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Sirius winced as Worm scratched his fork against his plate getting a piece of sausage. His head felt like he'd had a Bludger to it then was forced to listen to mandrakes screech for hours. Slowly, he took a bite of toast and debated whether it would stay down or not. Firewhiskey was not his friend right now.

And neither was his memory. The beginning of the evening was clear enough, the fight with Edwards was also pretty clear - if mostly because Prongs couldn't stop talking about how Lily threatened the Hufflepuff and he was now more in love with her than before - but the break up with Jade was the last thing he fully remembered. Well, that and downing two entire bottles of Firewhiskey. It was a miracle he was alive.

Sirius felt Mads's eyes flick over to him again as she talked with Lily. Luckily, Lily had relayed the events to the dark haired girl from last night before they had come to breakfast so Sirius didn't have to relive it while trying not to spew everywhere. An alien twinge of impatience went through him and he took a bite of toast, ignoring it.

Mads hadn't shown last night and although he wasn't surprised, he'd had a sliver of hope that she'd walk in at some point. Sirius glanced back towards her to see her watching before their eyes met. Quickly, she averted her gaze, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. His heart jumped and the alien twinge jolted too.

It had been happening for almost a week. He'd be doing something and out of the blue, a feeling that was unwarranted for what he was doing would go through him. Impatience, rage, sorrow, even a feeling of being fed up would rolling over him when he was doing mundane things like homework or flying during practice. The worst ones were in the middle of the night. Absolute terror would surge through him and he'd wake up panting from it. Once, he'd woken up with tears running down his face.

Last night, during the fight with Jade, had been one of the more intense bouts of these feelings. On top of his own anger, a foreign tendril of helplessness had been there followed by a simmering rage. It had taken a bottle and a half of Firewhiskey to numb that tether completely.

Mads's eyes shot from Lily to him once again then back to Lily and a flicker of impatience went through him. There was no reason for him to feel impatient. Currently, he was trying not to fall into his breakfast plate while also trying not to hurl over the whole table. But -

No. Sirius shoved the thought away. He was tired, still upset about M-Jade, upset about Jade, and unbelievably hung over. Yes, magic was a part of life and it sometimes did unexpected things but to connect -

Prongs groaned beside him, his head on the table, as Worm scratched the plate again. "I swear to Godric, Worm, I will - I don't know what but it'll be unpleasant. Use your bloody hands."

Sirius chuckled then groaned as the movement caused his head to pound more. Mads smirked at the sound, her and Lily trading amused looks. Moony turned another page in his book, looking as if he'd not only had a restful night sleep but hadn't had a sip of alcohol. Bloody stupid werewolf.

A screeched sounded through the hall, followed by several more. Sirius, Worm, Prongs, Marlene, and Alice clamped their hands over their ears, several of them groaning from doing so. Mads's face turned pale as a tawny owl landed in front of Lily. Lily paid the bird and retrieved her Prophet like everyday.

"Lily," Mads said tightly. The redhead gazed at her with concern. "Let me see that." After a second, as if realizing she was being rude, she threw in, "Please."

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