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It was late night and sleepless too. All were desperately waiting for Anokhi to get conscious as doctor said she's out of danger zone. Shaurya was recklessly out of his mind.he was walking here and there, thinking about the last words he told to her which were way too harsh and was blaming himself.
Trisha:What are you doing Shaurya from past two hours I've been observing you... Now stop it!!
Shaurya:I can't Trisha Atleast not till that moment Anokhi wakes up and will tell me to not do so.
Trisha:Fine but because of this you're stressing yourself too much. I guess you should go outside and get some fresh air for a while.when she'll wake up I'll call you!!
Shaurya:I guess you're right. I'll be right back.
Shaurya was out and was really upset before he saw a sweet little girl selling roses.She was requesting everyone to buy one but no-one was in mood maybe not the right time.
But Shaurya couldn't see her sad face so he decided to buy some but the issue next was to what should he do with those roses.
The Salesgirl:Bheiya!!why are you so tensed. Aren't you happy with the roses.
Shaurya:No it's not like that I'm just confused what to do with them now.
Salesgirl:Well Roses are symbol of love so you should give it to your girlfriend or to someone you love!!
Shaurya was surprised listening to such small girl talking all of this stuff but the very first person came into his mind to gift that rose was Anokhi!!
So he sent those roses through nurse for her.

 Salesgirl:Well Roses are symbol of love so you should give it to your girlfriend or to someone you love!! Shaurya was surprised listening to such small girl talking all of this stuff but the very first person came into his mind to gift that rose ...

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Anokhi finally retained her consciousness and was feeling a little dizzy.
After having some water she came into her senses and asked Nurse if she's fine currently or not.
You're okay now and these roses will make you feel much better i guess, replied Nurse.
Roses... But who sent them, curiously asked Anokhi.
That guy outside who's literally dying since the moment you're admitted here.In these 6 hours he asked if you're fine or not 100 times and he only brought them for you. I must say you're really lucky to have such caring boyfriend,stated nurse.
Anokhi was shocked listening to all those things about Shaurya and the rose was cherry on the cake at that moment!!
Did he really did all this for me... Really for Me!!
For Anokhi Bhalla, the girl he hates the most... How's that even possible,Anokhi questioned herself but felt special a bit too and was continuously feeling those rose petals.

 How's that even possible,Anokhi questioned herself but felt special a bit too and was continuously feeling those rose petals

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On the Other side, Shiv brought some tea for everyone as all of them were there since last night and didn't ate Anything.
And afterwards Srishti went to meet Anokhi. And she saw Shiv is already there and after he left she panicked as
seeing Shiv Srishti  realized what else happened in that roadtrip especially with her.
"Shiv proposed me"....how can I forget that,she screamed.
She was so impulsive that she blabbered everything infront of Anokhi and she was as usual shocked.
Anokhi:So that's the reason you were running crazily in the forest...and why didn't you told me this at that time...were you waiting for my accident for this beautiful good news!!
Shut Up Anokhi...why'd you think that...i was not in that zone to explain anything to you.. Stated Srishti.
Fine but I guess you should talk to Shiv about this rather than me, suggested Anokhi.
You're right I need to talk to him about this before he could hope for something,she further stated.
She holded his hands and took him outside to talk.
Shiv:What happened Srishti,why'd you brought me here??
Srishti:Listen Shiv... I know you like me but I want you to know that i only consider you as my very good friend.I never thought that way and Honestly speaking i don't even want to after what happened with Anmol. I just want to remain single...not with you, not with anyone!!
Shiv:Do you really think I was expecting an answer.the way you ran it was already seen that your answer is NO. But I've realized its not because of me it's because of the fear you have for love and I promise i will throw away that fear inside you after that I don't know if you'll change your decision or not but Atleast i won't regret!!
Their lovestory went on another track after that... But we'll  continue further for now we'll jump again into Shaurya and Anokhi❤
So Anokhi was back in her hostel after getting discharged from hospital.and was observing Trisha's behavior from many days and finally she got her chance to question her.
What's going on with you Trisha... You hid those laddoos from everyone and gave it to Bhaii and now you lied to me that you're busy and was helping him with his project,questioned Anokhi.
Trisha:I love Deep!! and it's not happening now.I love him since an year and also for your knowledge I did confessed about my feelings but he politely rejected my proposal saying he has a burden of responsibilites of his family as he's a middle class guy and his father is no more.
Anokhi was stunned listening to that... What's happening guys?? First Shiv and Srishti and now you too!!
Is this College or some love novel,she asked.
Trisha:Shut Up Anokhi!! Love isn't so funny and i don't expect anything from his side but just because he doesn't love me I can't take back my feelings. That's how love works. You care for each other,you crave for each other but still never confess cause hints are enough.
Listening to Trisha's words Anokhi went into her side of imagination of what Shaurya did for her... Is that too Love??

But what if it's not from his side

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But what if it's not from his side.. Stop thinking nonsense Anokhi,struggling from her thoughts she slept.
But Shaurya also wasn't less confused.
Shaurya was lost in his thoughts as what he did for her he never did earlier.
Is that for Anokhi or I would've done it for Anyone??
Noo!! It's about that one girl...that gets under my skin in a way that makes me feel worst than naked.in a way that makes me question most of the things I believe in.
In a way that despite everything.It feels right❤❤

These foreign feelings

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These foreign feelings... Those butterflies everytime they're around each other...The answer very well known to their heart...
They indeed were falling for each other... Falling in love for the first time❤❤❤