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I was drugged. Brian clearly drugged my soda last night and I was having a hallucination. There was no other explanation. None. I had truly and utterly lost my mind.

The sound of someone cooing to my dog broke my panic. Tux was sitting in the middle of the room being petted by a random person. The only person in the whole room who wasn't staring at me. Walking straight down the rows of student filled tables, their eyes following me, I grabbed a tight hold of my dog's collar.

"I am so sorry, I-" The guy looked up and every single thought in my head just vanished. Holy shit. Saying he was good looking would be an injustice to the world. Black hair, dark gray eyes, the dark ink of a tattoo peeking out from the collar of his shirt, and was that a dog collar on his neck? My body felt as though it had dropped from a roller coaster. That stomach dropping, holy crap moment before gravity catches up with you.

"No problem. He's beautiful. A black lab?" He asked with a husky voice. Oh no. Why? Why did he have to sound like that? I nodded dumbly, tearing my gaze away from his to land on the other good looking guy sitting next to him. Chocolate colored eyes peered at me beneath shaggy brown hair. Where the hell was I? And why didn't my school have guys this good looking?

Desperately, I looked across from the two of them to see - was that - Harry Potter? I could feel my eyes widen in surprise. But...no. His eyes weren't green. Red hair flashed out of the corner of my eye and I whipped around, eyes skipping over a shorter person, to meet those missing green eyes. Which meant-

No. Way.

Not Harry Potter. James Potter. Which made them-

God damn it. I was doped up with something really strong.

"Are you alright? You just got really pale," Sirius Black asked worriedly, still stroking Tux's head.

"F-fine." I gulped and backed away a step. "I-"

"Miss Rose. You're late." I turned my head to see an elderly man with a long silver beard a foot from us. Albus Dumbledore. A slightly younger version but clearly still Albus Dumbledore. He waited a heartbeat, as though I had an answer for him as to why I was late. Like he had been waiting for me. Calmly, he handed me a black dog leash and inclined his head. "Follow me, Miss Rose. We can get you sorted."

Snapping the leash onto Tux, I looked at the group of people next to me. The Marauders. And Lily Evans. Holy fuck I was losing it. Quickly, I followed Dumbledore and tried my best not to hyperventilate.


Dumbledore shut the door behind us and brushed past me towards his desk, "Miss Rose-"

"How do you know my name?" I demanded. I let go of Tux's leash and he began to wander around the office, sniffing the bookshelves. Focusing on the man in front of me, I crossed my arms and waited.

"Because you told me." He said calmly, taking a seat at his desk. Looking like it was completely normal for me to be here.

"I. Told. You." I said slowly. My brain trying to process the sentence. "That's impossible."

"So is you being here but here you are." Waving his hand at me, as proof of how possible this was.

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