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It was raining heavily.Classes were ended but most of the students remained in College only as it wasn't safe going out and many roads were jammed because of heavy rain and floods.
Trisha:Everyone are staying here in college today, I'm not in mood to leave it now.
Yug:Yeah,it's gonna be so much fun since everyone will be here tonight.
Shiv and Anokhi weren't in favor of staying there but since Srishti also decided to stay in college Shiv agreed too.
Anokhi had no other option so she also stayed with them. Whereas Deep made Shaurya also stay with them. It was 7 pm and everyone was hungry so Trisha suggested that Since Anokhi works in Canteen she shoulf cook something.Anokhi told them that she isn't pro at Cooking but Trisha and Deep offered her help and all three of them made some tea and pakoras as it was a rainy day. Everyone was enjoying the weather and also staying in college but Shaurya and Anokhi weren't liking it as they both were not interested in seeing each other's faces.
It was a different atmosphere other than usual one that day. Many students were there late night and were dancing, singing, playing games and enjoying sleepover.
Since all were busy talking to each other Anokhi felt alone so she went towards library to read some books.Shaurya was also getting bored so he decided to leave.
After an hour, Deep noticed that Anokhi isn't there with them. They all got scared and started searching for her. But noone knew that she's in library.
Shaurya messaged Deep asking if he went back to home or not but Deep replied that they're not able to see Anokhi, she's missing!!
Listening to that Shaurya ran towards the college.Meanwhile,Library's door was jammed because of rain and Anokhi was stuck inside the library.She left her phone too in canteen and was calling everyone from inside but since library was on another floor noone was able to listen to her. Deep was searching for Anokhi in hostel, Suddenly he saw Shaurya there. He was shocked as Shaurya already left the college an hour ago and the differences he had with her it wasn't expected for him to come and search for her. But at that time it was important to seek Anokhi than thinking about Shaurya's appearance so they started searching for her. When Shaurya didn't found Anokhi there he got worried.Suddenly he remembered that Anokhi was talking to Trisha about the book she wants to issue from library in the evening.So he ran towards the library and started screaming Anokhi's name. Anokhi was feeling helpless as she called everyone but noone heard her so she was crying in the corner.
Fortunately,she heard Shaurya's voice and answered him back. Shaurya reached the library and tried opening the door but it wasn't opening evsn after several attempts.So he decided to go inside from the window but it was locked.He brought a wooden stick and broke the window.
Seeing Shaurya Anokhi got emotional and hugged him.That time she forgot everything and was just seeking comfort in that hold.

After a while everyone came and helped Anokhi coming out the trauma she went through in those two hours as she had claustrophobia.
Anokhi was constantly crying and Trisha was consolating her. Shaurya brought some water and After drinking that Anokhi felt better.
Deep suggested to take Anokhi back to hostel as she needs rest. Everyone left but that day it was something different from Shaurys's side. He kept aside the differences he had with her and did something without thinking about any repercussions. Anokhi also felt strange and thankful at the same time seeing Shaurya's gestures. She was leaving but was constantly looking back and Shaurya was also looking towards her. That day they had a different perspective towards each other and also came close emotionally....One step closer to become #ShaKhi❤