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Murmurs filtered into my ears. My right eye had a dull throb and I felt very cobwebby, much more so than normal. Groaning, I blinked open my eyes to see gray ones watching me carefully. "Morning, love."

I rubbed the sleepies away then opened my eyes again. I was in the hospital wing and -

"Told you she'd be fine, Pads."

Frowning, I looked to the voice at my feet. Jamie sat cross legged next to Tux, my feet lying between them. It was then that I realized Jamie and Sirius weren't the only ones there. Lily, Remus, Marlene, Alice, and Frank sat in chairs around me. "What's going on?"

"Poppy said we could wait for you to wake up." Jamie said cheerfully. A dark bruise shadowed his right eye. I didn't remember him having that before I fell asleep.

Remus scoffed. "You mean you annoyed Poppy until she let us in. I'm surprised she didn't give you a black eye to match the one Padfoot gave you."

I swung my head to Sirius who had the decency to look slightly ashamed. Clutching my head, I groaned softly at the fast movement. Damn, seems I wasn't 100% yet. Sirius shot up, at my side in an instant. "Do you need another pain potion? How many fingers am I holding up?"

Amused, I looked up at his worried face. "Three."

"The game finished an hour ago so we thought we'd join Lily and Remus on their shift." Marlene said, one leg thrown over the arm of her chair and the other tucked underneath her.

"Shift?" They couldn't mean -

"We've been taking shifts, waiting for you to wake up." Lily explained, giving me a small smile. "We didn't want you to wake up alone. Especially since someone caused you to end up here in the first place."

"I get it, Evans. I fucked up. She's fine though! Good as new!" James gestured to me, grinning madly when I gave him a look.

"I've got it!" A squeaky voice yelled. I turned to see Peter bursting through the doors then scramble over with a mug. He thrust the hot mug into my hands, panting. "Remus and Sirius sent me to get coffee."

"T-thanks, Peter." As grateful as I was for the coffee, I was completely thrown by the kind gesture. And by the crowd sitting around me. I could feel my throat closing and tears welling in my eyes, I stared at the coffee trying to calm myself down.

Sirius leaned in close, I could feel him by my right shoulder. "Love, does it hurt? Do you need -"

"N-no," I tried to say like a normal person but my voice turned into a sob. Two hands rubbed my back, one on either side of me and I couldn't help crying more. "I-I'm just - you all - you're all here."

"Of course we're here." Jamie said, resting a hand on my foot. I wiped away tears and looked over at him. "You needed us."

His words sent a fresh round of sobs through me. Remus saved my mug of coffee from my hand before I ended up spilling it all over myself.

"What have the lot of you done to my patient?" A sharp voice cut through the room. All nine heads whipped around to see Pomfrey storming over. "Out! I let you in here one time and you've managed to do exactly what I told you not to do!"

Chasing Time (sirius black)Where stories live. Discover now