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The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes with lunch and dinner mixed in. We had just climbed through the portrait after finishing dinner and I flopped down on the couch face first and groaned. That was the longest school day of my life. Tux put his nose into the dip of shoulder, trying to get my attention. A clicking sound had Tux turning his attention elsewhere. Turning my body over so I was now laying on my back, I saw Tux trotting over towards Sirius who leaned against the arm of the couch next to my feet. Sirius pet the little traitor, sending his tail into circles. Peter and Marlene claimed seats around the area and pulled out their homework.

Lily, James, and Remus had a Prefect meeting and wouldn't be back for a few hours and Alice was out romancing Frank Longbottom. I don't know how these people did it. We had to write 12 inches of parchment - which by the way, still doesn't make any sense to me - on the Veritaserum potion, practice Meteolojinx Recanto which would cause jinx-related weather to stop, and a 9 inch parchment on the current Muggle fashion style. My brain was officially fried. I felt my legs being lifted and opened my eyes to see Sirius sitting then placing them in his lap. A moment later, my eyes fluttered shut again.

I must have fallen asleep because when I blinked open my eyes, the common room had mostly cleared out except for our pocket of the room. Sirius had his potions book propped open and looked as if he was actually reading, Tux curled up on top of his feet. I nudged the book with my toe, trying to get his attention. He looked over at me with a smirk. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Did you need something?"

Rubbing away the sleepies, I frowned slightly. "You know who Sleeping Beauty is?"

He smirked cockily. "Muggle Studies second year. We did all the muggle fairy tales. After writing more inches of parchment on sleeping princesses than I will ever care to admit, yes, I know who Sleeping Beauty is."

"Is there always this much homework?" I tried not to whine but I could hear it lacing my voice.

"Yes, love." Sirius chuckled quietly. "And you should probably get started before it piles up instead of sleeping away."

My eyes narrowed at him suspiciously. "You didn't strike me as the studious type. I figured that was all Remus and Lily."

"Now, I'm offended." He closed the book and balanced it on the couch arm. "I'm not just devilishly good-looking, I have some of the highest marks in our year."

"It's true," Peter added. I glanced over at him to see him watching us. Creepy. "Remus, Lily, and Xeno are the only ones above him."

Confused, I asked, "Xeno?"

"He's a Ravenclaw. You'll meet him in Care of Magical Creatures Wednesday." Marlene answered as she continued to scribble on her parchment.

Sirius tapped my foot. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Come on, we can practice Meteolojinx Recanto. I'll jinx it and you try to get rid of it."

Rolling my eyes, I pushed myself up so my back leaned against the couch arm. "I -"

Rain began falling on my head and I gasped loudly at the coldness of it. "Sirius!"

He cackled next to me, staying on his side of the couch which was nice and dry. Wiping water off my face, I pulled out my wand and pointed it at the cloud above me. With a slight hook movement, I said the incantation.

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