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Trisha:What's wrong with you Anokhi...Why are you in college you should've rested more.
Anokhi:No Trisha I'm feeling good now and from past two days I'm resting only... Now I'm fed up with resting!!
Trisha:You're just've every reason to defend yourself.
Anokhi:Yeah and you're worst at it. You've only one reason to defend~LOVE.
Trisha:See that's the reason I wasn't telling you this... I knew you won't understand.and That's acceptable too afterall how could a person who has never fell in love can understand its beauty.
Anokhi:It's not like that Trisha.I understand what you're saying it's just all this is so complicated I really feel bad for you cause after what you told me even Bhai isn't wrong. And I can't see you both struggling with your feelings knowing that you want to be with each other.
Trisha:It's okayy Anokhi,incomplete lovestories have other level charm.
But if you're so into completing stories then why can't you complete yours.
Anokhi:What... What are you talking about??
Trisha:I'm talking about you and Shaurya my girl!! After what he did for you in the forest it's quite evident that he's in love with you. Why can't you go and say Yes to him(sarcastically)
Anokhi:Stop Joking Trisha. It's impossible.what he did for me was for humanity and he could've did it for anyone.
And Anokhi' knew if she'll stay there for long Trisha will drive her crazy with her questions so she left.
But Trisha wasn't in mood to stop.
You're just seeing that he saved you but I saw how he saved you Anokhi. The way he behaved after that I witnessed everything and not from the forest incident when you were stuck in that library then too he came all the way from his house runningly just to be there for you and I know this is definitely gonna go somewhere,told Trisha but Anokhi wasn't in mood to listen to all that as she wasn't aware of her feelings and Shaurya's behavior earlier was stopping her from doing that.

But Shaurya was aware of what's evolving in his heart... Of his soft corner for Anokhi but didn't knew who to tell about it and get clarity.
He went to talk to his Badi Maa as she only understood her according to him.
But when he reached home he saw a heated argument happening between Badi Maa and his father, Shan.
Badi Maa:I'm shocked Shan.I mean you still meet Aastha!! The woman who destroyed yours and your Son's life and left you guys alone when you needed her.
Shan:She had a reason to leave Bhabhi so stop bringing her departure in between and I meet her cause I really like her company.
Badi Maa:Your company is gonna affect Shaurya's life.she's just seeking ways to enter into his life through you.
Shan:She doesn't need way to enter his son's life Bhabhi. She left his right doesn't mean it's yours so stop behaving as if in all the World you care about Shaurya the most cause you prefer your so called pride prior first!!
Shaurya heard all the conversation and realised firstly it's not the right time to talk about his feelings for Anokhi and secondly he's falling for Aastha Kashyap's student...this is really shocking realisation for him and was struggling with his thoughts he left at night driving really fast and suddenly hit on a girl.
Ohh Hello!! Have you lost it..Why are you walking in the middle of the road...Do you really wanna die???,shouted Shaurya.
But the girl was standing there like a statue and wasn't responding so he held her hand and turned her around and was surprised seeing it's Anokhi.

He saw tears in her eyes and was already melted there

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He saw tears in her eyes and was already melted there. He asked her the reason why is she in tears and walking alone on road late night.
But she kept quite and didn't answered.
Shockingly, she hugged him and started crying bursting her heart out.
Shaurya was shocked seeing her in such condition he never expected.
After lot of questioning Anokhi finally answered.
I called my elder sister and she told me that My family has come to meet her here.
I couldn't stop myself going there to meet them and was expecting they'll feel happy seeing their daughter after months but my father First ignored my presence there and then after I myself went there to talk he pushed me back.
He told me he has only one daughter and I'm dead for him. I'm a sin for him and he would've done some bad doings to receive a daughter like me...It would be nicer if he would've killed me before I was born.
Anokhi told all this cryingly.
She was shattered listening to all those words from her own father.
What have I done to receive all this...Do I deserve such treatment just because I chose to study, my dreams over his marriage condition!!
She asked Shaurya and he was numb listening to that. He didn't knew how to answer that.
No...No Anokhi you haven't done anything wrong... Stop blaming yourself and have some water.
After that he decided to drop her in his car as she wasn't in right condition that time.

After she left inside hostel he actually thought standing Outside that what he thought about her earlier was so wrong

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After she left inside hostel he actually thought standing Outside that what he thought about her earlier was so wrong.she's here for her dreams and I used to make fun of that...How intolerable I was and still she never victimized herself and never told all this instead she kept on fighting for her respect.
Thinking that he decided not to confess his feelings to Anokhi currently and to be with her as a friend for now as she really needs one and didn't want her to feel sympathetic recieving my confession right after this and what if this is just attraction she'll be really hurt if I'll backoff after awhile and he can't see her cry again.
I should first be sure by myself then only I'll think about this... And struggling with his thoughts he left from the hostel....for his journey to not only be Anokhi's lover but Soulmate❤❤