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Sirius, James, and Peter entered an empty dorm room after Potions and looked around in confusion.

"He should've been back -" A hiss from the bathroom cut off James. The boys turned as one and made their way into the tiled room to see Remus standing over Maddie.

"Stop moving." Remus scolded her, dabbing more liquid onto a towel.

"Then stop pressing so hard on it." She snapped back. Mads was wearing only a thin tank, one strap hanging off her right shoulder. Her head turned to look at the three of the them, all of her hair swishing against her back and eyes narrowing when she saw them. "I win, by the way."

Completely confused, Sirius tilted his head at her. "You win?"

"Yes. Y'all are not as clever as you think you are. Moony for a werewolf? Prongs for a stag? I mean Wormtail is probably the only one - ow, Remus!" She flinched away from him and he straightened up with a sigh.

"You're lucky it's not infected. This thing is disgusting. Now, if you would stop moving -" Remus growled, moving in again on her shoulder.

James crept closer to them, eyes widening as he took in her wound. The bite was oval shaped, stretching from the juncture of her neck and shoulder, going down around three inches of her shoulder blade before curving back up to the curve of her shoulder. And it was red. It seemed to be oozing a white pus too. Dark bruising outline every puncture on her back. James made a face and walked around to Mads's front to see the mirror of it on her collarbone. "I hope you didn't get that on my shirt."

"I did. It smells like it too. Are you sure you want it back?" She grinned sweetly, flinching when Moony rubbed a bite mark.

James rolled his eyes as Sirius walked around Mads's other side, inspecting the wound himself. "Keep it. Otherwise I'd have to burn it and I already have detention for our Hotter-Potter prank."

"You named it? Are you -" She pointed at Sirius who had opened his mouth, ready for his moment. "No, don't even think about it."

Remus let out a sigh, finally finished with her wound. "I don't think I can do anything else. Keep putting this potion on it or it will get infected and then you'll have to go to Poppy. Maybe you can blame it on Tux."

James and Sirius had gone down to Hagrid's hut, picking up the injured dog who was now resting on Padfoot's bed. Hagrid had done an incredible job healing him, almost like it had never happened. Tux was exhausted still though and hadn't moved from the bed.

Mads gasped offendedly at him. "How dare you, Remus? Tux is the best dog on the planet, he would never bite me. Unlike some dogs I know."

Her glare at Sirius made him take a step back. He awkwardly ruffled his hair, clearing his throat. James couldn't help the smirk on his face. "Did I apologize yet? I thought I did -"

"You didn't." She glared harder at Sirius. Standing up, she stalked towards the dark haired boy aggressively. "And now I'm going to have a giant scar on my shoulder which I can't explain because otherwise three morons would get arrested and thrown in Azkaban for becoming illegal animangi. Have I mentioned how stupid y'all are?"

"But you said you like scars." Sirius muttered defensively. Mads scoffed in frustration, throwing her hands up. "I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking, Moony was going mad -"

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