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I woke up to a weight on my chest. Looking down, I found Butter curled up fast asleep. The girls were moving about the room, quietly talking about what to wear. Rubbing my eyes, I gently moved Butter and rolled up.

Lily, noticing that I was slightly functional, smiled brightly. "We should make you eat sugar more often. You actually fell asleep before the rest of us."

I grunted then headed into the bathroom, carefully stepping over Tux. My head was pounding and I felt nauseous. Gratefully, I stepped into the hot shower and tried to become a person again.

I pulled on my regular clothing and pulled my hair up on top of my head. When I stepped out of the bathroom, Marlene came running over to inspect my outfit. "Where did you get these?"

She was referring to my jeans which were skin tight. I noticed that Lily's were flared paired with her shirt tucked into them while Marlene and Alice both had long maxi skirts on with loose flowing tops. Right. 1977. Since everyone had mostly worn their uniform or lounge wear the entire time I'd been here, it was a bit of a shock to see them in the time period fashion. I hadn't worn my jeans at all since I'd arrived. I didn't see the need to. I just wasn't someone who cared about fashion.

"Uh, back home." I said awkwardly, I tried to divert her attention. "I love your skirt, it's beautiful."

"Thank you," She waved a hand to brush off my comment. "Now, about your trousers. How did you get your legs into them?"

Alice came up behind me and tried to pull the material away from my leg but had no luck, the jeans were glued to my body. "They're so form fitting, like a second skin. Can you move in them?"

"Yes," I replied reluctantly. I wasn't expecting so much fascination over my jeans. Paired with the plain black t-shirt, I looked like I did every other day of the week when I was home. Typically it was a band t-shirt, maybe a flannel too, and my leather jacket when it was chilly. "They're just jeans."

"Just jeans," Marlene scoffed. She traded glances with Alice, a smile on her face. "How much you want to bet that Sirius walks into a wall while he's staring at her arse?"

"Marlene!" I smacked her shoulder lightly with the back of my hand. "No one is going to be looking at my ass."

"I can't seem to stop looking at it. You were right, you do have a nice arse." Lily said cheekily. "Sirius is going to be a wreck."

"Jamie's going to be devastated when I tell him you said that." I pulled my Converse out from under the bed. I really needed to find some boots along with more clothes. The Converse were ok but I just...wanted to be in boots. "The love of his life in love with his cousin. It's tragic."

"Sirius can console him," Lily picked up Butter, holding her gently. "I've always thought they'd be a cute couple."

I bit my lip, trying to contain the laugh. The amount of fanfics over the years popped into my head and I couldn't help myself. "Actually, I think Sirius and Remus would be a cuter couple."

Alice squealed at the suggestion. "They would! See, Mar? Mads gets it!"

Marlene rolled her eyes at the shorter girl before turning to me. "Ali's convinced that they're having a secret affair but won't tell James because it's against their Marauders code or something."

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