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What!!!! Are you serious???
You met Anokhi, excitingly asked Trisha.
Yes I did but I'm not really happy with this, replied Shaurya.
But Why...I mean this is what you wanted right. Your heart was craving for this only from past two years,asked Trisha.
Ofcourse I wanted this and I'm happy with this but I can't deny the fact that she doesn't feel the same for me or even if she feels she doesn't wanna admit, hopelessly replied Shaurya.
Ufff you guys...Listen Shaurya do you really think Anokhi can forget you so easily and even if she did when she left you she was madly in love with you then too she decided to leave this simply means she's too strong to hide her emotions and this time it's our duty to make her realize that she can love someone rather than behaving childish just like her,told Trisha.
I know and  I want the same.honestly I tried doing that too but she's not ready to admit. I told her that I've a girlfriend so that Atleast with jealousy she'll confess but NO!!
Ms. Anokhi Bhalla has to be Great Wall of China, sarcastically replied Shaurya.
Okayy... So if you've did this take this drama further and if I know her well she'll definitely confess,suggested Trisha.
Listening to her Shaurya got his lost hope and decided to make Anokhi jealous.
Since then he came to school everyday,he made Anokhi his coordinator for knowing School's regulations and behaved quite professionally.
What's wrong with him...from past 3 days I've been tolerating this. He call me for work and then get busy in texting his girlfriend,furiously thought Anokhi.
She wasn't liking it but was controlling herself to confess that.
Since Shaurya was talking to his girlfriend on call Anokhi was bursting out her anger by talking to herself.
Shaurya:Yeah...Yeah Babes I'm having food.. What about you? shameless this guy is... I mean seriously how could he talk to his girlfriend infront of me.
Shaurya:Yeah Yeah... Now I'm a bit busy.We've to hang up the call. Now cut it!!
Anokhi:(relieved taking deep breaths)Finally!!
Shaurya:No you cut it!!
Anokhi:What the hell... If she's not hanging up why can't he... Why is he behaving so childish.
Shaurya:No babes you cut it...I can't cut your call.
Anokhi:It's been five minutes since they're trying to hang up but not... If he won't hang up in next ten seconds I'll kill him.
Shaurya:Noo you cut it!!
Anokhi fuming with anger took Shaurys's phone from his hand and cut it.
Anokhi:Have you lost it... This is workplace and you're here doing this drama... If you wanna talk to your girlfriend then go to your hotel room and talk don't waste my time. I've my classes to attend.
After Anokhi left he was shocked seeing her fuming with anger but in next second he laughed like anything.Afterall this is what he wanted.He wanted Anokhi to realize his worth,her rights and she was somehow on that track.
This was going on right track unless Shaurya got a call that Badi Maa wanted to meet him urgently.He couldn't say NO to her and also he was with Aastha before coming here so he wanted to make it up to her.
Shaurya:(on call) Plzz see to it I want the flight urgently.
Anokhi:Are you going somewhere??
Shaurya:Yeah...I've to fly back to Delhi urgently tomorrow Morning.Although I wanted to leave today only but flight isn't unavailable.
Anokhi:(curiously) But Why... I mean you've just come and you're not even fully aware with the school so I guess you should stay.
Shaurya:Why not...If I'm not wrong I've done every paper work and also saw the school fully So I had to leave in next 1-2 days but now if Badi Ma want me tomorrow it's good.
Anokhi:Yeah.....Okayyy if it's urgent then you should.
Shaurya:What happened Anokhi... Why do you want me to stay cause more than me you know that all my work is done here then why are you stopping me..?
Anokhi:NO...I'm not stopping you it's just I thought you were leaving after two days then why so early otherwise no issues.
Shaurya was frustrated seeing Anokhi's pale face and still the urge to leave Shaurya. Although he wanted her to confess that's why he put in whole efforts but it seemed everything went into vain. So he bursted out.
Shaurya:Are you really a human Anokhi...No seriously I wanna know!!
Are you for real??
Anokhi was shocked seeing Shaurya's such face. It was red fuming with anger and she hasn't seen him such way ever. So she remain silent.This annoyed Shaurya more.
For god sake, say something Anokhi... Here I'm dying with the thought of leaving you. I really don't want to leave you but it seems you're happy with this only I guess that's the reason you left me two years ago.
And here I'm mad for you. Honestly two years ago I used to think that I don't deserve you and that was right too somewhere but now it feels you don't deserve me. Cause you dont even wanna put in effort to be with me although I know deep down you wanted too. I agree what I did with you was wrong. I was imposing my choices over you, I misjudged you and I got enough punishment for it,you left me.. But for a good cause to change me and I'm grateful for you but now you're yourself destroying your chance to be with me.
Everyone in my life decide for me except for me. My mother left me when I was four... I agree she had to because of the circumstances but the victim was me Anokhi. I was the one who cried for her everyday,who craved for her everytime though it wasn't her fault but still I suffered.
But you can't understand how does it feels when you've everything yet nothing.My father was in pain of losing my mother so he also didn't paid attention on me. But you can't understand the feeling of not being loved by your own parents.The unconditional love of parents we talked about I never got...Was that my fault??
And when I found you, I found home Anokhi. I felt that I can also be loved,someone can love me that's why the fear of losing you was so big that I mistreated you. But today I've realized you don't even have that too. Fine!! You don't care about my feelings I don't care about yours too. Break my heart,several times,it was yours anyway.

 Break my heart,several times,it was yours anyway

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Shaurya was in tears... He poured his heart out.He said what he wanted to in all these years though in anger but to someone he always wanted to, he had trust that she'll understand him,his pain but unfortunately she was also involved in the pain he was going through.
He left for his hotel and Anokhi was numb standing there....