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And It was the night before the Student Of The Year Written exam. Everyone was tensed and studying hard. It was night and Trisha brought book to the mess too. Yug laughed and said Anokhi has already made me learn everything,you guys are just too scared!!Everyone was shocked listening to Yug as he was the least studious guy and now because of Anokhi he was so confident about the exam. Trisha confronted Shaurya and told that If Anokhi made Yug study then it simply means you're gonna lose your topper position. Anokhi clarified that she's doing it for her scholarship not for some challenge But Shaurya was frustrated listening that and in his anger he did what he shouldn't have. It was dinner time that's why everyone gathered in Mess so mixed sleeping pills of him into Anokhi's food.
Next day, Everyone came into college but Anokhi wasn't there. Everyone was shocked seeing Anokhi didn't came. Only 15 mins were left for the exam and Anokhi was missing.Srishti said that maybe Anokhi hasn't prepared that's why she's not attending today's exam but Deep and Trisha knew this couldn't be the reason.Shaurya entered and asked why everyone are so tensed. Deep told him that Anokhi hasn't reached College yet. Shaurya knew the reason behind Anokhi's absence but couldn't confess and kept silent. Aahir after knowing this rushed towards the hostel but since he was a boy wasn't allowed to enter in girls hostel. So he climbed through the pipe and reached Anokhi's window.He saw her sleeping there and called her name several times but Anokhi wasn't waking up and Aahir realized something is wrong.He went inside and threw some water on her face and after several attempts she finally woke up. They rushed towards the exam hall after that.Shaurya was shocked seeing Anokhi there as he made all the arrangements to stop her giving the exam. After the exam,everyone asked Anokhi where was she but she didn't knew anything except for what Aahir told her. On the other side something unexpected happened in the exam hall. As usual,Srishti hadn't studied anything but Shiv helped her in cheating and gave her his answer sheet. Trisha saw that and asked Shiv about it. But the reason Shiv told was totally unexpected.I've gradually started feeling for her after what happened in Detention, and I can't see her struggling in exam. Trisha knew what kindof girl Srishti was and didn't wanted Shiv's Heart to break but shiv wasn't ready to listen anything against Srishti.
Shaurya was in guilt after what he did with Anokhi.He couldn't concentrate in his exam too and now was struggling making eye contact with himself so he decided to confess Anokhi about it.
Anokhi after knowing was shocked as she knew that Shaurya hated her but just because he didn't wanted to lose from Anokhi he could go to such extend was unbelievable!!
I really don't know the reason you hate me...but if you're doing this with me then definitely it's a very big reason.But Mr. Shaurya Sabharwal Just because of your stupid jealousy I'd have lost my chance to prove myself,for my scholarship and I won't spare you for that,said Anokhi. You didn't told me your reason to hate me, but you have my reason to hate you from now on...she further added.
That day two different emotions evolved in that exam hall... One was love and other was hatred.
The only difference was one is one-sided while other was from both sides!!