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Everyone was scared and nervous at the same time as it was the time for the announcement of Student Of The Year Round~1 Results!!
Trisha:What do you guys think who will be selected from our group as only 20 students are gonna get selected for Round~2
Anokhi:I really don't know,I just gave exam as it was scholarship for the winner for whole year and I'm really in need.
Aahir:I really don't care about it though,it's just an ordinary exam and Round~2 is of dancing so I'm out of this!!
Shiv:Yeah,Aahir must be praying that he shouldn't be selected.
Deep:He's not wrong even i think the same, dancing isn't our cup of tea.
Srishti was standing there quietly and that was something different and maybe a matter of concern.Anokhi went to her to know if there's anything wrong but Srishti ran away from the auditorium.
Shaurya arrived and Anokhi was expecting a better equation with him after what he did for her last night but he ignored her and stood beside Deep.
This guy is just impossible to understand,said Anokhi.
Tej Sabharwal arrived and was ready to announce the top 20.
Gradually he announced and Trisha, Deep, Aahir,Shiv and Srishti were selected.But the main curiosity was for Top 3 as both Shaurya and Anokhi's names weren't called till now.
And the topper this year is someone unexpected for you guys, a girl who entered lately in our institute and still managed to cover all the syllabus and is the topper~Ms.Anokhi Bhalla.
Everyone was happy and hugged Anokhi on her achievement.
But Shaurya was stunned as he was expecting his name.He wasn't ready to lose the challenge and to lose from Anokhi~a girl!!
He without saying anything left from the place and Anokhi noticed that. She went towards him to calm him down but Shaurya wasn't ready to listen anything.
Are you happy now,I was the one who won the competition last year after so much of hardwork and now Ms.Anokhi Bhalla who joined just few months ago is now a topper,said Shaurya.
Anokhi:What do you mean by this Shaurya,didn't I  worked hard for this,did I not deserve this just because I entered few months late.
Is that my fault???
Shaurya:Ohh please...Stop victimizing yourself now... What you wanted you got now leave and don't irritate me!!
You won the challenge,Congratulations!!
Anokhi:I know you're angry but don't blame me for your loss okayy!!
I didn't challenged you, It was you and I just did it for my scholarship otherwise I'm not even interested in these competitions!!
Anokhi tried alot to convince Shaurya but he was not at all ready to listen to her.
Although she knew Shaurya was just being unreasonable but because of what he did for her last night she was not in mood to argue with him so she left.
Where's Shaurya.. Asked Deep.
Yug:Don't you know where he could be, I'm pretty sure he couldn't digest his loss and he left...must be crying in corner after brokage of his over-confidence!!
Anokhi asked Yug to keep quiet and told Deep to be with him as he's not in his senses currently!!
You've been here since afternoon Shaurya, Badi Maa is trying to call you but you aren't receiving her call too... What's wrong with you, it's just a competition,asked Deep.
For you it might be a competition but for me it was my chance to prove that I'm better than that Anokhi.I wanted to prove that Aastha Sabharwal and my Dad whose priority is Anokhi and was never their son,replied Shaurya.
On the other side, Trisha and Anokhi didn't found Srishti in room. It was 9 pm and she wasn't in hostel was a concern of her security.
Suddenly while searching for her Anokhi heard someone's crying from washroom.She went inside and was shocked to see Srishti crying out there.
She asked Srishti what's wrong but instead of replying Srishti hugged her tightly and cried more loudly.
Anokhi was shocked to see her in that condition as she never expected her like this. After a while Srishti told her that her boyfriend is asking for sexual favors from her and if she won't agree he'll post her intimate pictures on internet.
I told you earlier that he isn't a good guy but you didn't listened to me said Anokhi.
But don't worry it's not too late either we'll fight against him he can't do this to you,I'm with you and crying isn't the solution...she further said.
Listening to that Srishti was in guilt as she never respected Anokhi and always insulted her and now she's the only one standing with her...
That day ego took the backseat over reality with Shaurya and Srishti...