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Sunlight was the first thing I was aware of the next morning. Pulling the comforter over my head, I burrowed deeper and sighed contently. I hadn't had sleep like this in...well, almost a month. Every part of me was sore, it felt like I'd gotten hit by a bus. Or a crushed by a giant snake. Rubbing the sleepies out of my eyes, I took a look at my watch in the darkness of my cocoon. 11:30 am.

Wow. It was a miracle no one had woken me up. I peeked out from the comforter to see the dorm was empty and -

Gasping, I sat up and reached for the beautiful gift on my nightstand. Coffee.

Gratefully, I took a deep sip and sighed. That was the best coffee I'd ever had and -

Another gasp escaped as I realized the mug had already refilled itself. Never ending coffee? Either I was dreaming or I needed to build a statue of the goddess that is Lily Evans.

I was slightly worried though. This day was already going too well. That didn't happen. Lily let me sleep in and gave me an endless amount of coffee.

Fuck. James must've done something.

Sighing, I took my mug to the bathroom and got ready for the afternoon. If Lily was trying to load me up with coffee, it was about to be one hell of a day.

I stumbled into the Hall halfway through lunch, still clutching my lifeline mug. Stopping in the doorway, I looked around suspiciously. What could James have done in the 16 hours since I last saw him? Surely it wasn't -

Good Lord.

My jaw actually dropped as I saw the contraption fixed above the entrance to the Great Hall. Similar to the House Point hourglasses out in the entrance way, there were two hourglasses filled with gems. The left one contained red stones with James' name affixed to it and the right -

Had my name on it. With pink stones.

I don't have anything against pink but I thought we had established that I liked purple. I'm pretty sure my eyes were bugging out of my head. He actually did it. Currently, we were tied and as I stood there, several students walked through the doors, turned, flicked their wands and I watched as another gem fell through one of the hourglasses. One Ravenclaw boy winked suggestively at me as he passed.

I wasn't awake enough for this.

Shaking my head, I headed down the Ravenclaw side instead of to my usual spot. My friends were having a conversation and hadn't noticed me yet so I set my mug down then wrapped my arms around Lily, clinging to her tightly. "Marry me."

"Good morning to you, too." She smirked, giving me a squeeze back. "I had a feeling you'd need more than one cup today."

"You are the most thoughtful, beautiful, kindest, -"

"Not another one." Sirius groaned, thunking his head on the table. He lifted it back up and gestured to James. "We finally got him to stop talking about Lily every second of the day. Now you're doing it. What is it with you Potters and your obsession with Lily?"

"She is perfect." I stated matter of factly. "She provides me with unlimited coffee. You're just mad because now I have a wife on the side."

Chasing Time (sirius black)Where stories live. Discover now