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Around an hour after Mads had run off, Prongs and Lily left for their Prefect rounds. Sirius continued reading his book, almost finished with the time travel story he'd complained about to Mads. He had taken one of Prongs's books yesterday but ended up picking this one back up instead. Mads's interest in time travel made him interested in reading it more.

Merlin, he was a mess.

The story was too unbelievable though. Time travel had concrete, solid, unshakable rules. They all knew that. It was like the sky being blue or brooms flying.

Time travel was only possible with time turners. The traveler could only go back a maximum of 5 hours. And all travelers had to avoid their past selves or risk insanity.

Simple rules that everyone knew. He knew the books they were reading were fiction but it was difficult for him to enjoy the story when he knew that it was impossible.

The werewolf ones on the other hand...

Sirius shot a look at Moony who had his own book out. With the new wolfsbane potion discovery, there had been a flood of werewolf books in every bookshop even the Muggle ones a couple of years ago. And while not every aspect of werewolves in these books was true, Sirius knew some of them were and therefore found those books capturing his attention more than the time travel ones.

The pirate ones were probably his favorite though.

Moony stretched, ruffling his hair then placed a bookmark in his place. Sirius had given that to him for his last birthday, a thin wooden bookmark engraved with a crescent moon and his nickname. It was one of the simplest, cheapest gifts Sirius had ever bought in his life but Moony used it like it was the most precious item he owned and it warmed Sirius's chest seeing it being used now.

"Either of you up to raid Honeydukes?" Moony asked, meeting Sirius's eyes before glancing towards Wormtail. "I'm out of chocolate and -"

"It's your time of the month next week." Sirius replied snarkily. Moony shot an eyebrow up and gave him a look. "We know how to read a lunar chart, Moons."

"I'll go. I just finished my last box of Every Flavor Beans." Worm piped up, shutting his textbook quickly. Worm took every opportunity to avoid his schoolwork. It was a wonder he hadn't failed any of the years they'd been at Hogwarts. Moony turned back to Sirius, waiting for an answer.

"I'll wait here and let Prongs know where you wandered off to. Besides, I'm almost done with this rubbish." He replied, holding up the book in his hand.

Moony smirked at him, seeing straight through the paper thin excuse. "And wait for Mads to get back."

"I -"

"Come on, Worm." Moony stood, not even giving Sirius a chance to reply. With a flick of his wand, the Map flew from the stairwell into Moony's waiting hand. The tall werewolf ruffled Sirius's hair as he passed. Swatting the chuckling arsehole, Sirius scowled as he and Worm slipped out.

Sirius continued reading in the now empty common room. Despite his reluctance though, he fell partially into the story, only stopping two more times to roll his eyes at the dramatic plot line. Shaking his head slightly, he returned to the book in his hand, determined to finish it despite -

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