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It was the day for final round of Student Of The Year~The Cycling.
Trisha, Deep, Shiv,Shaurya and Anokhi were the finalists and the competition was amongst them.
I'm sure Anokhi, you'll win this cause you've always used cycle as your transport so you're most knowledgeable than all of us,said Srishti.
Anokhi:Don't underestimate yourself guys. Cycling on a daily basis and cycling in competition are two different things and you've all practised so hard so it's not easy.
They were continuing with this discussion but got interrupted by Aastha's call.
'Wish you All the very Best Anokhi.I know you'll win this and will make your mother and Aastha Mam proud,said Aastha.
Thank You so much mam.I was a bit nervous but after your call I'm feeling relieved,replied Anokhi.
Trisha:Your Aastha Mam is so inspiring Anokhi. She never miss any chance of motivating you.
Anokhi:I know. If you'll meet her you'll definitely love her.
Trisha:I wish I could but I can see her Atleast.Do you have any picture of her.
Anokhi:Yeah I do.
Trisha was stunned seeing the picture.
Trisha:Anokhi is she your Aastha Mam..?
Anokhi:Yeah but why are you asking this.
Trisha:Because she's Aastha Sabharwal.Shaurya's mother and Shan Sabharwal's wife.
Anokhi was shocked listening to that as she didn't expected such relationships.
Trisha and Anokhi left for the ground but Anokhi couldn't forget about this.
She saw Shaurya there and realized the reason why he used to hate her,why he used to bring Aastha Mam in their conversations.
In all her confusions, it was the time of the race.
She was not at all ready at that moment but had no choice.
Race started and all five of them were driiving really fast. In the start they all were at same note. After a while, Deep and Shaurya were in the race for first position.
Anokhi, Anokhi!! What are you doing?? This is a race,you're not cycling usually.Why so slow,asked Trisha.
Anokhi came into her senses listening to that and started driving fast. They were coming close towards the finishing point and Shaurya was far behind Anokhi. It was looking obvious that Anokhi will win.
But just before the finishing line Anokhi applied emergency brakes and fell down and Shaurya won.
It was unexpected as Anokhi was the clear winner.
Shaurya also got confused as he knew Anokhi did that intentionally.
After the prize distribution he came to meet her.
Shaurya:Why did you do that Anokhi...why did you lost when you were winning??
Anokhi:I didn't do that intentionally and I guess you won cause you deserve it!!
Shaurya:Oh Please!!I know that very well. You did that because your so called Aastha Mam asked you to do,she was the statue of greatness and she made you like that too!!
Anokhi:No Shaurya why would she do it. Infact today only I got to know that she's your mother.
Shaurya:Ohh Wow!!So that's why as a symbol of sympathy you lost and made me a winner. Are you crazy!!
Do you really think I wanted to win like this.. I didn't wanted to win I wanted you to lose but you snatched my that chance too. Everyone in college know that you lost intentionally and now they'll make fun of me. Happy Now!!that's what you and your Aastha Mam wanted.
Anokhi:No Shaurya.you're taking that in wrong way. I agree I lost intentionally but only because I know that you need this win desperately.I only wanted good marks in Round ~1 as it was a part of Mid terms but this isn't that important for me as it was for you.
Anokhi explained everything but Shaurya was in no mood to listen.
Next day Shaurya didn't came to college and everyone were searching for him as it was his Birthday!!
Trisha:Do you have any idea Anokhi,why didn't he came today.
Deep:He never come to college on his birthday.he always want to spend this day alone.
Shiv:He might used to do that cause he had noone to celebrate with but now we're all his friends and we won't leave him alone on this auspicious day.
Yug:Yeah!!We'll Surprise him today by getting involved in his happiness.
Anokhi was in no mood to be a part of it as Shaurya was Angry with her for no reason but after Trisha insisted she baked cake from Canteen and came with them. Shaurya was surprised seeing all of them as he never expected someone to do that for him.

He loved the cake and asked who brought him and knowing it was Anokhi he was surprised more

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He loved the cake and asked who brought him and knowing it was Anokhi he was surprised more.

Anokhi saw him aggressively and didn't wished him

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Anokhi saw him aggressively and didn't wished him. Shaurya realized that he might overreacted yesterday and he should apologize.
I'm sorry Anokhi and thanks for the cake....He stated and left.
Anokhi:Is this the way to Say sorry. Is he apologizing or ordering me. Stupid!!
But they were finally on that phase where they were not believing in judgements towards each other and were heading on towards genuine bonding.... ❤❤