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You guys, after mid-terms we'll have one week vacations.we'll get to meet our family excitingly stated Srishti.
Yug:I'm not at all excited Srishti...As soon as I'll reach home my father will start taunting me.
I'm with Yug in this.I don't even have family to visit so I'll be here alone, said Anokhi.
Don't worry Anokhi,I'll bring besan laddoos for you said Trisha.
Deep:Yeah Anokhi!! Trisha's Mum makes the best laddoos in this world.Last year I didn't even got one as soon as she brought everyone snatched it from the box.
Anokhi realised she saw some laddoos in Trisha's cupboard and was about to say but Trisha stopped her. Anokhi was confused why Trisha is stopping her. But Trisha knew she has to distract them from this topic.
Guys, we have two days holidays from tomorrow,what have you thought about it,asked Trisha..
Of course we'll study for our mid-terms,told Anokhi.
Shut up Anokhi!! Midterms are two months away we have enough time to study for it but we should invest these holidays for our enjoyment suggested Srishti.
Shiv:Yeah cause we have Diwali vacations after that and then fest... We won't be able to enjoy.
But what are you guys planning asked Deep.
I think we should go on a roadtrip on the outskirts of Delhi. It's gonna be fun told Shaurya.
That's a great suggestion Shaurya,Trisha admired.
They all agreed to the plan and were all set for their trip.
Anokhi what happened Shaurya is getting involved in our friends trip, he never used to do that..what have you done to him,asked Trisha sarcastically.
Shut Up Trisha...what will I do...we rarely talk!!
Ohh so is that a gud thing or you're regretting that.Srishti asked in a teasing way.
Yeah... I saw that day the way you guys were dancing and there's a saying that 'When you meet the one who changes the way ur heart beats...you dance with them to another rhytm'.
Anokhi was not at all in mood to listen to their crap so she decided to divert their attention to something else.
Okay I'll tell you but before that you tell me Trisha For whom were you keeping those laddoos secretly in your locker??
Trisha mumbled and covered up saying I was hiding it from you guys!! Anokhi knew she's hiding something but if she'll strech this long she'll get involved in Shaurya's topic again.
So they all started packing for tomorrow's trip.
Next Morning,they all were ready for their outing and Shaurya was already waiting for them in his open jeep.
Everyone's here but where are these girls...why are they late, asked Shiv.
They might be applying makeup to hide their scary face,replied Yug.
We don't need make up to look good Yug, said Anokhi entering in their gossip zone.
After everyone arrived,they all left for their destination.
It was a sunny day and an open jeep. Everyone were grooving,screaming and enjoying the natural breeze.
Suddenly some boys started mocking the girls from their car.
I'm gonna punch them on their face, said Shiv.
No Shiv, don't get involved.They aren't good guys,just ignore them replied Deep.
But they didn't stop and started passing cheap comments for girls.
Anokhi couldn't tolerate their mockery,asked Deep to stop the car and slapped one of them.
Everyone was shocked and knew this isn't gonna end here but at that moment warned them about police and left from there.
Finally they reached the picnic spot and decided to put in their tents there.
Deep suggested to put up the tent first and then have supper that would allow them to sit down and eat with a peaceful mind. They assumed it to be an easy task that wouldn't take time but fixing the hoops into the sockets was a tough task.
Shaurya standing in the middle, taking it from Yug and passing it onto Shiv who was standing by the stern.
Shaurya bungled it and got completely rolled into it. He also let it roll over Yug and they both got entangled in it. Seeing Anokhi waiting at the other end and doing nothing to help them annoyed Shaurya and he threw some mud on her. She was already irritated with Shaurya so she left ignoring him. After an hour,the tent was fixed.
The next task was to cook something.Trisha boiled water in a kettle and Anokhi,Srishti cooked Maggi in it and had their supper in dead silence.
It was a glorious night.The moon haf sunk and left the quiet earth alone with the stars.After having such a nice meal their quarrelsome mood was soon forgotten.Deep wondered why they couldn't be like that always and have peaceful lives. All of them went to bed but they realized they've only got two tents and there were eight of them. So Shaurya and Aahir decided to sleep in the jeep but there was a doubt related to the third person and finally Anokhi slept there as Srishti and Yug were already sleeping in the tents.
Seeing Anokhi sleeping next to him was unexpected thing for Shaurya but he was all lost seeing her sleeping peacefully.He noticed she's feeling cold so he put in his jacket over her.

It was the First time they both were in same note and were close although they never wanted to

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It was the First time they both were in same note and were close although they never wanted to...