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It's been a month since Anokhi was a part of SIAC.She was happily enjoying her studies, her friendships, her life currently!!
One day,Surprisingly,Shan arrived in SIAC which shouldn't be surprising but since he never showed up in years it was!!
Shaurya was happy seeing his father coming back to normal life and getting indulged in work and was expecting that he's doing it for him.
Everyone was goofing around as it was free lecture.Suddenly,Shan called Anokhi in his office.
Anokhi didn't knew the reason behind it still she went there. Shan greeted her politely and asked if she's happy in SIAC or not. Anokhi replied,It was my motive always to be a part of SIAC, not being happy here isn't even applicable in my case.Aastha told me about you, ur achievements and your potential too that's the reason i came here especially to meet you,said Shan. Anokhi was happy and feeling special at the same time but had a doubt too so asked if he has any special connection with Aastha as she also told Anokhi when she was leaving Bareily that Shan will be there to help you. Shan understood that Anokhi don't know about his relationship with Aastha so he said she's his very good friend.Shaurya was listening everything standing outside the door as he came to meet his father but listening to what Shan said he got angry.Afterall he was expecting his father came to college after years to meet him,for his happiness and knowing that he came to meet Anokhi disappointed him.His hatred with Anokhi increased much more after this.
Bell rang and everybody reached college auditorium for annnoucement. Tej Sabharwal Chairman of SIAC announced about Student of the year Contest and asked everyone interested to register.Since Anokhi was new she asked about it from Trisha and others,for what Shiv replied it's a contest to judge overall ability of a student in three rounds and then awarding the winner with the tag of 'Student Of The Year'.
First It'll be written exam,then dance competition and then finally sports activities in time span of four months.Anokhi was excited as it was something new for her to explore and also she was good at all the things Shiv explained.Trisha told her that last year it was Shaurya who won this tag,contradicted this Shaurya said this year also I'll be the one!!
Seeing Shaurya's overconfidence Yug stated that this year won't be easy cause Anokhi is also a strong contender and she'll give you tough competition but Shaurya was already angry about what happened in the morning so he challenged Anokhi that she isn't capable of winning as she has no knowledge,she's here cause Shan referred her!!
Anokhi wasn't much interested in competition but listening Shaurya question her abilities she accepted the challenge....And it was now Shaurya V/s Anokhi in the battlefield!!
Whose side are you...??