Chapter 3

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Everything and everyone around (y/n) slammed into the walls. The leather straps holding her to the table disintegrated and her eyes glowed a bright purple as she stood tall, staring down at Arthur. The other people seemed to be unconscious all around her. Every test tube and piece of flesh that had been removed from her body was destroyed.
Anger, rage, prominent in her eyes making her way towards the door. Using her telekinesis, she managed to blast the door completely apart. The hallway was surprisingly empty. She made it through two more before encountering more of these 'men of letters'. She managed to fight her way through the rest of the building and out a side door. (Y/n) glanced around the area frantically for some transportation. Her eyes landed on an old little yellow car near the gate. She ran as fast as she could. The car started right up and soon she was down the road away from that crazy place. She snapped her fingers and instantly her phone was in her hand. She hated texting and driving. Couldn't stand it when people were so neglectful of the road. She used her powers to shrink everything inside her apartment down and pack itself into the canvas bag John had passed down to her when she was younger. She used to be able to pack everything of hers and the boys in there and still have room to spare. Well as a grown woman, that doesn't really work anymore so shrinking everything down to Barbie sized things is much easier to handle for her.
(Y/n) dialed Arthur's phone number.
"Do you really think it's wise to hide from me,
"Yeah, I'm not there and you're never going to see me again you lunatic! Just let this go and I will forget it ever happened Arthur!"
"I will find you, (y/n) Winchester! And when I do, you will be begging for mercy!"
"How did you even find out my real name? I never told it to you or anyone else here for that matter!"
"We have information on you and your whole family, (y/n). We've been watching you for years. We know all about you. From your family history, or lack there of, and the Winchester family that took you in as a baby, to that little hiccup when you were 17 and beyond. I will find you. I'm tracking you as we speak. There's no hiding from me!"
Her stomach sank at this information. She needed to lose them now! She didn't think what John taught them about going off the grid would be enough this time. She's going to have to wipe the slate clean once and for all...
She managed a semi permanent cloaking spell to hide herself and her abilities from the world. She'd read about them in the recent months but wasn't completely sure if witchcraft was really what she wanted to study more into anymore. She doesn't have much of a choice now. If this works, her energy signatures will be non existent to any radars.
"Medelarsha doume uei" she whispered. She could feel it! Oh thank god!
"You're leaving me no choice anymore! Goodbye, arthur!" (Y/n) hung up the phone and made one last preparation. She managed to conjure up a fake body double for herself. She knew driving head on into traffic was a horrible idea, but it would get the men of letters off her tail. She waited until the very last second before teleporting out of the car into her apartment and switching the fake (y/n) to the drivers seat, head on into midday rush traffic.


The crash was significant. The car burst into flames instantly and the body double burned beyond recognition.
(Y/n) Winchester was officially dead.

She landed in her apartment and grabbed her bag with all her essentials inside. She looked around the flat one last time. She noticed the picture she had on the mantle of her and Arthur. It was from the day she took him for a ride on her motorbike she had so affectionately named Elena. It was a very special bike for her. There were things about this bike no one else knew but her. She set the picture on top of the bike she had inside the front door of the flat with a note attached. 'Take good care of Elena'

More tears. She made a good life for herself here. Her friends, her family, they would be so proud of what she allowed herself to have here. That's gone now. Thanks to Arthur, she's dead. It's time to go home. (Y/n) couldn't bring herself to look around anymore. She teleported herself and her lone bag to the airport. Right to the tarmac. No point in getting a ticket if she was dead. At least if she could find a cargo plane she could get out of here relatively unnoticed.
The way other side of the runway, one was about to take off. She took her chances and hoped it paid off. 'Here goes nothing!' Was the last thing she thought to herself before teleporting into the cargo hold of the plane. A lot of boxes. She wasn't going to question it. She just sat down in a small area as the plane ascended. Leaving London, her new friends, her new life, everything behind.

It was time to go home. Time to face the music of real life and get back to work in the family business. Would she take a moment to call her brothers when she got back? Would they want to talk to her? To see her? Sam would be happy to see her home. Dean... not so sure. The last time they were together some things were said to her that made her leave. She didn't really want to think about that right now. She just wanted to get back to Helen and Hallie. But first, the monsters who killed her friend. She would make that priority number one before returning home.

Goodbye London....

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