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The next morning, after breakfast, I stumbled at the bottom of the dorm staircase and right into Remus. He caught me easily, letting me steady myself while giving me a playful smile. I hadn't even missed a step! I had literally tripped over air. Lord, I was getting clumsier by the day. At this rate, it would be a miracle if I didn't break my neck by Christmas. "Thanks."

"No problem." The sandy haired boy replied. He greeted the others behind me as we walked into the common room. "Did you lot decide to come down?"

He meant the Quidditch Pitch. The boys had wrangled Frank, a few Hufflepuffs, Kole, Nancy, and some other Ravenclaws into a scrimmage. Not all the participates were on the House teams, like Remus, but it seemed that everyone here had at least some Quidditch skills. I sighed, falling into step with him, my bag on my shoulder and Tux at my side. "Yes. Sirius guilted me into it so I guilted Lily and Mar into joining."

Alice was already down there, ready to play with the rest of them. I didn't even know she could play Quidditch. Remus smirked knowingly then quirked an eyebrow down at me. "Sure you don't want to try flying again? You know Pads would bail on the match if you did."

I squinted at him as we walked out the doors. "Did he ask you to ask me?"

The chuckle answered my question. Stupid boys. "He was worried you'd blame him for what happened if he brought it up again. Guilted me into asking you if you'd be up for flying."

"He's a little too charming for his own good, isn't he?" I muttered. We'd reached the pitch to see a few students flying already including Sirius. The charming boy winked at us as he went by, doing a dangerous and complicated somersault midair as he flew.

"You have no idea." Remus replied, shaking his head at Sirius showing off.

I left Remus to join the students playing and walked to Lily and Marlene who sat with Emmeline and Dorcas on the bleachers. Claiming the spot next to Lily, I pulled out my Transfiguration book, intent on reading up our last lesson since I'd fallen asleep in class.

I didn't last 10 minutes.

My attention kept getting drawn up towards the game. It was...exhilarating watching them fly. The balls went between players effortlessly, bouncing around the pitch between their arms. And they went so fast. I could barely keep up with how they moved and how they knew where to go. Every single one of them, even Peter, flew as if they'd been doing it since they could walk.

One player in particular was ungodly graceful.

Sirius was playing Chaser in this game, different than the position he played on the team. I hadn't seen him as a Beater yet but watching him was incredible. His movements were flawless, weaving around players, catching the Quaffle with just his fingertips. I'd ridden a broom with him so I knew that he was a skilled flyer but seeing it was a completely different story. My eyes couldn't tear themselves away from him.

"Careful there, you don't want him to see you drooling." Lily whispered to me. Startled, I quickly swiped my chin and felt the wetness there. Holy fuck I was actually drooling over Sirius. My face was on fire in seconds as Lily giggled next to me. Sirius and James, who'd been flying close by, turned at the sound and my blush deepened so hard that I knew it would be impossible for either of them not to see it.

James' eyebrow went up, confused over Lily's amusement, but Sirius - Sirius winked at me with a knowing look. God damn him. They were sucked back into the game, thankfully, which left me with a giggling Lily. I broke out in a sweat and, by habit, went to pull my hair up into a ponytail. It was unseasonably hot out here. Really.

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