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It was Diwali week and Everyone were leaving for their hometowns to celebrate it with their families and the saddest person listening to this was Anokhi.She was seeing people packing bags, getting excited to meet their loved ones are here she was alone in the hostel.
Trisha:I really don't want to leave you here alone Anokhi...I'm feeling really guilty.
Anokhi:Have you lost it, why are you feeling guilty if I don't have good relationship with my family.
Srishti:Seriously yrr I'm really not in mood to leave...I'm gonna stay here in hostel with you and we'll celebrate Diwali together.
Anokhi:Shut Up You Guys...It's a really auspicious occasion and it's your good luck that you're getting to celebrate it with your family so don't regret because of me... Now stop being senty and leave before I change my mind!!
Everyone was leaving and Anokhi was bidding goodbye with a heavy heart.Yug Specially came to hostel to say bye and after all left she was sitting in her room alone with teary eyes.
Suddenly she got a notification of Shaurya stating that Come Outside.
She ran outside hurriedly and saw Shaurya standing there. She was Surprised seeing him there and asked the reason of his arrival.
I thought you might be getting bored here so why not accompany you,told Shaurya.
But how does such great idea came into your mind Mr. Shaurya Sabharwal,curiously asked Anokhi.
I know the feeling of being lonely Anokhi and after what happened yesterday night I can't risk you leaving alone and let you cry and also After Diwali we have our Prelims so why not use this time in studying and For your kind information I'm a good study partner, replied Shaurya.
Anokhi was surprised listening to that but a little happy too as she's not gonna be alone now.
She brought her books outside as Shaurya wasn't allowed inside Girl's Hostel.
They were studying consciously until Shaurya told her that he's hungry and Anokhi was numb as Canteen was close for next three days cause no one was there in hostel and she also had tea and biscuits in the morning which she was hesitating to offer Shaurya.
What are you thinking I'm not asking food from you.I know Mess is closed that's why I brought Shaurya special for our lunch...Do you wanna try, asked Shaurya.
Anokhi was eager to know what's Shaurya Special. Shaurya brought a box with him and asked Anokhi for a plate.

Seeing such cute food items Anokhi was happy as hell

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Seeing such cute food items Anokhi was happy as was heart shaped Sandwich,star shaped salad and some grapes too.
It was the best time she was spending with Shaurya where they were studying together, enjoying together and were happy together.
She never expected herself to enjoy being with a guy she used to fight with but Destiny had other plans.
Shaurya got his Diwali gift as he was spending time with the love of his life~Anokhi and was actually outside the hostel most of the time in those three days.
One night Anokhi just messaged him that she wanna have Panipuri and he went to a restaurant and made them cook it specially for her and was standing outside at 11PM night.
Anokhi was shocked getting so much of attention.She never expected someone could actually do that for her. The feelings she kept in dark were slowly coming out and Shaurya was just waiting for the right time to confess.
He was studying with her and was actually feeling currents everytime she came close to her even to borrow pen... He was daydreaming moments with her.

Finally vacations were over and when everyone was expecting Anokhi's holidays to be the boring one she was actually happy and was keeping a secret it from all of them but Trisha saw SHAURYA'S pen while unpacking in Anokhi's room

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Finally vacations were over and when everyone was expecting Anokhi's holidays to be the boring one she was actually happy and was keeping a secret it from all of them but Trisha saw SHAURYA'S pen while unpacking in Anokhi's room.
Trisha:Anokhi what's Shaurya's pen doing here... If I'm not wrong this is his lucky pen and he used to always keep it with him and never shared with any of us then how it's here??
Anokhi:Mm...Actually Me and Shaurya we were studying throughout the vacation so it might have come with me
Trisha:Ohh so that was the reason your vacations were nice... MmHmm I'm getting what you guys are trying to do.... Go On(teasingly)
Anokhi was actually now blushing listening to that but left for her Exam instead of answering.
In exam hall she saw a guy cheating and complained about him but he put all the blame on her to save himself.
Since he was trustee's son everybody believed him and decided to restigate Anokhi.
She was sitting outside Principal's office crying and feeling hopeless.
Everyone were consoling her but Shaurya was fuming with anger seeing tears in her eyes. He went inside the Principal's office.
Bade Papa, Anokhi is innocent and Ritik was the one cheating in exam hall, confidently told Shaurya.
But how are you so sure Shaurya,asked Tej Sabharwal,The Chairman.
Cause I trust her Bade Papa.she'll never do such thing and If you want proof just check CCTV Footage,replied Shaurya.

Seeing the footage Ritik was found guilty and Anokhi was proved innocent and it was all because of Shaurya

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Seeing the footage Ritik was found guilty and Anokhi was proved innocent and it was all because of Shaurya.
Anokhi was shocked seeing such transformation in Shaurya as he was the one who gave her sleeping pills to stop her from giving the exam and now he's the one who's fighting for her.
For once she hated that guy and now she was falling for the same guy. Earlier she was worried about Shaurya's feeling but now she was confident that Atleast she's falling for him and he's her soulmate,rest doe doesn't matter....