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Are you Sure... Leaving ur house and living in another city you've never been earlier it's not an easy task,Sarla ANOKHI's Mother said.
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of shore. But like the sailor we must be willing to risk losing sight of the shore before crossing the ocean and to reach our dreams. I've faith on myself and I want you to have faith on me Mum,said Anokhi.
I do trust you Anokhi, that's the reason I'm letting you go so far cause I can visualize you completing your dreams....Go For it!!
With strong mindset and faith on herself, Anokhi left Bareily,a place where she spent 19 years of her life to Delhi,a totally stranger place.
She didn't informed her father and left secretly at night.That was the toughest task for her to hide something which isn't even wrong.
She was in dilemma. Aastha understood what she must be thinking so she consoled her and said I know it's hard for you to leave like this, But Remember success only comes through sacrifices and've no other way to reach your dreams so just give your 100% without thinking about the consequences.She handed over some money for ANOKHI's survival in Delhi and gave her the contact number of her husband Shan Sabharwal in case of emergency.
Finally Anokhi left im search of her dreams leaving all her doubts, problems on that Railway Station of Bareily and took one step forward towards her dreams in that train to Delhi.
Aahir was there waiting for her on Railway Station in Delhi. She finally reached and he greeted her. Although the city was strange for her but she had her bestfriend to rely on. On her way to Hostel, she got bumped to SHAURYA'S car. He was on his way to college and was already late. Seeing Anokhi infront of his car and stopping his way annoyed him and he asked him rudely to leave. Anokhi knew it was SHAURYA'S fault as he was driving very fast so she wasn't ready to leave without apology. But Shaurya denied apologizing. Both were stuck on their opinion and noone was ready to back off. In the end Aahir jumped in between and took Anokhi with him knowing that Shaurya Sabharwal is his batchmate and also son of the owner of SIAC.
That incident ended but Both Shaurya and Anokhi were not ready to forget it... And why not after all it was their First meet!!
Doesn't matter if it ended up in a bad way but Anokhi was all set to reach her destination.Her dream place SIAC and her heart's junction "SHAURYA".