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Groaning, I stretched my arms up and felt a few bones pop. Oh, that felt good. I rubbed the sleepies out of my eyes and checked my wrist to see it was 8am. Huh, I'd actually slept through the night. My vision blurred, I reached a hand out and felt around until my fingers brushed my glasses. Pushing them on, I froze as my gaze landed on Remus who was contently reading in his bed.

"What happened?" I croaked cautiously. Cause clearly something had happened, I didn't remember coming up to the boys' dorm at all.

"Lily spiked your tea." Remus turned a page, not looking up as my eyes flew wide. "You hit your head when you passed out but you'll live."

My entire jaw dropped, the pieces coming back to me as I was jolted awake with this information. "I'm sorry, what?"

Sighing, Remus placed his bookmark - an actual bookmark, not a scrap of paper or post-it like I normally used - and put his book on his bed. Folding his legs underneath him, he turned his lanky body towards me. "Her and Prongs were trying to help you sleep better. They thought if they slipped you a sleeping draught, you wouldn't have any nightmares. Lily feels awful about it and Padfoot had a little fit when you hit your head."

Sleeping draught - hit my head - Sirius had a fit? Shaking my head, I pushed myself up and out of Sirius's bed. "I need coffee. Coffee then whatever nonsense happened."

Since I was dressed from the day before, I didn't really need to go to the dorm and although my mouth tasted like ass, I needed caffeine like I needed air at the moment. We headed down the stairs and into the hall and were almost to the Great Hall when I finally asked, "Ok, what do you mean by fit?"

Remus's mouth tilted up into a smirk. The bastard knew I couldn't resist hearing what Sirius had done. "When you fell, Padfoot went into mate-protection mode."

"Are you trademarking that one?" I shot sarcastically.

"Already did." He snarked back. I really enjoyed his sass. It was satisfying that he would trade quips right back with me, no hesitation. "Tried to bite Prongs and Lily's heads off for it. Just like one of your rubbish romances. Too bad you missed it because you had swooned."

I gasped dramatically at him before smacked his shoulder with the back of my hand. "I did not swoon."

"Regardless, you didn't get to witness the mate-protection mode." He smirked harder as we entered the Hall.

My eyes narrowed at the werewolf as he veered to the right and walked towards his typical spot for breakfast. "That's not a thing. And I'm not letting you make it a thing."

"Yes, it is." Remus's tone was too confident for my comfort. "He even scooped up your unconscious body all romantic-like."

"You're enjoying this too much." Taking my seat, I immediately poured myself a cup of coffee and took a large gulp.

"Morning, Mads." Peter said to my right. I turned to see him giving me a concerned look. "Are you feeling better?"

"Much. Thanks, Peter." I replied cordially. He smiled widely before going back to his breakfast. Even if I didn't like the kid, I wasn't going to be a dick to him for no reason. I mean he hadn't actually done far as I know. I pointed a finger threateningly at the snarky werewolf across from me. "If you use any of this for some stupid novel you're cooking up, I will personally castrate you."

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