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Alarm rang!! Anokhi woke up and saw that she's late for her college and Trisha,Srishti already left. She got ready and ran towards college in rush but wasn't able to find out her classroom. She asked everyone but noone helped.One guy told her to go on left side but she reached boy's washroom that way. She was frustrated as was late and now she was about to miss her first class. Suddenly she saw a guy outside the washroom and called him for help. But as soon as the guy turned she recognized that he's Shaurya. Shaurya got shocked seeing Anokhi in his college.Both were going through mixed emotions seeing each other because of their first impression.But seeing other guys making fun of Anokhi outside the washroom Shaurya kept aside his issues and they both left together for their respective classrooms. With all the confusion in their minds they both finally reached their classroom and found out they're batchmates!!
ANOKHI's first day excitement was replaced with confusions.Shaurya also wasn't much happy. Finally,their class teacher introduced Anokhi to everyone and told that she's the topper so don't take her lightly.Shaurya was smiling listening to that cause he didn't considered her as his competition and already was confident that noone can be topper other than him. For all they both knew after that class was they've to tolerate each other and their impression towards each other is gonna have great impact on their journeys!!
After the class Anokhi met Aahir and told him that she met Shaurya and now he's her classmate.Aahir laughed as he knew it already and imagined ANOKHI's reaction.And they both walked towards Canteen.Anokhi was concerned about her survival in Delhi as she didn't had any money. But job after college hours wasn't a good idea as her studies would've got affected.So Trisha suggested her to work as a waitress in College Canteen
as she heard there's a vacancy in there and also her workplace wouldn't be that far so she can concentrate on her studies as well. Following Trisha's idea Anokhi finally found herself a job and was all set to be in Delhi forever!!
On the other side, Deep told Shaurya about Anokhi and his bond with her Hearing that Shaurya got upset seeing Anokhi in his college and wasn't really in favor of his Best Friend being Anokhi's brother. All he wanted was to stay away from her and now because of his Best friend he had to be a part of group Anokhi belongs.
Both Shaurya and Anokhi had an unexpected day and their life was about to take a 360 degree turn!!