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Hours later, I crept out of bed and threw on sweatpants and my sweatshirt. Tux lifted his head and watched as I tiptoed towards the door. He quietly got up to follow me.

"Nope, dude. You stay here," I whispered, shoving him back into the room. He whined as I clicked the door shut. As quickly and as quietly as I could, I sprinted down the stairs and made my way to the front entrance. The suits of armor stood guard as I slipped out into the chilly night.

A crescent moon dimly lights the grass, barely lighting up the forest. Stopping at the tree line, I looked behind me just in case someone followed me. Not that I'd be able to see one of the boys if they were hiding under the cloak but I still felt like I needed to check. God forbid, Lily followed me in. I'd never get her to stop questioning me on why I was lurking about the forest. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the pressing dark.

"Lumos." The end of my wand lit up, casting a glow over the two feet of ground around me. I was pretty sure I had come in right around here. Then again it had been almost a week ago, raining, and I was a little discombobulated. Walking slowly, I checked trees and the ground for any clues of where I had landed. Ten minutes later, I found it. A trunk of a tree looked like it had been blasted by lightning. Creeping closer, I shone my wand over it to see the jagged top charred.

And that was it. Nothing else. The ground didn't even look disturbed. Shit. I knew it was a long shot but I had hoped maybe there would be an energy or ruby slippers or -


I spun around towards the sound on my left but there was nothing there. A rustling on my right had me spinning back but again, nothing. Something wet plopped onto my left shoulder. Looking at it, I watched as the wet blob immediately began to eat through my sweatshirt. Shoving my wand into the waistband of my pants, I ripped the sweatshirt off as quickly as I could and flung it away, now standing in just a thin tank top.

Breathing fast, I almost missed the sound of clicking coming from above me. Closing my eyes in disbelief, I muttered to myself. "Please don't be Aragog spawn. Please don't be Aragog spawn."

Finally, I looked up.

"Shit." Not waiting to hear a response from the hundreds of baby monster spiders, I sprinted away. Feet pounding the ground, branches whacking me in the face, I could hear the sound of tiny legs chasing me.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I yelled, feeling a hairy leg brush my arm. Nope I was not traveling through multiple planes of space and time to be eaten by a goddamn spider. Pushing my legs harder, I kept running until I burst through a few bushes and tripped over a log.

Several cries of alarm echoed around me as I rolled into a clearing. Looking up from my spot on the ground, I saw a herd of centaurs shooting the spiders down as they crawled into the clearing. Hooves stomped right next to me as more centaurs joined in the massacre. Scooting back, my back met a fallen tree and I tried to catch my breath. The spiders retreated quickly once they realized they were being picked off by the centaurs. Minutes later, once the coast was clear of eight-legged baby monsters, the centaurs turned and pointed their arrows at a new target.


"Hold your fire!" A commanding voice shouted. A chestnut haired centaur walked towards me slowly, hand raised towards the rest of the herd. "Child, you should not be here."

Chasing Time (sirius black)Where stories live. Discover now