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Lily was so damn loud in the morning. Groaning, I pulled the covers over my head and tried to get a few more minutes of sleep.

Tried being the operative word.

How is the world is someone so chipper in the morning? I could hear her humming in the bathroom. Groggily, I rubbed my eyes and gave up. Flinging the covers back, I stumbled into the bathroom and glared at the perky redhead.

"Why can't you be a night person?" I grumbled, brushing past her into the shower. Turning the faucet on, I quickly stripped and jumped in as soon as it was hot. For a magical castle with you know, magic, it was ungodly cold in the mornings.

"Someone has their cranky pants on." Lily called out cheerfully.

"Well, at the moment I have no pants on so -"

I could hear Lily's eyes rolling and smirked, scrubbing my head with shampoo. "You're impossible, you know that? And how is it that James is a morning person and you're not? Seems like a Potter gene."

"Must be from Aunt Effie." I replied, scrunching my face as I tried to untangle a knot with my fingers. "Besides I didn't sleep much. Insomnia."

And nightmares. But as far as I knew, Lily didn't know about them. Thank God. Last night's was...odd. Terrifying but odd.

My feet pounded the forest floor, wind whipping my hair into my face. Panting, I brushed it away and looked over my shoulder. A shadow followed but I couldn't make out who it was. Turning back, I found a creek in my path. Without stopping, I leapt across it and then...


It wasn't so much the actual dream which was to be honest, not that scary compared to some of the others I'd had but...the way I felt during the dream. That was what scared me.

It was a mesh of scared, exhaustion, and heartbreak. Utter heartbreak.

Remus would have a field day with me if I told him about this. I could already guess exactly what he'd say: You're afraid of going back and when you try to run away from your fear, you end up doing what you were trying to avoid.

Or some nonsense like that.

Finishing up, I turned the shower off and wrung out my hair. Wrapping a towel around myself, I stepped out and met Lily's gaze in the mirror. She tilted her head then turned around to face me. "The insomnia is still happening? You really should go see Madame Pomfrey, Mads."

I waved away the suggestion, picking up my brush to get that knot that was bothering me. Pulling hard, I let out a huff before replying. "I'll be fine. It was just the stress of yesterday."

"Here, let me." She held out her hand. Placing my brush in her hand, I turned to let her try and wrangle my birds nest. The bristles gently pulled my hair and I couldn't help but feel soothed from it.

"So what has you all bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning?" I shot her a look through the mirror. A slight blush crept onto her cheeks and I narrowed my eyes.

"Nothing. I had a good night's sleep and despite the utter chaos of yesterday," She shrugged a bit of a glassy look in her eyes. "I had a good day. Am I not allowed to be in a good mood just because? There we go."

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