lizzie and Gail to pull off the cover. The look ok Eddie's face was well worth the work that went into this car. She was beautiful. Teal and white with a silver pin striping down the sides and trunk. Edith was back in her prime. And Eddie was about to relive his glory days.
Eddie began to get tears as he hugged (y/n) and Hallie got in on the hug too.
"Girls this is amazing! I know you told me you would bring her back to life, but I wasn't expecting her to be perfect!"
"For you, perfection was the only option. You and Edith were such a big help to us and we could never repay you for all you've done for us. Now go check her out! She's fresh, Ed!"
"Oh my goodness. Everything is exactly the same. It's like the day we bought her! Oh my! You kept our heart on the dashboard! We did that when we got her too!"
Ed climbed into the car and every memory of his wife and boys came back to him. He had more tears.
Some of the girls were wiping tears too and some laughed at how happy it made him. It was the perfect ending to their time with the car. Ed started the car and just listened to it for a bit.
"Well come on (y/n). Grab Hallie and let's take her for her first trip around town!"
She smiled and took Hallies hand. They climbed into the passenger seat and everyone waved them off.
"So how long has she been working on the car?" Dean asked Gail.
"Edith got here 2 years ago. She's been going piece by piece. That's been her one consistent project for when she needs a little down time so she's been teaching Hallie the ins and out's of mechanic work. Her mind tends to get the best of her when she's by herself working on it so Heather made sure she had a good distraction to help her once in a while." Gail laughed a bit as they drove down the street. Hallies arms out the window.
"She really set up a good life here." Dean said quietly.
"She doesn't spend a whole lot of time here. She still goes out on hunts. We miss her when she's gone but we understand her situation. And it makes her visits so much more fun!" Gail walked off to go sweep bay 3.
JJ and Sam walked over to Dean mid conversation with Gail. He looked over at her with a frown.
"How often is she here, JJ?"
"She really tried to get out of hunting. Live here full time, ya know? But she just couldn't. She always had an uneasy feeling deep down that bad stuff was happening because she was trying not to care. She felt horrible. So she picked it up again and now she stops in twice a month. Maybe 3 times. But she never forgets any of our birthdays, or holidays, important days. She tries to make each one just as great as the last." JJ shrugged her shoulders and walked into the office with Liz.
"I really thought she'd get out of this life. She doesn't deserve to deal with this crap." Dean said with sadness in his voice.
"You can't take this away from her, Dean. Hunting is what she does. She hates when she's not helping someone... that car she fixed? JJ told me she won't take a dime for the work she did to it. Told the owner it was her way of thanking him for helping her... this place seems like a good place for her to go when she needs to wind down from too much. That's what she needs. She can't function properly without hunting." Sam asked JJ all about it this morning when she came back from the bench party the night before.
"So what, we just take her on the road with us again? She has a life here! She has friends here! Why would I wanna screw that up!" Dean said almost angry.
"Oh you don't have much choice. She's gonna try tucking tail around 4am tomorrow morning just to avoid telling us goodbye anyway, so I'd rather she leave with you two this time. We've been waiting for you to show up for a long time. Always told us you would eventually roll through town on a case and we would finally meet you. Said she would probably go with you if you did. She can't stand being away from you guys. And it's pretty obvious you want her with you! So stop worrying so much and get on with it, Dean!" JJ poked him on the shoulder and laughed. He smiled a little. Sam laughed at him being called out.
Eddie pulled the car back in the lot and let the girls out.
"Take pictures going down the coast Eddie! I wanna see them next time I'm in town ok?" (Y/n) laughed and hugged him through the drivers window. Hallie ran back into the shop and grabbed a picture for him. It was a picture of (y/n) with Eddie and Edith when she was still alive.
"Don't forget Edith, Mr. Eddie! She loves car rides, remember?" Hallie handed him the picture.
"Thank you Hal! I could never forget my best girl! Or our best friend either! Thank you again, (y/n). She would've loved this."
"I couldn't have done any of it without you, Ed. Thank you for helping me all those years ago. I love you so much! Now get that road-trip started or you'll never get anywhere!" She spoke to him like you would a true friend.
"I love you kiddo. Come back soon!" And he drove away.
"Hey guys! What's the plan for today?" She asked the boys as she went to clean up her mess.
They looked at each other and followed her into the shop.
"Well, Helen asked us to stop by for supper tonight. Not really sure what else to do since our case is already finished." Dean said to her.
She just smiled at him and kept sorting her tools away in their proper places.
"Then dinner it is. It's pot roast night so I hope you're hungry. Helen makes the best roast in the state."

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