Chapter 5

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It was about time for the bar to open for the night. 'Wreckers' Roadhouse' was the name all the girls agreed on. It was just a regular bar, really. They served drinks and food and hosted occasional fun nights for the locals and surrounding communities. On the off chance there was something supernatural happening nearby, the girls had a plan in place to lure it in and be killed if it was a legitimate threat. They called themselves the Rhode Island Wreckers. And they're performing one more time..

"Alright ladies, you all know the plan. Let's get this show on the road and avenge our sister. For Heather." (Y/n) said.
"For Heather" they all said in unison.

We heard Cole on the loud speaker from out in the main room, "are y'all ready for a good time?"
Cheers were heard.
"Alright, help me introduce one more time, the Rhode. Island. WRECKERS!!!"
The first round of girls entered the stage one by one as the music began to play. The second round of them waited for their cue about a minute into the song. (Y/n) shook her hands and arms out to try relieve a little stress. It's been a long time since they've had to perform. An even longer time since they've had to utilize the hole below them in the main room. She checked once more to self confirm her katana handles were tucked safely into her belt of her outfit. They were nice and snug. The girls received their cue and they entered the stage with the rest of the cast.

(Y/n) looked out into the crowd as she smiled for the routine. The usual people that knew what was about to happen decided to frequent the bar area and enjoy the show from afar. All the newcomers were in the middle of the main room at tables trying to hoot and holler at the girls. She could feel the energy change in the entire room. It was lust. And it was strong. She was going to have to move fast with this group. There was 15 of them giving off a very black aura. She could tell they were vampires. They all had a very shifty look in their eyes, trying to pick out their next meal.

Except one. He didn't look at the girls with hunger. More like he couldn't wait to get out of there. (Y/n) recognized this one. She cleared out his last nest a few years ago but she let him go on the promise and understanding that he didn't want to feed on humans. He just wanted to be left alone. She understood that. Looks like he's found himself a few new friends..
The routine was coming to her favorite part where the girls would slowly move down the stage to the main room and walk amongst the crowd. Kinda show off a little for a few onlookers while (y/n) made contact with whoever their intended target was. In this case, it just happened to be the man she had let go a few years back.

Once she got back to the states, she cast one more spell on herself to change the appearance of her face for anyone who didn't know her personally, like her family and friends. So she rounded a few tables before making her way over to the target. She ran a hand over his shoulder as she swung a leg over his lap and sat down on his legs.
"Well lookie here girls! I caught me a cowboy!" (Y/n) hooted and placed his hat on her head.
"Oh darlin, I'm no cowboy" he stated with a smirk.
By this point, the woman sitting next to him seemed a bit agitated with her so she pushed further.
"Aww, well if you're not a cowboy, what can I call ya stranger?" She said with a pout on her lips.
"I'm a vampire, darlin." He whispered in her ear trying to be seductive about it.
"Really... okay.. interesting role playing game for me then! Wanna take a guess at what I am then?"
(Y/n) smirked at first and got a wild look in her eyes she knew he couldn't resist.
"Just lookin for a good time??" He replied with a laugh and a smile.
"Ha! No. I'm a Winchester." She almost whispered back to him.
The fearful look in his eyes as he came to the realization of who she was right when she pressed the button in her pocket was just what she was looking for.
The floor fell out from under them as the rest of the girls were already back on stage. All 15 vampires were plunged into the hole beneath the floor along with (y/n). They all crashed into heaps on top of each other. (Y/n) landed on her feet with the energy shield up and ready all around her. The man she made contact with looked at her with a fear in his eyes only someone who's seen her power could truly understand. The woman next to him was already mad and freaking out to get to her. He held her back. Told her to stop.
"How did you find us?" He finally asked.
"One of yours killed my sister. And I know exactly who. And I know who all fed on her until she died. Wanna know what happens next?" (Y/n) said with a sadistic smirk on her face.
"WHO THE HELL IS THIS BITCH!!" The woman next to him shrieked.
"Oh you're gonna find out sweetheart. Why don't you go ahead and tell them who I am."
He hesitated and swallowed as his breathing became a bit more shallow.
"Do you remember what I told you about how my old nest was slaughtered? Our leader wanted nothing but human blood and I kept telling him it would get us killed so that's why I never touched a human? Why I told you all to NEVER. GO. FOR A HUMAN!!!" He freaked out by the end of his rant.
The woman visibly shook and stepped back a ways.
"What does she have to do with that?" She tried to sound confident but was utterly useless now.
"She gave me one chance. Because she knew I didn't kill humans. She is the one who wiped them all out! SHE IS HELLFIRE YOU IDIOT!"
"Hi it's nice to meet you, idiot. I'm the hell fire you get to endure before your inevitable death." (Y/n) smiled and gave a tiny wave before grabbing her katana handles.
"Really? This is the almighty hellfire we heard so much about? She doesn't even have weapons to try defend herself! This is ridiculous!" The woman tried once more to sound like she wasn't scared.
(Y/n) could feel the fear from where she stood.
"Oh I'm glad you think so! Because you will be the last one I kill. And then you will have the misfortune of knowing you're the reason everyone you know is dead, because you decided to go rogue. Good luck bitch!"

(Y/n) dropped the energy field around her and tapped the handles together once. The katana blades snapped into place and she swung around low behind her taking the feet off 2 vampires with one blade then the heads with the other while they were falling forward toward the ground. She meticulously dodged, sliced, and kicked at every vampire in the room. It was a blood bath. Except for one.. the mouthy woman. She was angry and upset and tried to charge at (y/n) before getting hit by a dart filled with dead man's blood. She slowly sank to her knees before flopping over on the floor.
(Y/n) grabbed some rope and tied her hands and feet together behind her back before tying it around her waist then into a tighter than usual noose around her neck. (Y/n) hauled her up behind her back and opened the hidden door to the stairwell to go up to the main level again.
By the time she made it up the stairs, anger was taking over again. She walked through the bar as she spoke to her coworkers.
"Turn off the computer and lock the door to the hole. No one else needs to be put through the hell of seeing that tonight. I'll clean it all up in the morning and take care of the bodies. Just please don't go down there." She gave everyone the calmest look she could muster before walking out the door with that mouthy little bitch hung up behind her.
JJ ran out the door behind her.
"(Y/n) where are you going?"
"There's still more out there. I can feel them. And I can smell them. This bitch knows where they are. I'll come back when it's done. Just keep the lights on for me ok?"
"We'll be here girl. You do what you gotta do. We've got this."
With a nod of her head she threw the vampire into a nearby truck and drove off.

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