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I walked into Muggle Studies that afternoon and almost had to restrain myself from launching across the room to rip that smug bitch's face off. Taking my seat at the table wasn't enough for her, she had to take my class seat.

I had been dreading the thought of going to Muggle Studies alone all morning and had prepped myself for it. But this...

Neither turned around but I could tell by the set of Sirius' shoulders that he felt me walk in. Quickly scanning the room, I found the only seat available next to Xeno Lovegood. Giving him a charming smile, I asked, "Can I sit next to you?"

The pale haired boy looked up at me with a slightly glazed look. "Of course."

"Thanks." I slipped behind his chair and took the seat, noticing several of our classmates whispered to each other. One particular name reached me though and I couldn't help the flinch that went through me. Marauders' Whore. Biting my lip, I dug around my bag looking for my textbook. After a moment, I sighed in frustration and muttered to myself. "Could've sworn I had it in here."

"Probably the nargles. Mr. Filtch should really take care of that mistletoe by your tower." Xeno said quietly.

"God damn nargles need to stay out of my things or I'll burn that stupid mistletoe." I huffed in annoyance. Xeno tilted his head curiously at me. "What?"

"You know about nargles?" He seemed surprised but it was hard to tell. His face didn't betray much emotion.

"I -"

"Quiet down, you lot." Quirrell interrupted my response. Thank God, too. I wasn't exactly sure what my response was going to be. With a wave of his wand, a large picture unfurled on the blackboard to reveal...yes. "Automoblies. Also known as cars. These Muggle inventions were once only obtainable by wealthy Muggles but now are as common as brooms in the Muggle world. Can anyone tell me what they are powered by? Mr. Longbottom?"

"Uh, electricity?" Frank hadn't raised his hand and look a little flustered to be called on.

"Not electricity, Mr. Longbottom. Anyone else?" Quirrell asked the room.

Sirius lazily raised his hand and Quirrell pointed at him to answer. "Gasoline."

"Excellent, Mr. Black. Gasoline is what makes these inventions run." Quirrell pacing at the front of the room as he went into a deeper explanation on cars. It was interesting to hear him teach, he was pretty knowledgeable and his information was accurate until -

I raised my hand up and interrupted the professor before he could continue. "Actually, Professor, the coolant helps distribute heat so the engine doesn't overheat."

Quirrell froze, looking a little off balanced. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he frowned. "Ms. Rose, why are you not in your seat?"

"Because it was taken by the time I came into class." I replied, not looking over at the culprit. No way was I going to get into trouble for this.

The professor turned his attention to my actual seat. "Ms. Barrett, is there a reason you decided that you were allowed to play musical chairs in my room?"

Oh damn. I wasn't expecting Quirrell to call Jade out like that but I had to admit, it was awesome. Jade flipped her hair over her shoulder before responding. "It was just so drafty over there, Professor Q! I am so worried I'll get a cold if I keep sitting in that spot and I would hate to miss out on any of your interesting lessons."

Chasing Time (sirius black)Where stories live. Discover now