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It's been a while since Shaurya and Anokhi were dating.It was a serious relationship they were in and also long distance for a while when he visited Delhi for some weeks.That trip was important as his family was searching a suitable bride for him but he told them about Anokhi and was now her knight in shining armour.
Everything was going good unless Anokhi crashed Shaurya's cabin unexpectedly one day.
Shaurya~you here in my Cabin....How do you know that I'm back from Delhi??
Anokhi~I know I shouldn't have  come here but the Matter was really important and personal and you were not picking up the call so I had to.
Shaurya~what's so important...ohh are you in mood to romance...not Bad and I'm not at all surprised as we're meeting after 3 weeks but don't you think this place isn't that safe to do problem I'm ready babes!!
(shaurya pulled her towards him)
Anokhi~Shut Up Shaurya(pushing him away) I'm here to talk something important and you're being funny.
Shaurya~Ok fine what's the issue that you had to come here so impulsively.
Anokhi~I'm late
Shaurya~where were you going
Anokhi~Shaurya (annoyingly)I mean I'm two weeks late for my periods and i guess that's an indication of me being pregnant!!
Shaurya was numb and stunned. He didn't expected this!!
Anokhi called him several times but he wasn't in his senses. come this happen I mean we used the protection right??
Anokhi~Yeah but they're only 97% effective so it's possible!!
Shaurya~What(shockingly)they should put that on the box.
Anokhi~They do Shaurya.
Shaurya~They do??? Then how come I didnt see it!!
Anokhi~Shaurya we're here to talk about my pregnacy not about condom's accuracy.I came here to reduce my stress and you're increasing it. I know you're freaking out but this doesn't give you the right to behave stupid.
And seeing you behaving so immature I guess I should give you some space but tonight as we planned our New Year Dinner.I'll wait for you and do bring test kit if you can(hesitantly).
Shaurya was finally coming into his senses and realized how immature he sounded talking to Anokhi and to make it up he went to buy something apart from test kit.
Here Anokhi was dying with stress as she wasn't ready for this responsibility.They had just sorted their issues and she wanted to spend some time with him and also they aren't married yet... How will people react knowing that I'm pregnant!!
She entangled herself in those thoughts and heard a bell before she could continue with her imaginations.
Ahh.. It's you,she took a sight of relief seeing Shaurya.
I haven't seen you this happy seeing me ever, he replied sarcastically.
Shut up, where's the test kit, she asked impulsively.
Ohh... So you aren't happy seeing me.Fine that's your kit, he replied annoyingly.
But she wasn't in mood to mess with him unless she saw he gave him the gift box instead of test kit.
What's this Shaurya.. I asked you for test kit and you've brought this, she asked angrily.
I've brought that too but first see this one, he replied smilingly.
She was stunned unboxing it as it was diamond ring inside it. She held her head but Shaurya wasn't there instead he was on his knees and bowed his head down.
Will you be Mrs. Anokhi Shaurya Sabharwal,he asked confidently.
Umm...Why are you asking this now Shaurya,she asked curiously.
Cause I want you to know that the result of this test doesn't matter for me anyhow.I know Anokhi what you must be thinking about this whole pregnancy.
Thought 1~How'll I manage this responsibility....Will I be a good mother??
Thought 2~What will society say that I got pregnant before their confirmation which is marriage.
And this one's a reply for both of your thoughts.It's not only your responsibility to be a good mother, it's mine too to be with you as a good father and I'd love to pamper my cutoo Anokhi doing pregnancy,would love to handle your mood swings and after birth I'd love to be awake with you to make our kid sleep whole night.
Also I don't want you to think that I'm marrying you because you're carrying my child...I'm marrying you cause I Love you and this good news should be a token of love not the burden of stress of society.
Now here's your test kit and ring... Choose wisely,he asked.
She was smiling seeing this version of him and proud too that he's with her anyway.
I chose both,she replied proudly.
They were eagerly waiting for the result to come and had multiple thoughts of how will they behave as a parent in those two minutes but all got buried in the grave of reality as the test was Negative.
They both got dissapointed and had teary eyes as they badly wanted this to be positive.
How can I cry over something I never had, said Anokhi.
Shaurya decided to cheer her up by taking up a bold step of calling their friends.Yes,the Friends they lost contact with,the friend who might behave unhappy seeing them. Still It was New Year and he did wanted to start afresh.
Ohh Wow, finally you guys remembered me, said Trisha sarcastically.
Who are these guys,I don't know them, said Srishti.
Stop taunting me Srishti, replied Anokhi.
Ohh Hii...How are you feeling talking to us Sir, I'm grateful for your appointment,said Deep.
No Deep don't be grateful...bow your head infront of them for remembering us, said Aahir.
I'm in Jungle you wanna see gorilla, exclaimed Yug.
We're already seeing one on screen, said Shiv.
Guys ,Guys...If you're done with your taunting session we've an exciting news to share with you on New Year,said Shaurya.
We're getting married this month and this call is an order for you guys to be here at any cost, Anokhi replied.
Wow... So you've even decided to get married and didn't told me. Why to inform this now you should've told us on wedding day, said Trisha.
Stop pouring petrol on fire Trisha, said Shaurya.
We've decided it now and you guys are the ones we're sharing first cause we knew we became assholes for not being in contact with you guys because of our issues but now we want everything like before cause Friends are Family.
And as soon as they realized thier Chit-chat session was started. The fear they had when they called about the treatment they'll recieve turned wrong and they realized true friendships are not dependent on frequent depends on the bond you share and they were feeling grateful to share the biggest news of their life to the people who were a part of their journey from Shaurya and Anokhi to Shakhi❤❤