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The day was subdued. Even Kettleburn seemed less enthusiastic than usual. The small bubble of protection from the outside world had been broken this morning and no one knew how to handle it.

"The Romanian Longhorn use their long and sparkly horns to gore and roast..." Kettleburn trailed off and stared out the window. The class traded concerned looks, unsure what to do. Sighing, the silver haired professor turned back to us. "I apologize. I'm unsettled by the events last night and it seems...inappropriate to talk about any type of death both natural and unnatural. Instead, I'd like to have an open discussion with all of you. Whether it's about creatures or about last night, I want all of you to know you can ask me anything."

He settled himself on top of his desk, both legs swinging slightly. Everyone traded glances again, a little thrown off by the turn class had taken. Hesitantly, I raised my hand. "Yes, Ms. Rose?"

"How are you feeling?" It seemed like such a small question but the look on Kettleburn's face showed how much it affected him. Exhaustion was evident in his eyes and the set of his shoulders.

"Tired, Ms. Rose. Tired of people who believe in something archaic and are too blinded by unfound hatred. How are you feeling, Ms. Rose?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

I bit my lip, thinking for a moment. How did I feel about this? "Upset that someone thought it was ok to do it. Sad for the people who are gone. I'm...scared. Scared for those I care about."

He nodded at my words. "Understandable. I won't dismiss your feelings about this. You should be scared. We all should. But we should also take time to learn about ourselves. Our feelings are what make us human. We should embrace them, the good and the bad. Outside of these walls, there are dangerous things happening. Enjoy the time with those here, embrace the life you have and don't push those feelings away, feel them. They are a part of you."

He fell silent, letting us contemplate his words. The students sitting here had no idea what was in store for them. Looking around, it hit me again how much I cared about these people. Not just from reading parts of their story but because of the time I've spent with them. Another hand rose and I turned to see James waiting for Kettleburn to call on him.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"I don't have a question, Professor. I just wanted to thank you." James said with sincerity. "You've been with us since first year and you've made every class memorable. I can't say that about every professor we've had -" A few laughs could be heard around the room. "but thank you for sharing your life with us and teaching us. I might not study dragons after Hogwarts -" Another round of laughs went around. "- but I hope I can inspire others the way you've inspired us."

Kettleburn looked down, taking a deep breath. When he looked back up at James, there were tears in his eyes. "You will, James. I know you will." Wiping his eyes, he waved us away. "Ok, out, the lot of you. Making me cry in my own bloody classroom, get your hooligan selves out of here."

As we walked out, a few of our classmates patted James on the shoulder. It was surprising though when Lily pulled James back to talk to him for a moment. We continued down the hall but being the nosy friends we are, we couldn't help stopping around the corner to spy on them.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Sirius whispered above me.

"Shut it, I can't hear." Marlene hissed.

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