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Monday came faster than I thought it would. It was a struggle to open my eyes but once I did, I wish I hadn't. Maroon curtains greeted me once again. Still not a dream.

I could hear the others moving around and quickly hopped out of bed to get ready. After throwing on my new uniform and pulling my hair up, I followed the other girls down to the Great Hall. They chatted, catching me up on the professors and how hard they were. I waved them on to breakfast and let Tux out. When I finally joined the girls in the Great Hall, the only seat open was between James and Sirius. I had a feeling that this was going to be my normal spot.

"3 sickles on Easter. He won't last past that." I overheard Sirius bet as I joined them. Remus scribbled down the date and how much he was betting. I looked curiously over at the paper.

"4 sickles he lasts the entire year." Lily put in.

"Ms. Head Girl, placing bets. Minnie would be devastated if she knew." James joked, grabbing more bacon for his plate.

"No way he's lasting that long! You bet that every year and never win." Alice groaned.

"This is the year. I can feel it." Lily said, smiling back.

"What are you guys doing?" I looked curiously over at the paper.

"Betting on how long Professor Brogan lasts." Marlene passed me the coffee carafe and I smiled widely at her. "None of the DADA professors last the year. The job's cursed."

I coughed on my mouthful of coffee. They had hit the nail on the head with that one. If only they knew who cursed it, they wouldn't be joking about it. Lily gave me a strange look. Clearing my throat, I pretended nothing had happened. "Cursed? Really?"

"Yup." Marlene popped then turned to Remus. "3 sickles and he'll be gone by St. Patrick's Day."

"5 sickles that he'll be gone right before break starts." James said, placing the money in front of Remus. Apparently, Remus was the most trustworthy out of the bunch and the most organized, making him the bookie.

"2 sickles that he'll be gone 2 weeks after Easter." Peter squeaked. My grip tightened on my fork when I heard Peter. He was so...completely unremarkable. Seriously. He was one of those people that you wouldn't think twice about. Except I knew-

"Moony?" Sirius asked with a grin.

"2 sickles that he'll be out a week before exams." Remus replied and scribbled down his own bet.

"No way he'll last that long." James scoffed.

"3 sickles and he'll be in the hospital wing before he's gone. I give him until May." Alice said with a mischievous grin.

"Just remember, no cheating, Ali. He has to end up in there without your help." Lily said pointedly.

Alice gasped mockingly. "Lily! How dare you think so little of me. I would ne-"

"Do you want in, Mads?" Remus glanced at me with a challenging look. I placed my coffee down and tapped the side of the mug.

"Considering I don't even know who Professor Brogan is, that's hardly fair, Remus."

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