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Shaurya.... Shaurya dinner's ready!!
Where are youu... I'm waiting,asked Aastha.
Coming Ma just completing some paper work and will be there, replied Shaurya.
Ohhoo.. Your work will never completed....Come here first have food then go for other things.
Aastha held his hand and took him to the dinner table.
So what's up with you... Why are you here again, asked Aastha.
Come On Ma,can't I come to meet you, replied Shaurya.
Of course you can but you're here for 5th time in this month and it seems as if you're running from something and seeking some peace,asked Aastha.
That's right and that peace can only come near my Mother but if you don't like my arrival here then I won't come, said Shaurya making faces.
Such a dramaking you are...I've no issue with you coming here, replied Aastha pulling Shaurya's cheeks.
They were talking until got interrupted by Trisha's call.
I've to take this Ma otherwise she'll kill me,saying that Shaurya left to his room.
Trisha:Hellooo Mr. Busy how did you get the time to receive my call... I'm feeling prioritized!!
Shaurya:Stop taunting Trisha. You know I always pick up your call.
Trisha:Ohh Yeah such a big favor you do for me but Mr. Shaurya Sabharwal why couldn't you increased your favor by coming here on my birthday...I was waiting for you(angrily).
Shaurya:Trisha you know about my office right.We're working for this new project and also I've become a trustee of an International School so had to do some paperwork of there too... That's why I wasn't there but I sended you gifts!!
Trisha:Shut Up Shaurya you know I don't need your gifts I wanted you and not only you everyone of you on my birthday Alteast.Other days you guys always ignore my wish but this time too.
Shaurya:Then why are you scolding me only... Go and talk to others too!!
Trisha:Do you really think only you are this much obstinate...they're your friends they're like this too. Srishti is busy with her destination wedding arrangements,Yug is wandering somewhere in forest for his wildlife calendar, Shiv is no more interested in keeping contact,Deep sended me a card and flowers as formality and Anokhi last year she Atleast texted me but this year she didn't even bothered to wish me!!
Only Aahir was there with me here and we were waiting for you guys(with teary eyes)but because of your issues and egoes we're suffering.We haven't met Shaurya what's wrong with you guys!! Am I some glue to stick you guys together can't I expect a small thing from you but fine you might be busy I won't disturb you and hunged up the call.
Shaurya realized that he did wrong with Trisha but he couldn't do anything for it. From past two years he has just avoided public gatherings and kept himself busy with him work.The only person he's been in contact with is Trisha and he was feeling guilty for hurting her too.
After few mins,he started searching for some papers in his cupboard and found a paper in the corner. Reading what's written on it was the most painful thing he has gone through in these 2 years.
All the flashback came infront of his eyes.
How he misunderstood Anokhi about Yug and when he talked to Yug he told him the truth and also that she did withdrew her name from the nomination too but she wanted this to remain secret as he was more interested in becoming Student Union's Leader.
Listening to this he went to the hostel to talk to Anokhi but warden told him that she left with all her luggage and asked her to give this note to you.
It stated~
I know you dont want to listen anything from me but I'm sure knowing that I left you'll definitely read this!!
I'm glad that you decided to move forward with your thinking by taking off your name and putting forward mine from the nomination but it seems you're trying to move forward but still stuck with your roots and I agree it's not easy,It's not easy to change your 20 years old mentality in just a sec and I feel I'm the force that's pushing you to do something that you don't want to.I want you to believe something u actually feel is right and not because I want that and you want me,not because you wanted to prove it to me. And trust me I'll be the happiest person out there knowing that you turned Shaurya 2.0 but unfortunately it's gonna take time and we don't have that. Our relationship is going through the worst phase and you need to be calm to go further so I've decided to leave you from where we started with some reality and guess we aren't  destined to be together and our journey is ended here because of the stupidity we did and the choices we made.
I always want you to be happy never cry because of me!!
Just so you know I chose you Shaurya and not yug. iI never said yes to him and why would I...??
I love you and will always do.
Yours Forever
And after this Anokhi was lost in that world of darkness where Shaurya couldn't find her. He was all broken and guilty at that moment and went crazy.He had no clue what to do so he ran towards Aastha's guesthouse and as soon As she opened the door he hugged her cryingly.He wasn't ready to leave her as at that time he needed the comfort only her Mother can.He forgot all the differences at that moment and was sleeping in her lap like a small kid to get rid of his pain.
Anokhi did left him but gave him his Mother which he always craved for.

He was now a successful entrepreneur and a better human being but the fact that Anokhi has drifted apart from him had left a void inside him

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He was now a successful entrepreneur and a better human being but the fact that Anokhi has drifted apart from him had left a void inside him. Cause deep down he had a hope that he'll find her and then will tell her that We are destined to be together and you've no right to change the destiny❤