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Anokhi was in guilt realising what she actually did Cause now she got to know the actual reason behind the negative approach of him towards career-oriented women. She more than sympathetic was in zone to hold him in embrace to make him feel that she's there for him.
She wiped her tears and ran towards the hotel room. It was Eleven at night and she was desperate to meet him as he was leaving for Delhi tomorrow morning.
She asked the receptionist for his room number but she didn't allow her to go inside as it'll be intruding for their client's privacy.
But Anokhi knew if she won't meet him now she'll regret it forever.this one's the last chance to get back Shaurya in her life as she already lost one chance two years ago leaving him. But the fact that she isn't getting to meet him was the reality.She was losing hope until she saw one light on of room on first floor.She saw upwards and Shaurya was roaming in his room reading some book. She was on Cloud seven seeing him. Her feeling resembles with the person who found water in desert after searching for hours.
She got her destination but the issue now was to reach there. She ran towards the hotel lobby and begged them to let her meet him as now she knows the Room Number too.
Seeing her requesting tons of times they finally agreed.
But she took a break and went towards the hotel's room and asked to cook something.
On the other side Shaurya was fuming with anger that how can he fall for someone who doesn't care about her emotions.
He was struggling with this thoughts unless his door bell rang.
He saw Anokhi infront of him. He wasn't expecting her to be there.
Shaurya:What are you doing here Anokhi.It's too late to be out.
Anokhi:I need to talk to you Shaurya.
Shaurya:But I don't think We should. It's not good for your safety you should leave.
Anokhi took forward her fingers on his lips and asked him to keep quiet.
A...A...Anokhi...what are you doing,Shaurya hesitantly asked Anokhi.
She holded his hand and moved forward.Suddenly,her fingers were replaced by the tender touch of her lips.She kissed him on his hand and moved upward.
He removed his hand and turned his back. But she ran towards him and hugged her back. She was not at all in mood to leave him. But he was furious so he shouted Anokhi, what's wrong with you...Earlier you were not interested in me and now you're trying to get closer to me???
I'm sorryyy....I'm really very Sorry Shaurya.I know what I did was wrong but I guess we were both wrong in
Our places. We both didn't realize that Love isn't that easy to work on. We've to past all the obstacles to be with each other.I'm sorry I didn't understood your Point of View and left you.But I won't repeat that...I'll hold you unless you'll forgive me.
She was in tears and Shaurya was did trying to move apart from her but he couldn't.He turned around and saw her teary eyes.her angelic face was too hard to resist.
He wiped her tears, holded her cheeks and kissed on her forehead.her hair were all messy and were covering her face so he tucked them behind my ears smilingly.
She understood that he is atleast ready to listen to her. She went towards the door and took a box with herself which she brought from the hotel's kitchen. Shaurya was smiling seeing what's inside it.

Remember,how we started our friendship with Shaurya's special Sandwich

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Remember,how we started our friendship with Shaurya's special Sandwich...this one's to start our new journey of togetherness and this time I won't leave you even if you'll ask me too. He was smiling seeing Anokhi's behaving so childish. She made him have one slice of sandwich by her own hands and then just kept them aside.
Shaurya was confused thinking what is she gonna do. But he realized it's too late and asked her to drop.
But Anokhi was not at all in mood to leave.She has already decided to be with Shaurya as he was leaving tomorrow.

She has already decided to be with Shaurya as he was leaving tomorrow

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Anokhi took his hand and slowly placed it on the curve of her waist.She then moved forward and was so close to him that she can hear his manly breath and heartbeat going faster. He wasn't ready for this treatment but was enjoying every bit of it. His hands explored each part of her sculpted body as if he was massaging him.
He paused for a moment and thought he might going further....she went backwards and unhooked her dress.He realized what she wanted and pulled her towards him and smirked.
What's your intention Anokhi, asked Shaurya in his husky yet desirable voice.
Anokhi smiled sarcastically and answered,As if you don't know Mr. Shaurya Sabharwal...I want you to get close to me so that all I can see is you, All I can feel is you... Guess this is how you taught me when we had it first time Master!!
Shaurya smiled and rubbed his nose into hers. He trailed his fingers down her neck and stopped beneath her collarbone.
As you wish, Mistress, replied cunningly. Unable to take anymore,Anokhi grabbed his collar and placed her lips.He held her tight enough while kissing her crazy. Shaurya took her towards the bed while smothering her with kisses all over.
Rubbing his fingers on the erected peaks he made her moan with pleasure,till when she couldn't take it anymore.
I need you more closer Shaurya, saying that Anokhi took off the only filter she had on her body.
Shaurya was stunned. Is she the same girl I once told everything to do and now she's dominating me.
He rubbed her legs and made her giggle for a while. Then he moved towards her neck and did some tickling with his fingers followed by burying his face on the curve of her neck. Climbing on his lap, she placed herself on the right position and pressed his hands tightly on her waist.This time she was dominating Shaurya unlike the time they had.
She kept her eyes close until Shaurya asked her to open so that he can feel her when he get inside her. When he opened them, he felt aroused. As he thrusted inside her Anokhi felt as if her heart would burst,strange titilating sensations almost made her move in a rhytm. She entangled her fingers into his thick mane. 
It was the moment they both waited for two years although they wanted to but couldn't.He slept next to her and they shared an eyelock. It was the feeling of reaching to their destination.
I love you Anokhi,saying that he came closer and kissed her on tip of her nose.
She blushingly replied back, I love you too Shaurya.
He caressed her Red cheeks with tender touch of his hands and replied, that's probably the first time we confessed to each other and that too officially!!
Mmm... Not bad Mistress,he smiled.
She gave a confused yet satisfied reaction and they found comfort in each other's arms for the rest of the night.